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Please take a moment to read the Corey Hart Online Archive disclaimer and mission statement.

March 23 2007—To those who are still visiting this site, I have to apologize for letting it got the last few years without updating it or giving you all a way to contact me. This site is massive and is linked through several different sites linked together. This summer I shall endevor to bring it all into one site in a clean, streamlined, easily accessible way and hopefully add some new materials and a fan section where fans can tell their stories about corey, etc. In the meantime, you can email me at and feel free to send archive materials you would like to have included with the update. I will begin around Corey's next Birthday (May 31). Thank you.

Official Corey Hart Website updated!

Check out

Links from New Site:

Corey Facts      Discography

Corey Hart at "OSM Weekend Series." Wednesday October 30th and Friday November 1st, 2002   Montreal, September 9, 2002 – Internationally acclaimed singer-songwriter Corey Hart whose hit songs have inspired the hearts of fans around the world, is returning to perform live in his native Montreal.  « Click Here for More » 

New  to The Archive

Old Club Newsletters in .pdf Format
Rare Concert Photos from the 80s
Online Fan Directory
Current Events Archive
Updated Corey Hart Webring

Downloads: 2 files of Corey on French-Canadian TV in 2000 
(Real Player Format .ram)

Shades & Hartline Fan Club newsletters in .pdf Format

Manilla Concert Photos:
25 pictures taken in Manilla.

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