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CCNC (CardCaptors News Central)

06-27-2003(Aozora-Miyako)- HEYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! long time no see poeple!! this summer i'll try to put my heart back in CCS (i'm sure i will). We have a new afilliate: Dragon xx Blazer, which looks pretty kool! i'm going tostart summaries again, too. i wish i could manga scans on, but this isn't really my computer ( its my parent) so i cant use too much room. but i will summerize them so dont worry! i know we, the CCSquad havent updated much, but we have all been pretty busy, but i will put great effort in re-acti.......(bringing this site back on it's feet)over the summer i'm hoping it will change! Ja!

05-02-03(Aozora-Miyako)- hey! I added a part to my name. My name now is Aozora-Miyako Shuki. Sorry bout the long no update but, we've all been busy. have fun!

05/10/02(Aozora)- HIYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! It's a year that I've been on the CCSquad!Ja ne!

05/10/02(Medatsu)-Yo! it's my Birthday today! me gone now

09/19/02(Medatsu)-Yo! i'm going to tell you that me funny wacky and crazy,the full package so don't hesitate to tell me your lame jokes or riddles.(i'm also very nice.) Me Out!

09/08/02(Aozora)- Hey guys!! Me just found out that every Saturday has 1 hour of CC. Saturdays and 4:00 and 4:30 p.m.. Enjoy!!! Also, I added the link to Mahou no Tenso(Time Magic) up. only the character page is though. See ya!

09/05/02(Aozora)- Hey, Guys! IT'S AOZORA-CHAN'S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09/02/02(Souzou)- Just an annoucement to the Canadian viewers because I was looking at my TV guide. Looks like Cardcaptors is officially gone from Teletoon, because it was located no where on the guides.

02/09/02(Aozora)- Hey! Guys, we have a new member. But she dosen't have a name yet. So she'll be here soon. She's a close friend of mine.    Souzou, i'm ready to talk to you. when ever     

31/08-02(Aozora)- Hey, guys! As you've notised the poster on the main page, Souzou, Kurai and Reikon gave the site to me. I will................. be the CCSquad Leader. It will be hard for me to do this, but the girls will be there to help me if i need help.
Girls, i'm taking the responsibility. ALL MUST ENCOURAGE AOZORA!!!!!!!!!! As a person, i'm usually a follower, so being leader will be a challenge for me. Well, wish me luck. Bye!

08/26/02(Aozora)- HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOO AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for 1 month and a 1/2 of no update but we ran out of storage space, we FINALY cleared some space. Something must've happened because Angelfire took some of our storage. Anyway, I'm writing this story called Time Magic. It's about 5 teens from different periods of time. Souzou REALLY likes it. Well see you later!

07/09/02(Aozora)- WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!* jumos in excitement* I got my first Anelic Layer manga, I also got CCS #3. No, I haven't started to read them but it's tempting. I'm feeling much better. I kinda busted my knee last night. I trip over a soccer ball. *lol* i'm writting episode 5 of Future Frenzy. Bye bye!

07/04/02(Aozora)- Cough, cough! Yes, I'm sick again! Anyway, my province is.............*let's see 2002-1608=........394 years old(thats old)*. I still haven't gotten any ideas for my next chapter of my fic. On Tuesday, I officially got my first sunburn OF MY LIFE*if you're woundering*. Well, ja ne, minna-san

7/01/02(Souzou) Happy Canada Day! 135 years old! WHEEEEEEEEEE! My home province is around that old too because it's one of the 1st 4 provinces to form this country! YATTA! BTW, we're looking for affiliates again so if you're interested then please give us a shout. Our email is down . . .so leave a message in the guestbook and someone will write back. *glares at Hissori, Reikon, Kurai and Kokkei* You four, get your butts to work! Lol. Ja ne!

6/28/01(Souzou)- On June 26th of the year 2002, something big happened to me. This happening is one of the biggest staples as of this date in my life. Wanna know what it is? I GRADUATED!! *holds up her diploma* I'm officially done high school with a 78% average in all my courses this year. ^-^ Now onto college life to study animation. ^-^ YATTA!!!

6/25/01(Souzou)- I added a link to a contest CCSquad is part of, joining up with Micheal's Cardcaptors and Sakura Heart to form "The Heart Squad"! ^-^ Wish us luck, hope we can win! Ja ne!

6/24/02(Aozora)- HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUEBEC!!!!!!!!!!!*throws champain and banners around the Squad* Anywhoo, i know that I made you a promis, I'm sorry i couldn't keep it but I'll work really hard you'll see. Bye!

6/21/02(Souzou)- Ladies and Gentlemen! I have a grand announcement to make! After MONTHS of being interrupted by the real world and struggling with annoying programs and constant repairs and quick fix up jobs to my computer, I have finally returned to work! Where's the proof you ask? Well, head on over to the screencaps section and you'll see a brand new link for the screenshots of "The Show Must Go On" with the Voice Card! YATTA!!! Ja ne minna-san!

6/16/02(Aozora)- Hey! I'm short on ideas for my next episode, if you guys have any ideas, I'm opened to your suggestions. Remember, the title is called "Thinking out Loud">My email I hope you guys send me good ideas. Thanks again. Bye bye!

6/15/02(Aozora)- Hey! finished Episode 4 of CCS:Future Frenzy. See you later!

5/21/02(Aozora)- OK! I know I haven't done much, but i have a concert comming up this week, then I'l be studiing for exams. BUT, i have a couple of CCS:Future Frenzy Eps are comming soon, and I promise you all that by mid-june, i'llwant to have 4 summaries and 4 CCS:FF eps up, err- make that five. This summer , I'll be working hard on the site. Oh, by the way, I took the same test as Souzou, *lol* I'm in the same group as her. "ain't that wierd" I'll be seeing you guys later.
Did you guys notice, it's only been me and Souzou updating for like a month or so. * Aozora calls to Hissori, Kurai, Kokkei and Reikon="ARE YOU GUYS STILL ALIVE??"*

5/21/02(Souzou)- Life and screenshots never seem to get along well enough for me to sort them out and work on them without imterruptions. I've been planning my prom dress lately, it's gonna be so pretty. When it's finished, I shall take a picture maybe and show all of the CCSquad. ^-^ Anywho, here's another quiz! I'm very happy with THESE results:


You are meant to be in V6! Someone took their prozac this morning!

take the what Johnny's band are you meant for? quiz!

V6 rocks! See ya!

5/13/02(Aozora)- I'm gonna kill my computer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's been jamming aloty lately. OMG! I can't wait to get a new one! anyway, I'm sick and dehydrated, so no new eps for a while. see you guys later!

5/10/02(Souzou)- Still working at the screenshots . . .but I'm getting less and less time, especially with my graduation plans next month. Wow, I'm almost finished school . . .anywho, took more quizzes. Check out the results:

Take the Which Utada Hikaru Song Are you? Quiz!

Monou Fuuma
Formerly kind and a good friend, you've become a rather twisted person, with a love for blood and tears. But that's okay, because you're far more interesting, and your sadistic personality leads to loads of yaoi fun. You've also got a soft side, and occasionally decide to show it. Being able to sense people's wishes comes in handy too. You're generally pretty easy going, despite being a very obvious teenage sadist.

