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Awards We've Won and Awards You Can Win!

Well, as you have already been able to decipher, (cause you're all extremly smart!) this section is where you can see the awards we've won, and the awards you can apply for! To apply for one of our awards, simply email your site name, URL, awards you want, and your name. We'll look over the site thourougly before making the final decision. Enjoy and good luck!

These are the awards we've won!

These were awarded to us by Jenny over at Mishiru's Sakura Card Quest

This was awarded to us by Mike over at Micheal's CardCaptors

This was awarded to us by Takeshi Sugiyama at Anime Kawaii Awards

This was awarded to us by The Final Judgment. Go check out what they wrote for us too! We earned 8 out of 10 stars.

More Coming Soon


This is when we hit 10000 hits on March 10, 2001!                                                          This is when we hit 20000 hits on April 23, 2001

This is when we hit 30000 hits on June 17, 2001!

These are the awards you can win!

Coming Soon

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