Hello! This is the place to be if you're wondering if something that happened between Li and Sakura, was really a romantic moment! We even have some of the not so romantic moments, because they're important too. ^_^
Sakura's dream (premonition of a possible boyfriend?) ^_^
Li staring at her when he is first introduced (might not be a moment, but he is still staring at her!)
During the Thunder Card fight, he helps her out by telling her which card to use
Also during the fight, Li throws his arm out in front of Sakura when Raiju approaches them
Li stares at Sakura for a few moments before leaving the classroom
The two argue over the dumbest things before class starts, like about Li's robes. (Hey, a lot of couples seem to do that!)
Li saves her before she is hit by Rita's sword when the card possesses her
At the end, when Sakura gives Julian a present, Li interrupts and starts to say something, but then stops and runs away
Once again, Li stares at her. This time he does it in Music Class during the 2nd music test
When Sakura and Madison mention the bandage on his nose, he gets totally embarrased, then quickly changes the subject
When Sakura is frozen by time, Li breaks through the window and saves her
Sakura is shocked when she realizes Li backed her up when he stopped time from escaping
When Sakura is in the Tug-of-War with Power, Li freezes time with the Time Card, then pulled the rope out of Powers hands, then disappears.
Li lets Sakura take the credit for the capture
He then says to himself "You'll need more strength than that Sakura . . ." in a worried tone
When heading down to her teacher's cabin. Li approaches her from behind and places his hand on her shoulder
The chat between the two on the beach
When she mentions that she doesn't need Li, he runs off (possibly from disapointment? you be the judge)
Li does his best to calm Sakura down when she's convinced there's a ghost around when everyone starts disappearing
Sakura cries out when Li starts disappearing, because she doesn't want him to leave her all alone
Li helps her get enough courage to approach the shrine and seal the Erase Card
After sealing it, Sakura hands the card to Li, saying she couldn't have captured it without him. He's totally shocked of course
Li says he can get his own and that he doesn't need her help, but then he leaves and comes back, commenting that he has to cross the river. (looks like he needs her help after all eh? hahahaha)
In the end, she mentions she's not in competition with him. If you look very very closely, you can see just a hint of blush
An overall observation, but in this episode, Li doesn't put down Sakura at all! He's nice to her the entire time!
At the beginning, when Li walks in majorly bummed out, Sakura becomes curious and worried
During the battle with the Fight Card, Sakura is very concerned when Li gets hurt
Li's obviously not too thrilled when Meilin is practically all over him through the episode
Li blushes when he sees Sakura, so he disappears before she skates over to his previous location
At the rink, Li pushes Sakura away from Freeze MANY times!
Sakura gets knocked out and her limps become frozen over. Li smashes at the ice to free her, then lifts her up and shakes her awake. (he sounded soooo worried!)
At the end, Li blushes at Sakura AGAIN, causing him to fall on his butt on the ice!
Before Sakura runs off to look, she spots Li and goes over to him to see if he can help her out.
Sakura tells Li to get on the staff so they can search for Meilin. However, he gets embarrased and only climbs on after Kero teases him about being afraid of heights.
Sakura is very worried about Li when he's attacked by Shot.
At the end of the episode, when Li and Sakura help Meilin up, he secretly thanks her calmly. Very sweet.
Once again, Li tells her which card to use. (mainly cause shes stuck in the snow)
Li saves Sakura from the Snow Card's powers.
Heeheehee, Li's embarrased to ride the staff with Sakura, AGAIN. How kawaii!
When Sakura gets angry and uses the Firey Card, Li is impressed.
He tries top comfort her when she mourns over the loss of her watch
Before Miss Mackenzie appears, Li jumps in from of Sakura to protect her.
No moments because this is Japanese episode #3, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
Li and Sakura working together again to fight the Clow Card.
When Li is carrying the lunch, Sakura offers to carry it instead. He says he can handle it however.