Take the "Which Dragon Of Earth Are You!" test!
by Maduin & Kira

what adjective are you?
quiz by maikamariel

4/28/02(Kurai)- Well, what can I say? I'm bored out of my mind. Hehe. I took a gender test at and... it think's I'm a guy. Infact, it's 80% sure I'm a guy.... 8mutters under her breath*.Oh, also took Kokkei's personality test and I'm neutral.

Find your emotion!

21/04/02(Aozora)- Hey! I put the link back on but no episodes were added, though. Soon, they will come! Bye!

20/04/02(Aozora)- AAAAAAAAHHHGGG!!!!!!!!!!!! I DON'T LIKE EARTHQUAKES!!!!!!!!!!! Yes all over Quebec and a bit in Ontario there was an earthquake. It happened at 6;52 a.m. (precised, no?). It was about 1 minute. IT WAS SCARY! In other news, French TeleToon is showing new CCS episode, there really kool. see you later!

4/12/02(Kokkei) Whoo... *coughs and blows away at the cobwebs and dust covering her news section* Golly, I haven't been here in a while, have I? *gets a broom and starts sweeping up. Well, I prolly won't be still. This is just a spur of the moment thing. I won't be able to get anything up until Summer... possibly. If life's good. But I can post my quisshes! I was the one who did all those quizzes that they have there, no da. ^^ And I've got a new sqeeze, too. Taiyou, da plant man.

Taiyou: I'm not a plant man.
Kokkei: Sure you are. And you're so adorable at what you do. *hugs onto him*
Taiyou: *smiles a little*
Kokkei: Taiyou's from Souzou's MIST site. You should go read her fics. The chapters maybe almost super-long, but it'll be worth it.
Taiyou: What she said. Hey! You can't water my hair! >_<
Kokkei: *giggles* Yer shoooo cute!
Taiyou: *sighs and gives up, smiling* Thanks.

Find your emotion!

Who are YOU most like?

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

I took the "Insane Fan Girl" selector here! Take it and see which
friend of Pixy Teri you are..or if you're her herself! ^.^
Made by: Pixy Teri. Take it too!

You are 70% evil!

Hey, you're pretty damn evil.
You've been out partying way more
than once, and you're quite the little
devil, but I guess you've still got somegood in you. Maybe only to family...

4/12/02(Souzou) This is a project break, thought I would take another quiz. Here's two more for ya. What emotion are you, and the dumbest quiz ever! (that's the actual title! rofl!) Ja ne!

Find your emotion!

Who are YOU most like?

4/11/02(Kurai)- In my boredom, I followed Souzou's example. even though I know the best cure for boredom is world domination... KYAAA!?! I'm ONLY 90% Evil? noooooo! On that spider question, there should have been the option to keep it as your evil minion rather than kill it! That's true evil! *cackles*

You are 90% evil! [?]
Satan, step back! You're the evilest of evil! No person is completely evil, and no person's all good either, but you're just a hop, skip, and jump away from king or queen of Hell! Good job!

4/11/02(Souzou)- I got bored, so I took another quiz. How evil am I is the question it asked. Wanna see the answer? Heeheehee . . . .

You are 90% evil! [?]
Satan, step back! You're the evilest of evil! No person is completely evil, and no person's all good either, but you're just a hop, skip, and jump away from king or queen of Hell! Good job!

4/10/02(Aozora)- Hey! I took off the link to my fic while I redo the page, and get a few episodes up. I will do a summary of "the Final Judgement" in french soon.

By the way, I took the same test as Kurai, and I'm Kero-chan*pretends she can fly*(i LUV flying)

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

4/09/02(Kurai) Hey! i took the test like Souzou did, but I'm...Sayoran? *blinkblink* Wow. that was unexpected. ja ne!

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

4/09/02(Souzou)- One essay down, two to go plus an English Poetry Assignment, a Global Geography Project, and a French Immersion project!(It's a webpage on SCott McNeil, voice of Duo from Gundam Wing! ^-^) Anywho, I thought I would say hi and show you all this funky quiz I took. Guess which CCS Character I turned out to be? It's not Nakuru as I have declared in the past! Heeheehee!

test by Leanne
which CCS character are you?

4/03/02(Souzou)- I hate essays, and so now I have to write 3 in the next couple weeks. This is why my updates aren't as big as before. Hopefully I'll start doing major screenshot additions starting sometime after April 15th. I'll even do some other stuff if I remember. Bye for now!

3/26/02(Aozora)- I updated the french episode list since TeleToon isn't showing them in order, I will wait before putting them on the summaries' page. Ja na!

3/24/02(Aozora)-YAY! I've finished CCS: Futur Frenzy characters' page. Bye bye!

3/23/02(Aozora)-Where have we been? Anyway, I'va added Episode 3 of CCS: Futur Frenzy. Oh, and by the way, I gave up doing The Diary of Sakura Kinomoto. Well, see you later!

3/15/02(Souzou)- Looks liek Nelvana's catching on. Today's episode is called "The Transfer Student" and it was the ENTIRE episode of 47 (not including minor cuts and whatnot). So now I'm gonna go over and make that change. Ja ne!

3/14/02(Souzou)- More new CCS episodes! Today's episode was called "Dream A Little Dream" (Guess which card? It's the Dream Card). Unfortunately, my computer froze and I couldn't get screenshots. Oh well, only gotta wait a couple weeks. ^-^. Ja ne!

P.S. to Aozora- Kurai says to tell you she wants her happy dance back.

3/12/02(Aozora)- HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Candians CCS fans, be happy!!!!!!!! On April 6th, at 5 pm....*drum roll*... TeleToon will be showing "CardCaptor Sakura; The 1st Movie" *does Kurai's happy dance*. BE HAPPY!!!! Bye!

3/9/02(Aozora)- WELCOME BACK ME AT CCS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *useless thing* I JUST got back from Italy. i'm SOOO tired! bye bye!

3/8/02(Souzou)- Greetings! I have a whole new batch of screenshots which I hope to have psoted by Sunday Night. I just need to reinstall two programs first. One set I'm holding off on for a while becuase I need one more specific shot. However, look out for them soon! The episodes shown this week are

How Sweet It Is (Sweet Card)
*By The Light of the Full Moon (No Card, right before Third Element chronologically)
Sakura In Wonderland (Big + Little Cards transformed)
The Vanishing Act (Maze + Illusion Cards transformed)
The Show Must Go On (Voice Card)

* I can't believe they showed this because there was no card to capture. That, and I only recall one seen cut from the japanese version and it's another riddle with a japanese character that's hosted by Maggie.

And that's my update. so look out for screenshots and a new fanfic or two coming soon. Ja ne minna!

3/5/02(Kurai)- *dnaces around, really hyper* Episodes! New episodes! I'm so happy! Here's the scoop: Yesterday we had "How Sweet It Is", the Sweet Card Episode. Today we had "By the light of the full moon"-no card, just lots of fun! ^-^ According to Souzou, there's been NO CUTS MADE TO THIS EPISODE!!!!!!!!! The only major difference is that the blood on Julian's leg was edited out (he was bleeding alot from the fall) but that's okay!!!! New episodes will continue through this week! Nelvana, Aishiteru!!!

2/27/02(Aozora)-Oh boy! Am I ever stressed. Tomorow (Thurday) Aozora-chan is going to Italy, and I've never been on a plane believe it or not. Don't except much from me untill March 8th. Bye bye!

