Water – Presentations explore problems with pollution, contamination, river shoreline erosion etc. and highlight innovative, leading edge initiatives for conservation, protection, and purification.


William Commanda: Respect for the Four Elements

 Algonquin Elder, founder of Circle of All Nations, and tireless advocate for Mother Earth.  Indigenous perspective on the abuse Mother Earth, Fire, Air and Water, and the urgent need for transforming our exploitative relationship with the four chief elements crucial for life across the globe; special focus on the Victoria Island Vision for the healing of the relationship with Mother Earth, and in particular, the Ottawa River



Douglas J. Cardinal: Victoria Island - Green Space

Indigenous Architect (Canadian Museum of Civilization). Presentation on the conceptual designs for the Victoria Island Indigenous Centre, with particular attention to creation of an environmentally friendly green space and surroundings, utilizing innovative solar energy and waste reclamation techniques, in collaborative coexistence with its surroundings


Levania Hentschal: River Restoration: Healing Corridors of Life

Biologist, worked in Mexico to  bring governments, community and volunteers together to revegetate, clean and stop erosion along creeks and rivers so that animal and plant life could be restored by rebuilding corridors of life along the wonderful webs where water and biodiversity meet, watersheds being the geographical units with which the territory has to be managed.


Naoko Hitomi: Innovations: Effective Microorganism, Non-AdditiveSoaps Gardening and Health

Educator of Japanese origin, working in the United States and elsewhere to advance and promote awareness of the urgent need to respect and protect nature; she will discuss the benefits of effective microorganisms and non additive soaps that contribute to cleaning the waters and sewer systems as well as healthy healing gardening


Sen. Len Hopkins: Ottawa Heritage River

Chair, Ottawa Heritage River Designation Committee. Presentation on the effort now underway to have the Ottawa River designated as a Heritage River, in recognition of its unique cultural and natural heritage worthy of acknowledgement and protection; a special emphasis is focussed on ensuring that the history of the Algonquin peoples, and in particular their relationship with the mighty Kichissippi.




Presentations explore the Water and its spiritual/social/cultural interface with individuals and communities, and its contribution to healing


Larry McDermott: River: A Natural Body

Mayor, Lanark County, and President, Plenty Canada, has been involved in international projects focussed on water and environment protection and conservation, as well as the Earth Summit.  Presentation focuses on the indigenous view of the River  and it spiritual/social and cultural importance.


Shiroh Tenge: Nature, Water and Healing

Founder, Holotropic Centre, Japan, a centre dedicated to healing, spirituality and a balanced relationship with Mother Earth; Senior Sony Official and author of several books, some focussing on his relationship wit the indigenous peoples of North America; Presentation will focus on an eastern perspective on Spirituality, Nature ad Healing.


Kirk Wipper: Rivers, People and Watercraft

Educator and Founder, Canadian Canoe Museum, Over the course of his life time he tirelessly collected over six hundred watercraft from across the country, thus preserving the water craft history; also actively involved with Heritage Rivers Association.  Presentation on the historic/cultural/social heritage of the waterways of Canada


William Commanda: The May 2004 Canoe Project

Algonquin Elder, renowned Birch Bark Canoe Maker, with canoes in over 75 locatons across the world, and with a special display at the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough; at the age of ninety, he built his latest canoe, teaching about his lifetime passion with this life sustaining craft of his ancestors, and at the same time, noting the tremendous loss in natural resources such as the birch bark, straight cedar and spruce roots.


Eric Crowe & George Fenn: Pulling Together: Ont. ‘04 Canoe Project

RCMP Officer Eric Crowe, colleague George Fenn, together with 13 different police service and over a hundred native and non native community representatives, participated in a six day canoe adventure on the Trent River System, one designed to build relationships, promote racial harmony andexperience the regenerative powers of nature and the indigenous gift to the newcomers: the art of canoeing.


Dawn L. Ferguson: Children Singing Peace Around the World

A Musician from Hawaii, Dawn has been travelling around the world, teaching about peace, and in particular, working with children, to teach her special Peace Song to children in their own languages: several years ago Grandfather translated her song into Algonquin.  She also raises awareness about the plight of the sea creatures, especially the whales and dolphins.






Artist Marcel Dubuc

The Brooks are our Children


Creating a Living Brook, with clay, stones, plants

Friday and Saturday afternoons: Participants are invited to create a living brook, made with clay; on the banks they will make little gardens with stones, plants, clay animals, houses and bridges as a “thank you” to the water.




Manuel Desrochers - Géobiologue-Antenniste

Effects of words, sounds, and prayer on Water: an overview of Dr Masaru Emoto's work: “Water is an amazing element because it got the capacity of memorizing and transmitting information on very large distances: it is the Universal Messenger! The workshop offers the opportunity to learn the importance of showing all our respect and gratitude to the noblest liquid, in order to send healing messages to Mother Earth and all the beings that are living on. Workshop will end with a ''Love, Thanks, and Respect to Water'' ceremony. “