Li jumps in front of Sakura (and Madison) when the Earthy Card makes it appearence
Li warns Sakura to be careful around Miss Mackenzie after she and Kero were talking about Sakura's final judgment
Sakura asks Li for his advice on the final card
In the flashback for the Dream Card, he's got his arm wrapped around her shoulders. (awwwww!)
As well in the flashback, Sakura rushes to his side when he collapses from using the Time Card
When Sakura screams out after Kero pops out of her backpack, Li and Madison look in to see if she's okay.
Li rushes over to her when the Earth Card attacks
Li stutters at first, but manages to tell her to be careful before she flies off after the Earth Card
Sakura once again asks him for his knowledge (this time about Yue)
When Li faces Yue and he gets hurt, she tries to rush to him to help
Li warns her to be careful when dealing with Yue
Li tries to use an Ofuda to help her in her battle against Yue, but Keroberos stops him
Li screams "NO!" before Sakura loses her memory
During the short sequence at the school, Li glances at her before returning to the soccer game
They're glad to see each other after the judgment
Sakura and Li spin each other around after she completes her judgment (just like little kids)
When Li falls, Sakura asks if he's okay. He says yes, which shocks her
Li smiles at her which makes her smile too
No moments because this is Japanese episode #1, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
No moments because this is Japanese episode #2, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
No moments because this is Japanese episode #4, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
No moments because this is Japanese episode #5, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
No moments because this is Japanese episode #6, and Li arrives in Japanese episode #8.
Only one hint really, and that's when Sakura and the others leave the gallery, Li is seeing watching her from the top of the building.
Li didn't seem to appear in this episode, although according to the jap. episode guide he's in Reidenton. Oh well.
This one was cute. As Sakura tries to enter a study space at the library, Li bumps into her and both try to enter before the other, but they move at the same time.
Li tries to save Sakura before she falls into the river, after Move is captured. (he didn't succeed though, they both fell in.)
On their way home, Li offers to lend her the book as he is almost done. He then invites Sakura and Madison over so Sakura can change out of her wet clothes.
Li didn't seem to appear in this episode, although according to the jap. episode guide he's in Reidenton. Oh well.
Li offers her a bowl of strawberries. (well, it's different in the jap. version but this is the dub. lol)
A general observation: Li blushes a lot at Sakura in this episode.
Their parts of course! (despite the obvious reversal)
Li ONCE AGAIN warns Sakura to be careful around Miss Mackenzie.
Sakura asks Li to rehearse with her the next morning before school.
Li saves Sakura from Sand
THEY'RE HUGGING! THAT IS KAWAII! (pic coming soon)
Sakura is extremely worried when Li falls into the sand.
When the card is sealed, both grab it and become totally embarrased because their fingers touched or something.
Sakura gives him the card to repay his kindness when he gave her the Cloud Card a while ago.
Another cute moment! Li pushes Sakura away right before she kisses him in the play
When Dark first appears, he tries to warn her about the card. (he disappears before telling her too much tho.)
Sakura once again asking Li stuff. This time she asks if he wants to join her and the others (Madison, Tori, and Julian) for lunch.
Li won't let Sakura beat him in the race (probably cause he doesn't wanna seem less superior. Oh well, Sakura would have won even if he hadn't tripped at the end.)
Li looked very worried when Sakura walked into the classroom with her fever, then again when Madison took her to the office!
Li saves Sakura with his Wind Ofuda.
Of course, Li tells her how much of a fool she is to come out when she's sick. (but it must be cause he cares, only people who care do that.)
When Li recieves the Cloud Card, he gives it to Sakura because he admires her determination to come out in her condition.
He makes sure she gets home safely! SOOOO KAWAII!!
Sakura and Li act like Serena and Darien did in Sailor Moon during the early episodes (and look how those two ended up ^_^ )
Li always helps her by saying which cards to use
Li saves Sakura half the time, then Sakura saves Li the other half
He's never thrilled when Meilin is around