2/16/02(Aozora)-Hello! I've got quite a bit to update today:

-my characters' page needs 2 more bios and it's finished
-I'm going to send TeleToon an email to see if we (Canada) will get more CC episodes
-I'm going to continue my fic soon, cauz I forgot which cards she captures in the eps
-I'll start my other fic as soon as possible
-I'll do summaries soon

Wish me luck cauz I'm going to Italy during March break, so don't exepct anything then. Bye!

2/14/02(Kurai)- Happy Valentine's day everybody! Our new 100,000 hits banner is up! (thankyou 100,000 times to all you surfers out there!) I am still alive.... just busy. gomen. The new CCS manga scan is up! English Issue 9! What are you doing here? Go! Read! There's chocolates in the issue, just as if meant for Valenitne's!

2/01/02(Souzou)- Ohayo! I'm still here. ^-^ This update is just to say that my major screenshot updates will be a while, because my new video card isn't installed that lets me do them. I'm probably gonna look around the site this weekend and see what I can do, while I have the break between more projects and schoolwork. (I'm not going back until Wednesday probably, with the snow days that we've had to mess up the exam schedule.) Can't tonight though, because I have a party to go to for the people graduating at the end of the year (including me!) We'll all try to work on the site harder, but Kokkei is somewhat on temporary leave until she gets settled into her new house. Oh, for updates I changed the episode page around a little, added more titlescreen pictures and added the rest of the known episodes. Ja ne!

1/25/02(Aozora)- Konbanwa! I know I haven't worked on the site for a long time, but I've had exams and now, poor Aozora-chan is sick! So I'll work again as soon as I feel better. Plus I'm thinking of writting another fanfic: The Diary of Sakura Kinomoto. Bye!

1/22/02(Souzou)- Greetings. I have an announcement to make concerning a rumor spreading across the CCS sites of the internet. There have recently been two pictures popping up of Sakura and Li as teenagers, with a rumor accompanied with them of a new season of CCS. But look closely at the pictures. As Michael at Michael's CardCaptors! has pointed out in his Q&A section, these are obviously works of fanart. Take a look a tthe pictures carefully. Michael points out that the head of Sakura appears to be the same in both, and a copy paste job is easy to pull off. As well, look at the picture for any trademark logo's. There are none of CLAMP, or Kodensha, the makes and animators of CCS. Finally, and this comes from Hissori, they wouldn't have time for a new season of CCS because they are currently tied up with producing 3 new series, including a TV series of X/1999. That's my clear up for the month. ^-^ See ya!

1/17/02(Aozora)-Hi! It's Azure! I just wanted to say that I changed my name into full Japanese. Aozora Shuki. "aozora" means "blue sky" and "shuki" means "note". ok? Bye!

1/14/02(Azure)-Hey! I added 2 more characters bios to my fic. Bye!

1/9/02(Hissori)- Hey! Long time no update! ^_^; Well, the month of January has a lot of new CC/CCS releases. This week, #24 of the monthly manga will be on sale. #24 is volume 6, chapter 2, and it's when Sakura captures the Earthy Card. On January 15, CCS volume 4, "Sakura Fight!" is going on sale, as well as volume 7, "Magical Mystery". "Sakura Fight!" will contain episodes 13-16 ("Sakura and the Elephant's Strength Contest", "Sakura, Touya, and Cinderella", "Sakura and Kero's Big Fight", and "Sakura and the Rainbow of Memories"), and "Magical Mystery" will contain episodes 25-28 ("Sakura and Another Sakura", "Sakura and the Wonderful Teacher", "Sakura and the Shrine of Memories", and "Sakura and the Incantation Cards"). Be sure to get them! On the same day, CC volume 7, "End of Days" is coming out. I believe that it will contain dub episodes 22-24 ("The Last Card-Part II", "The Final Judgement", and "The Past, the Present, and the Future").

Plus, the first movie has been licensed for U.S. release. Both the dub and sub will be released on VHS/DVD on March 26. ^_^

1/1/05(Azure)-Konnichiwa! YAY! YAY! I've put up episode 2 of CCS: Futur Frenzy. Bye!

1/1/03(Azure)-Konbanwa! I've just added a little touch to the Japanese name changes(it's about Yue). Bye!

1/1/02(Kurai)- *pops in* hey peoples! I just finished a new advertisment for the original anime I'm writing, "Phoenix: Celestial Element Dark" ^-^ Check it out! It looks so kewl! Story is coming soon. Phoenix: Celestial Element Dark

12/27/01(Souzou)- Hey yo! I did a quick modification to the Japanese Episode Guide, by adding some transformed cards, and adding quick notes on the 3 memorial videos in Japan for the series. (I watched them subbed. They're so cool!) I'm so happy too because I've been watching so many CCS subs lately, including the 1st movie! ^-^. See ya!

12/24/01(Azure)-Hey! Since its the Christmas Holydays, I put up the episode summary for "Le Noel de Sakura-Sakura's Christmas". Seeing it about three times since Friday, so I had a good idea of doing the summary. I've also finished wrighting the names of all the character of my fanfic. I hope that all of you who celebrate Christmas will have great presents. And for those who don't, have a great time one your holydays. Bye!

12/23/01(Souzou)- Yay! It's fixed! *hugs Kurai* Guess what? Our front page has changed! Check out the poem specially written for CCSquad. Merry Christmas!

12/23/01(Kurai)- Well, I think I fixed our background problem. *goes off to hunt for the CCS member who deleted the file* Mwahahahaha! ^-^ Merry Christmas. I'm oddly hyper.

12/20/01(Azure)-Konbanwa, everybody! Quess what? I just put up episode 1 of CCS: Futur Frenxy. Peronnaly, I think it's pretty good

12/19/01(Souzou) added the Bubbles Card bio. See ya!

12/17/01(Souzou)- HEY! The return of the screenshots! I have now finished and posted the shots for "Time and Again". However, the shots will slow down because during Cardcaptors on Teletoon, because of that dumb number that keeps popping up in the middle of the show during week-days. I have better luck on weekends. Anywho, see ya later! And welcome to the squad, Reikon!

12/16/01(Reikon)- Konnichi wa minna-san! I am Reikon Genki, my name means Spirited Energy! I am CCSquad Member #6 and the Official CCSquad Artist! I'll be bringing to the page the joys of the visual fandom and lots of pretty pics as well! Well, that's it! Ja ne!

12/14/01(Hissori)- The last dub episode, "Revelations - Part 2" aired today.. >__< It was really horrible! It took me over two hours to do the changes! But it's *finally* over at least, for KidsWB watchers. Added link to the changes. Find out what really happened in that butchered-to-death episode!

12/13/01(Hissori)- Added link to dub changes for "Revelations - Part 1". Tomorrow's the end of Cardcaptors...

12/12/02(Hissori)- Wow, really impressed with today's episode. Only three scenes were cut, and there were a few dialouge changes. ^^ Nevertheless, the changes are still up!

12/11/01(Hissori)- Got up dub changes for "A Slippery Slope". >_< So many unnessary cuts! I'm not sure if I'll have changes for "Sakura's Return to the Past" up tomorrow, because I have to study for a big math test.

