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Thank you for writing Nelvana.

Certain aspects of the show were changed in the USA to fit in with guidelines as set down for children's programming by the Federal Communications Commission, as well as the broadcaster's standards.

Kids' WB! (the broadcaster) has strong editorial powers in regard to the broadcast of the show. We license the rights to them, but they are free to broadcast as they see fit, trusting in their experience in broadcasting to do justice to the show. This includes combining episodes. That is also why the episodes differ from country to country, different broadcasters have different objectives with the show

Lastly, in most cases, when a show is moved from one culture to another it is versioned. Versioning consists of changing places and names to be more familiar and removing writing that is not the same (Sakura's last name is Gauthier in France and Quebec!). Sometimes names are changed because of cultural differences. Madison is a girl's name, though it may be less common where you live. It also has the same number of syllables as Tomoya, so it fits with the lip synch

Another example would be that in Japan (like most cultures of the far east), it is considered very rude to use a person's first name unless you are very good friends and they list first name last and last name first. In North America, it is considered mildly rude to do the opposite. So in order to fit with the lip animation, Li's name was reversed. But it was a minor error on our part re: robes

Nelvana Limited