12/10/01(Hissori)- "The Vanshing Act" was today. You can find changes in the same place as last time. :p

12/09/01(Hissori)- Today's CC Squad's 1st aniversary! I've only been here about 3 months.. but I anyway~! ^_^ Oh yes, expect dub changes for "The Vanishing Act" tomorrow! :)


12/06/01(Kurai)- I'm SO exited! Three days til our one year anniversary! And The 90,000 hits banner is up. I'm creating a banner (the nicest so far) for our anniversary, so drop by and have a peek on the ninth! btw, I now own the X movie, also by CLAMP. If you don't like the sight of blood, or people dying, don't watch it. otherwise, I loved the animation in it! ^_^

12/04/01(Souzou)- Check it out people! Only four more days until our one year anniversary! I don't know about you, but I am totally psyched!

12/03/01(Hissori)- "Sakura in Wonderland" aired on KidsWB today. It wasn't that bad compared to other episodes.. *cough cough* If you go to the Japanese Info section, and click on the U.S. "Sakura in Wonderland" link, you can find the dub changes at my site. ^^; I'm too lazy to make a whole new page...

11/23/01(Souzou) HAPPY BIRTHDAY KURAI!!!! To the second youngest member of the team who happens to be turning 15 today! Leave guestbook entries if you wish, or email us with your best wishes for her. That's all, and hopefully today's episode is the Float and Storm episode on Teletoon. See ya!

11/21/01(Hissori)- Oh no, sweet mother of lord.. Cardcaptors will end on KidsWB before Christmas. On Monday, December 3, CC will start showing again at 3:30 p.m. Here is the schedule till the end of CC.

Mon. 12/3: *New* Sakura in Wonderland (Sakura and Sakura in Wonderland
Tues. 12/4: The Final Judgement
Wed. 12/5: A Strange New Beginning
Thurs. 12/6: A New Set of Wings
Fri. 12/7: Out of Bounds

Mon. 12/10: *New* The Vanishing Act (Sakura, Yukito, and the Disappearing Power)
Tues. 12/11: *New* A Slipperly Slope (Sakura and the Snow-Blowing Ski School)
Wed. 12/12: *New* Sakura's Return to the Past (Sakura and Clow Reed's Past)
Thurs: 12/13: *New* Revelations: Part 1 (Sakura and Clow Reed's Appearance)
Fri: 12/14: *New* Revelations: Part 2 (Sakura's True Feelings)

I'm just guessing for the original episodes. I'm not exactly sure what some of them are in the last week. But I don't want my holiday ruined by this.. *sigh* That's all for now.

11/20/01(Hissori)-Wai, wai! I rented the Mononoke Hime DVD and the X movie tape! ^_^ I have the Mononoke dub on tape.. I just wanted to hear the Japanese voices. ^^;; Demo... just when I was about to watch it, the DVD remote's batteries ran out! ;_; I can't switch the language track or subtitles without it! >_< CCS news now: The stuff I said earlier about the movies being dubbbed from Sakura Star was false. Nelvana is going to release the first movie (dubbed of course) in Spring 2002. They have no plans for the 2nd movie yet. :)

11/20/01(Azure)- Hi! Ok, I know that I haven't wrighten any summaries in a while, but I am doing my fanfic and I want to wright at least a couple of eps, school work and other stuff. So I'll wright them ASAP. Bye!

11/16/01(Azure)-Konbanwa! I'm just starting out a new fanfic. It's called "CardCaptor Sakura: Futur Frenzy". It Happens 20 years after the Sakura card arc. Sakura's daughter is the heroine of the story. That's all I'm going to say, because I don't want to spoil the story. I hope you'll enjoy it!

11/16/01(Souzou)- Konnichawa! I'm so happy now! I now own volume 1 of Card Captor Sakura, subtitled! WHEEEEEE!!! ^-^. BTW, just incase you didn't know, I put up some screenshots for "Partners in Crime" and "Trouble at Twin Bells" for the US viewers. ^-^. I sincerly hope you guys get Cardcaptors back soon. By the way Kurai, your manga page doesn't work in the Niyokara page. Should check that out soon okies? Kool. See ya!

11/15/01(Hissori)- Hiya! I just wanted to remind everyone that CCS Volume 6 "Friends and Family" comes out tomorrow! Yay! ^_^ About CC on KidsWB.. it' doesn't look like it'll be back until at least December, when sweeps are over. But knowing KidsWB, it could be even later than that, if you remember last year. -_-

11/11/01(Kurai)- Hey! Guess what! I just found this awesome site called nedstat and so I've added a counter that will tell us who's visiting. Not their names, (so don't worry all you anonymous peoples) it checks your server (i.e. Shaw @home) and registers what country you're from. The button appears as the little check mark box at the veeery bottom of the page. Click to find out who's visited! And by the way, thank you Rion for making the 80, 000 hits banner!

11/11/01(Souzou)- Today's update is the newest episode of CardCaptors 2 & 1/2. IT's Episode 3, called "Sakura and the Melting City". It's very good so go check it out. See ya!

11/09/01(Souzou)- Greetings. Thanks to Rion at "Book of Clow" for sending us a 80 000 hits banner! Doesn't it look kool? Guess what? In exactly one month is CCSquad's 1 year anniversary!! *cheers* totally awesome! Screenshots are in production. They should be up sometime on Monday when I get the episodes from today, tomorrow, and Sunday. However, I wasn't able to do yesterday's because I couldn't access the program in time. Oh well, couple gaps never hurt anyone. See ya later!

11/07/01(Souzou)- Hey yo! Look out cause this weekend I'm gonna hopefully ut up at least 2 episodes of screenshots! One of the episodes is Partners In Crime, a major treat for the US people. ^-^ I also went to Halifax today on a Political Science field trip. It SNOWED!! But, I bought a "How to draw Manga book!" and the store's gonna call me when they get more copies of the movie "X", which is another anime dome by CLAMP. However, it's darker and not recomended for little kids. See ya later!

11/06/01(Hissori)- Well, I have news from the Anime News Service about why Cardcaptors isn't playing on KidsWB:

ANS has contacted Kids WB in regards to the recent removal of the Cardcaptors TV seires from their weekend lineup. According to a representitive the show has been pulled from the broadcast lineup temporarily, and will return soon. When asked the reason for the schedule change, we were informed it was due to the Nov. sweeps period. Cardcaptors was replaced by the X-Men Evolution TV series.

In other news.. I've watched the end of CCS raw!! I've watched practically the whole Sakura Card Arc now!! *grins* I'll be making screenshots for the last few episodes on my site... the last and second to last episodes are just so cool! "Ore wa.. omae ga sukida!!" (I love you!!) ~Li Syaoran

11/04/01(Souzou)- Greetings. Tomorrow is the day when Teletoon plays CardCaptors in its PROPER order! I'm so excited!! And as well, say hello to our new affiliate, "Book of Clow". See ya!

11/02/01(Azure)- Hi! I just finished the titles for the french summaries i'll start the summaries soon. Bye!

11/01/01(Hissori)- Hm.. checked the schedule again, but still no Cardcaptors. ^_^;; In the past few days I've watched "Sakura and the Snow-Blowing Ski School," "Sakura and the Two Emergencies," "Sakura and the Disappearing Power of Yukito," "Sakura and Sakura in Wonderland," and "Sakura and her Most Precious Person." raw. ^_^ If KidsWB is going to show "Sakura in Wonderland" soon, I'll have the changes!

10/30/01(Azure)- YEEEAAAAHHH!!! I figured out my problem! I'll have my summaries as soon as TeleToon starts showing CC and SCC again. Bye!

10/27/01(Hissori)- Wow! Three updates in a day! Ok, I just checked KidsWB's schedule again, and there's no Cardcaptors at all for next week. :p At least I don't have to see how bad the new episode is going to be chopped up. ^_^ (But sorry to you CC fans) *sighs* I didn't get to go to Chinatown today. :( I did go to Borders though, and I caught up on some Inuyasha manga. Speaking of manga, the CCS Volume 5 Mixx Pocket Book comes out on December 31. Volume 6 of the anime, "Friends and Family" comes out on November 16, and Volume 7, "Magical Mystery" comes out January 15. Just thought I'd let you know. ^_^ Try to get subbed CCS if you can.. the dub is just getting waaay too painful to watch. >_<

10/27/01(Souzou)- WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! I put up the button for the Maryoku Inai Sono Tsubasa (M.I.S.T.) webpage! It's the colorful button with the teeny pic of the girl with red hair! Kurai, make that new hits banner soon! See ya!

10/27/01(Faita/Kurai)- Hi peoples! I've decided that stealing a fanfic character's name was too boring, and so I'm taking my own. I'll no longer be Faita Chikara, I'll be Kurai Musoka (Dark daydreamer) just 'cause. by the way, everyone do me a favour and read the preveiw for my latest story! N I Y O K A R A A.T. 691

10/26/01(Hissori)- I got episode 60 raw! Waiii~!! Demo.. the part when Meiling was crying in Tomoyo's lap was so sad! Her cries were so shrill and heart-wrenching! ;_; This was truly a great episode! I'll be putting up dub changes and such after I see the dub episode again. (Gomen, I have a bad memory. ^_^;;) Also, I saw the 2nd movie too!! Kawaii desu ka! So cute!! So cute!! "Ashita e no Melody," (Tommorow's Melody) the ending theme, was really pretty too! Everything was good about this movie! I'm going to Chinatown tomorrow, (mm.. yummy Chinese food!) and I'm going to go to the Chinese bookstore. They have tons of anime on VCD, and some on DVD. Some of the anime hasn't even been released in the U.S. yet! But most of them are in Cantonese with Chinese subtitles... >_< I can only understand Mandarin, and I really stink at reading. :( But maybe I'll get lucky and find a DVD like my Tenchi one that's in Japanese with English and Chinese subs.. that would be great! ^_^

10/25/01(Azure)- IT'S NOOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going CRAZY!!!!!! A whole week of no CC or SCC. IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T RIGHT SUMMARIES UNDER THESE HARCH CONDITIONS!!!!!!

10/21/01(Azure)- Hi! I just finished righting the French episode list of TeleToon. It's driving me insain!!!!!! TeleToon Weekdays at 5;00, in French and English, cut off Sakura, CardCaoptor (bref translation),and CardCaptors for Halloween Specials. Well, that's all for now!

10/21/01(Souzou)- Greetings Cardcaptor fans! I've added a new fanfic today called CardCaptors 2 and 1/2. It's very interestiong so far. ^_^. Sorry for taking so long to add it though, Jay Kidd! I also removed some dead links from the links section, plus links which are already in our affiliates section. As well, Hissori's CardCaptor Sakura+Inuyasha page has been added to the selection of pages done by the squad members! Finally, the new chants are up in the chants section. I'll add the new tools as soon as I get some time. Most likely this weekend. See ya!

10/21/01(Hissori)- Here's the KidsWB CC schedule for the next two weeks:

Mon. 10/22 Sakura's Rival
Tues. 10/23 Meilin's Story
Thurs. 10/25 The Third Element
Fri. 10/26 Li's Calling

Mon. 10/29 Sakura in Wonderland *New*
Tues. 10/30 The Race
Thurs. 11/01 Ice Breaker
Fri. 11/02 Out of Bounds

I just got the two CCS movies subbed on CD! I'm soooo happy!!! (I also got Evangelion and Fushigi Yuugi) I've only had time to watch the first one though. It was great! Though for some reason it reminded me of Inuyasha... probably because everyone thought Madoushi hated Clow Reed like everyone though Inuyasha hated Kikyou, and the Arrow Card shoots really good like Kikyou! ^_^;; Ok, I'll stop blabbing now... I'll tell you how the second movie is! :)

10/16/01(Azure)- OH MY GOSH!!! I'm so stupide!!! I missed "A Fair to remember", again. But since in French and English TeleToon play CC and CCS at the same time, I can only watch one or the other. So I watched it in French because it was the final Judgement(believe it or not this wpisode is cut......................only at the end). Thats all I have for now but my problem is getting clearer and clearer, so in a week or two I'll have a couple of summaries up. Bye!

10/16/01(Hissori)- Horrible.. horrible. That's all I can say about "Just Like Old Times." I'm sure you noticed near the end that it suddenly switched from "Meilin" going to "Madison's" house to sleepover, and then it switched to the airport. It just didn't flow! That was because they cut out Meiling crying on Tomoyo's lap, and Meiling talking with Sakura and telling her that she was a lucky girl. (Sakura: Hoe?) I'm also guessing that about 97% of the whole episode's dialouge was changed! ;_; I *think* this is the episode I'll do a review on.

10/15/01(Azure)- Sorry for not doing any updates for a while. I've been having trouble starting out my pages. As soon i'll have my little problem fixed, i'll start off my summariesin English and REALLY fix up the French section. Thanks guys!

10/14/01(Souzou)- Today's episode was "Just Like Old Times" where she transformed the Freeze Card. It was funny and sad at the same time, but there was a big chunk cut because there was a FLASHBACK! *shudders* That's all for today. See ya!

10/13/01(Souzou)- Today's episode of CardCaptors in Canada was "Trapped", where Sakura transformed the Jump Card. It was also another episode Madison was singing. Now I know what Faita meant when she told me on the phone about when she watched the Song Card episode. Madison's singing is kool. ^_^. Wish I could Tomoyo singing though. Oh well. Anywho, click here to see a letter a webmaster named Rion wrote to Nelvana asking about various differences between the dubbed CardCaptors of various countries. See ya!

10/12/01(Souzou)- Hello. Today's episode was "Spinning out of Control" and it was so hilarious! I loved how Suppi/Spinny flipped out when he atew too much sugar! And poor Kero, no one believed him. Poor thing. Anywho, some stuff. It seems like we may not get to see all the clow card episodes. I'm just preying for Sweet. I really want to see Sweet. ^_^. And neato news. Hissori, Kokkei, and myself all have birthday's in March! I just thought that was funky. See ya!

10/11/01(Souzou)- The last three days have been new episode as they have been for the past couple of weeks on Teletoon. This week, we've seen Li's Calling (Float transformed), Double Trouble (Bubble & Shield transformed), Practice Makes Perfect (Song captured), and Return to the Future (Return captured). I'm currently watching the Return Card episode and I'm worried about the flashback with Miss Mackenzie and Tori. Oh well. I'll report on it tomorrow. See ya!

10/10/01(Hissori)- *sighs...* It looks like I won't be doing an in-depth review on "Li's Calling..." I can't get that episode. >_< So to make up for it, I'll do a different episode, plus, I added more changes in the last update below. ^_^ Also, here's the schedule for next week:

Mon. 10/15 Just Like Old Times *New*
Tues. 10/16 A New Set of Wings
Thurs. 10/18 The Last Card - Part 2
Fri. 10/19 The Final Judgement

Last thing, the Bilingual Version of CCS Manga Volume 5 is out. (Sleeping Beauty play) The Bilingual coes out before the Mixx version, and has Japanese and English pages. Mixx's tranlslations aren't very literal, so I suggest the bilingual version. You can read the Japanese version along with fan-translated scripts at many sites. It might cost a little bit more, but it's well worth it. :)

10/08/01(Hissori)- "Li's Calling" was today. It was the elevator episode. Bad, bad, bad, dubbing. >_< I haven't seen the episode in Japanese yet, but even I can tell some of the obvious cuts. Once I get the original, I'll probably make an in-depth review, complete with dialouge changes and everything. But here are some changes just for the meantime:

-In the beginning, of the episode, Syaoran was thinking about Sakura while practicing his sword, NOT the Final Judgement. "It's so unfair!" XD They made Syaoran sound like a selfish brat!

-Tomoyo and Sakura were going to a teddy bear museum, not an Egyptian exhibit. Plus, Rika couldn't go because she had a ballet lesson, not a piano rehearsal.

-After the first commercial, we see Syaoran running. That scene was originally from episode 51. He was running because he had seen Sakura standing there, holding the bear that she made for Yukito. While he was running, he was asking himself why his heart was pounding so hard whenever he saw her, and wondered if they were the same feelings as when he saw "him." Then Yue appeared in front of him. In the dub he told Syaoran that Sakura still needed his magic... blah, blah, blah. But Yue really told Syaoran that he was only attracted to Yukito because of his moon power, and that he should focus on his true feelings.

-When Syaoran got the two messages on his phone, they were both from Sakura. There were no phone calls from his mother. (Anyway, his mom's dub voice STINKS!!) The first time Sakura was going to tell Syaoran how they were going to get to the meuseum and stuff. But then Kero-chan and his game interrupted, so Sakura had to call again.

-Cut out Syaoran listening to Sakura's two messages at night over, and over, and over again...

-When "Li" was thinking back to when he was in a tree and "Eli" was talking to him, Eli was saying stuff about how he doesn't like him, blah, blah, blah. But in the original that scene was from episode 50, (I think) and Eriol was asking Syaoran about the teddy bears the girls were going to make. You might have moticed that end the end of that sequence, "Li's" eyes went blank. That's because in the original Eriol said "Li Syaoran-kun," causing Syaoran to fall in a trance and fall from the tree. Eriol then cathes him. Of course, that wasn't shown. Besides, I don't think this "flashback" was even in the original episode!

-Cut out a lot of the stuff while they were at the bear meuseum... And they also cut out this sweet song that was playing while Syaoran was staring at Sakura! ;_; That was expected though...

-Cut out Sakura crying in the elevator.

-At the very end, Syaoran doesn't get a phone call from his mother. It's from Sakura again, asking him if she could call him "Syaoran-kun" now, since they were closer. She also said that it was ok for him to call her "Sakura." That scene was cut waaay short though, because Syaoran was supposed to be blushing like crazy. (In Japan, if ids of the opposite gender call each other by their first names, that means they're probably really close and going out or something.)

There are a lot more changes, but I'll have to watch the acutual episode first. Then I'll write and exact script for the dialouge changes and such. But don't expect me to do htis for every episode. I'm only doing it for this one, cuz this super sweet episode got so buchered! >_< Anyway, I got to go. I'm tired of standing up. (I'm using a computer at the mall.) Ja!

10/08/01(Souzou)- Greetings everyone! *looks at Azure's post* We have such a strong squad. Mwa ha ha. Anywho, remember for those with Teletoon that today's the first day of the Clow Card episodes that haven't been shown. However, I wouldn't have my hopes up for episodes 16 and 34 as they don't have any Clow Cards to capture. I'm also worried to how they'll dub the episodes with the Return Card and the Dream Card, but I'm excited to see the Sweet, Song, Voice, Storm, and Float. ^_^. As well in regards with the episode starting over in the right order on Nov. 5th, I'm taking out the numbers for the Canadian episodes. Seems like that won't make sense after that point right? That's all for today. See ya later!

10/07/01(Azure)- I just made a HUGE update on the french section. All the names are writen, most of the episode'titles are writen and the summaries are comming soon (when I get the page up).

10/06/01(Souzou)-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! You people have got to see this! I got the info from Sakura Star so here it is!!!!! *is soooo hyper*

"Good news! We are happy to announce that we currently broadcast new episodes of Cardcaptors every weekend at 4:30PM.

The series is also on Monday to Friday at 5PM, and we will be featuring all new episodes from October 8th to 14th to complete the 1st series.

Also, starting November 5th you will be able to follow Sakura’s quest in its original sequential order. Enjoy!

We are hoping to be able to offer new episodes and/or both Cardcaptors movies during our 2001/2002 season, but for the moment we have no confirmation on the availability of the new series and the movies. Be assured that we will inform you of all changes on our web site, including the broadcast of new episodes. Visit our mini-web FAQ on Cardcaptors at here or click on for updates and information on all our programs!

Have a great season with TELETOON!

Stay TOONed!"

Can you believe this?! WE'RE FINALLY GONNA SEE THE EPISODES IN THEIR ORIGINAL ORDER!!!! SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET!!! *does the kirby dance* that's all for today so see ya later!!

10/05/01(Azure)- EnglishTeleToonannonced for a week (I think) new CC episodes from the 8th (Hey! That's Monday. YAHOOOOO!!!!!) to the 14th of October. ALLRIGHT!!!A whole week of new CC. French TeleToon has new episodes (not dubbed, thank you God), but dosen't seem to be showing them. I've wrighten to TeleToon twice and the 1st time they'd start showing them. The 2nd time they'd show them when possible. Whatever! Well see ya'round!!

10/04/01(Azure)- HEEEELLLLOOOO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!! Hi, my name is Azure Shuki. I will be doing the summaries for French and english TeleToon Cc and SCC( if you're wundering what SCC is, it's CardCaptors in French. )Guess I'll see you guys later. Bye!

10/03/01(Hissori)- I was looking around at a site called Sakura Star, and I came across some startling information. Someone had e-mailed Nelvana quesions about CC. They got the answers, and sent them to Sakura Star. One of the questions was "Is the movie "the sealed card" coming out soon? if it is..when?" And the answer was... "VHS and DVD fall 2002." DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS???? THE MOVIE'LL BE CHOPPED INTO A GOOGLEPLEX PIECES!!! WHAT THE HELL GOES ON IN THE PEOPLE AT NELVANA'S MINDS??? I thought they were trying to erase signs of S+S!!! GRRRR.... Anyway, I added some Syaoran relationships info in the jap. section. I know some of you might be wondering why I'm not updating it as much as i should. ^^;; I'm really sorry, but I'm currently very busy working on my own site right now also. So it might be awhile... Honto gomen ne. (I'm really sorry.) Also, CCSquad is getting a new member soon! Souzou'll probably have more details later.

10/01/01(Hissori)- Since KidsWB's "Big Premiere" is over, new episodes of CC are going to show on Monday afternoons from now on. There wasn't a new episode today though. It was "Trouble at the Park." Anyway, here's the schedule for the next 2 weeks:

10/2 No Way Out
10/4 One Fateful Day
10/5 Running Out of Time
10/8 Li's Calling *New*
10/9 Buyer Beware
10/11 Stormy Waether
10/12 Double Trouble

10/01/01(Souzou)- Sweet! I had the last word and now I have the first word! ^_^. Basically I added the screenshots of The Long Marathon yesterday, a special treat from CCSquad to the US visitors. Thanks to the guestbook for telling us that Saturday's episode was called "A Fair to Remember". It contained the Glow Card and according to the entry, it was a funny episode. ^_^ See ya!

09/30/01(Souzou)- My last update for this month possibly. There was a new episode today and it was called "The Long Marathon" and I'll have the screenshots up for it as soon as possible. ^_^. If something can let us know what yesterday's episode was, it would be greatly appreciated. You can leave a message in our guestbook or email. See ya!

09/24/01(Hissori)- Today's episode was "The Final Judgement". I added Tomoyo/Syaoran's relationship to the Relationships section. ^_^

09/23/01(Souzou)- Hi hi! Today's episode on Teletoon is "Running Out of Time" with the Dash Card situation. ^_^. They're being odd again with the episode orders. *raises an eyebrow* Also, I added the profiles of Eli, Spinner, Ruby, and Ruby Moon. Plus, I redid the TV Characters and Clow Cards pages, putting the stuff in neat and organized tables. That should make things much easier. That's all for today so see ya later!

09/23/01(Hissori)- This weekends episodes were "Spinning Out of Control" (Sakura, Kero, and a Candy Date) and "Out of Bounds." (Sakura and the Ball Trap) I didn't think Sakura, Kero, and a Candy Date would be dubbed, due to the fact that Suppi gets high on the sweets. *shrugs* Anyway, Madison sung in the second one! It was ok, I guess, but Tomoyo sings a heck of a lot better. Also, I'm now in charge of the Japanese Info section! I added a teeny bit to Tomoyo's relationship with Sakura, and some more dub relationship changes will be added soon.

09/22/01(Souzou)- WHEEEEEEEEEEEE! Another new episode that the Us has yet to see. It's called "Play Misty For Tori" and it has the Mist Card. That, and Tori is in the high school play, as Cinderella! That's where Sakura gets her reverse gender role situation. Heeheehee, it was by chance I know. Anywho, no screenshots for a while for this episode because I was unprepared. That's all for today from me. See ya!

09/18/01(Hissori)- "A Strange New Beginning" aired today. I've also found out that KidsWB's new schedule has been delayed to September 29th. So don't expect any new episodes on the weekdays till then.

09/17/01(Hissori)- Ah, "The Past, the Present, and the Future" aired today. The whole schedule has gotten totally messed up. >< I didn't even bother watching it again, cuz basically all of it is flashbacks. The only parts that weren't were scenes taken from epsiode 47 and 48. No school for me tommorow due to Rosh Hashanah. (No, I'm not Jewish.) ^_^ Wonder what episode it's gonna be...

Later: I just found out that the Cardcaptors CD is coming out tommorow. I'm definitely not going to buy it, cuz the original music is ten times better. But here are the tracks:

1. Guardian of the Cards
2. Tell Me
3. Invisible Me
4. Just Around the Corner
5. I Got Your Back
6. I Can Make It
7. Lucky Day
8. Ordinary Girl
9. Whenever You Try
10. She is the One
11. Let's Go
12. Cardcaptors Main Theme
13. No Nagging Anymore

I just hope that all the singers didn't flunk out of grade school. "The secrets of The Clow, were all a mystorrrrry.... But when this mighty book was opened, the powers was set freeeeeeeee........." *snicker* Can you spot the error?

09/16/01(Souzou)- More episode madness! Canada has just seen "A Strange New Beginning" today! I hav eosme screenshots, but my comptuer went fritzy during the last few minutes. Oh well, that's no big problem for now. I'll warn you though, the pictures may be a little fuzzy. That's all for today. See ya!

09/16/01(Hissori)- "Double Trouble" and "Under the Weather" did air today. LOL. "Double Trouble" was so funny! It was "Sakura and the Two Emergencies" in the original. Dunno what was cut though. I think tommorow's episode is supposed to be "Li's Calling." (Elevator episode????? If it is, expect it to be badly cut...)

09/15/01(Hissori)- Well. According to other sites, it looks like "Double Trouble" aired on KidsWB today along with "Under the Weather." "Double Trouble" was supposed to air Monday. I guess the schedule got changed because of all the horrible stuff that's been going on in the U.S. I don't know exactly what happened with the schedule, since KidsWB's weekend programming airs on Sunday instead of Saturday where I live. >< I'll have more info tommorow.

09/15/01(Souzou)- My computer's fixed!! AND ALL MY STORIES ARE OKAY!! *cries from happiness* And, I managed to get my paper passed in to English class, (my teacher got an earful cause I was up all night ^_^) and now I can write my article for the school newspaper! (I do the movie reviews). Anywho, Teletoon's been getting new episodes again. Last Sunday was "The Special Box" (Faita saw it, that's how I found out it existed. Thanks to the guestbook for the name of it. ^_^) And today was "The Past, The Present and The Future". So look out Canada, we're getting the new episodes again!! See ya!

09/14/01(Souzou)- Hi people! This is Ceaira. I'm just going to be using my japanese name from now on. MY COMPUTER CRASHED!!!!! I think it did. I was talking to Hissori and Kokkei on MSN Mesanger last night while waiting for Faita (did she ever come on?) then it went fritzy. Then my computer wouldn't go back into Windows! My dad's fixing it right now, but now I might have lost all my data, which means all my screenshots, my stories, and people's fanfiction! AAAAHHHH!! CRISIS!!!!!! v_v. Anywho, Faita was telling me about on the Sunday that just passed, there was another new episode of CardCaptors. It has the Shield Card! If anyone knows the title of this episode, please email us. Faita missed the name while watching. Anywho, that's all for today. I've flipped out once already and I don't want to flip out again. Because of the glitch, I lost my school work, so I had to spend the entire night re-writing it all. If any of my teacher's ever see this post, LOOK AT WHAT HAD TO DO!! DON'T COMMENT ABOUT MY WORK NOT BEING DONE ON COMPUTER BECAUSE I HAD NO COMPUTER TO WORK ON!!! *takes a deep breath before continuing.* That's all for today, honestly. See ya! ^_^

09/13/01(Hissori)- Ok, Cardcaptor Sakura Volume 5: Sakura Daze is now on sale. It has episodes 17, 18, 19, and 20 in it. Volume 6: Family and Friends is coming out 11/16/01. But Volume 4: Sakura Fight! hasn't even been released yet! That's due out 1/15/01. Why Pioneer would release 5 and 6 before 4 is beyond me. *shruggs* Also, next week, the manga #20 monthly will be out. A monthly is a chapter of the Pocket Books seperated into a smaller issue. #20 is Chapter 2 of Book 5, the one about the Sleeping Beauty play. LOL. It's funny. ^_^

09/11/01- Hi! I'm Hissori. ^_^ As noted below, I'm going to be handling some news updates. Since I live in America, most of my news will deal with Cardcaptors on KidsWB. You may have noticed that Cardcaptors has been taken off KidsWB's Saturday line-up. This is due to all the new fall shows premiering. But starting next Monday, the 17th, CC will be airing every weekday except Wednesday at 3:00 p.m. (I'm pretty sure this is for all time zones, unless you live where I live, and KidsWB airs early in the morning instead of in the afternoon. ><) New episodes of the Sakura Card Arc will be shown Mondays, while reruns will show the other days. Here's the schedule for the next three weeks:

Mon. 9/17: Li's Calling *New*
Tues. 9/18: The Last Card - Part 1
Thurs. 9/20: The Last Card - Part 2
Fri. 9/21: A New Set of Wings
Mon. 9/24: Double Trouble *New*
Tues 9/5: The Switch
Thursday. 9/26: the Final Judgement
Friday. 9/27 A New Set of Wings
Mon. 10/1: Spinning Out of Control *New*
Tues. 10/2: No Way Out
Thurs. 10/4: One Fateful Day
Fri. 10/5: Running Out of Time

Plus, the first movie is rumored to be out in American theatres on October 8.

09/11/01- Please welcome Hissori Danko to our squad. She will handle news updates by relaying the latest information. That is all for today, for CCSquad is going to be silent for a couple of days due to the World Trade Center attack today. Two of our squad members are American and Faita and Ceaira offer our deepest condolences. Let's hope the situation doesn't go any further or get anyworse. v_v

09/10/01(Ceaira)- There's a new fanfic today. CardCaptors 2 1/2 by Jay Kidd. Go check it out because it's awesome like all the others. Looks like we'll have two new news updaters coming in soon, so watch out for them. See ya later!

09/05/01- Added pics of Ice Breaker a few days ago. Hopefully this weekend "One Fateful Day" and "Partners in Crime" will join the list of screenshots. Now for the main news:

08/31/01- Episode 17 of Gemcaptors is finally here! Just head on over to the fanfics section to see what it's about this time. See ya.

08/26/01(Ceaira)- Today's screenshot contribution is "The Switch". There are a lot of good and funny shots here to check out, so go over into the English section and check them out. See ya later!

08/19/01(Ceaira)- I added more screenshots! Today's addition is "Dragon Slayer" Not much else for now so see ya later!

08/11/01(Ceaira)- I actually got to see a Kids WB CardCaptors episode today, cause DL over at Clow Goodies invited me over to watch it. Mwa ha ha. It was "Running out of Time" and it had a situation with the Dash Card. I dont like the dubbed names or the dub voices to tell you the truth. Yuck. Anywho, added a new link for our CCSquad Community, and added another link below the counter for a petition to hopefully obtain a better dub. I think we'd all like that. As well, I added today's episode to the Japanese Episode Guide. That's all I did. Hopefully next week I'll post all of the fanfics that poured in while I was in Quebec. I'm sorry to those who sent them that it's taking so long. I have a great deal of things to do on top of it. Hopefully I can do screenshots tomorrow. See ya later!

08/06/01(Kokkei)- Wow. I'm back on the page. *looks down at Ceaira's update* Huh. Same day and all. Anyways. I just came back here, to see how things were going. I still want that rematch with Kero, and then I'll get Suppy for eating the cake. I'm also gonna whine about the new Cardcaptors. I'm the USA.. and I'm appalled. *Yue walks in blowing his bubbles* Kokkei: Oy.. Yue: *glomps onto Kokkei* Kokkei: *falls over* D-ohh! Yue: *looks up* Hey, look at all the people out there* Kokkei: Yes, I know. I was talking to them. So, anyways, Eriol is now Eli Moon as Ceaira mentioned. Pronounced "Eel-eye" Moon. "Spinel Sun" is Spinner and the nickname is not "Suppy" but "Spinny". All cards are now called "Star Cards", and Li now talks like he has a permanent cold, or something stuck in his nose. And Tori's starting to try and tell Julian something! I wonder if WB'll be bold enough to make him say he loves him! Yue: I love you Kokkei: *smiles* I know that. We'll we're off. See you all. Yue: *drags her away from the updates*

08/06/01(Ceaira)- Hey ya! Wanna see what CCSquad has now? Well, you'll have to wait till I'm finished with the other stuff. First, I added the clow card pics to Return and Mist, and I gave Earthy a picture at last. (Thanks to Michael's Cardcaptors!) I'm now totally unpacked and as well taking a break from working on my 4-H projects. (GC World is one of my computer projects.) Anywho, This weeks episodes are 32-2. Okay, now the big news!! Click here to check out CCSquad's MSN community! Now you can chat with us when we're on. We'll set up a schedule very soon, but for now check it out and join. That's all for today. See ya!

08/05/01(Ceaira)- IM BACK FROM QUEBEC!! (gotta get used to english keyboards again) LOL! *sees Faita left and cries* I missed her! I can't wait for Endless Waltz! It's one of my fav anime movies along with Patlabor, Macross Plus, and the Digimon Movie. Anywho, CardCaptors news coming your way! Kids WB has aired "A Strange and New Beginning", which is a Sakura Card episode. If you canadien viewers wanna see a summary of the episode, then check out Clow Goodies on the main page. The button is located in the affiliates section. As well, without Faita here, I did an eye candy to celebrate the next 10 000 hits. We're now at 60 000! We're hoping to hit 100 000 hits before our one year anniversary on December 9th. Starting tomorrow, I'm hoping to restart episode screenshots, now that I finally have access to a WebTV program. YAY! Kokkei! Where are you?! We need our episode synosis's!! LOL. I guess I'll handle the ones for the episodes US viewers haven't seen. Anywho, that's all for now. It's great to be back! See ya!!

08/03/01- (Faita) Sayonara everybody! I'm off to Ontario until August 22. Without acess to the net. *cries fountain style* So, until then, say ya later!

08/01/01- (Ceaira) Today is the first day of August! Yay! we have found out Kids WB will be recieving a new episode soon, which is entitled "Running out of Time". Rumors speculate this may be the start of the Sakura Card season. Watch out Teletoon viewers, this means we may be getting this episode soon. Mwa ha ha. Bye for now!

07/24/01(Ceaira)- Hi! I added two more Clow Cards! Mist and Return. As well, I fixed the link for the romantic moments section. That`s all I`m doing today. See ya!

07/19/01 Part 2- It`s all done! We`ve finished all of out summer cleaning. Now everything thould work, but if not then give us a shout and we`ll check it out. See ya!

07/19/01 Part 1- This shall be said now before it begins. The site is in the process of reorganizing everything into three folders in the angelfire directory: English Info, French Info, and Japanese Info. Over the next couple of days, some of the links may not work becuase they are being moved into their folders. French and Japanese sections seem to be finished for now, but if the links don`t work then we`ll fix them soon enough. Hope we don`t upset anyone, but the directory`s messy and it`s gotta be done. Lol. See ya!

07/16/01(Ceaira)- OMG!! I got a copy of Cardcaptors in French! AND IT`S UNCUT!! *CCsquad celebrates* I also bought 9 graphic novels in french. They`re pretty awesome!! And as you can see by the main page, a french version section will be coming soon. Most likely August when I`m able to get more computer time. UNCUT!!! DUBBED!! SUGOI! (awesome!) What a wonderful trip this is becoming. See ya later!

07/14/01(Faita)- Hey people! Short changes today. Uploaded our 50 000 hits banner, but haven't put it up yet. Only about 700 hits to go!!! ^_^ Also, episode four for 'Five Deadly Cards' is up. check it out, it's a kewl series!

07/12/01(Ceaira)- It`s me again! Mwa ha ha. I corrected a link for Powers Confined, added the new Kids WB episodes to the guide, and posted a note in the fanfics section regarding submissions and uploads for the next few weeks. That`s pretty much it. Now I`ve got class to go to, (summer french classes, normally I would say :-P, but these classes are pretty kool) so au revoir!