As a little girl, i was born into this world with so many dreams and goals that i thought i could achieve. I thought anything was possible, the stars could be touched on a clear nite, i could sit and talk to the man on the moon, life was so simple and uncomplicated. As time passed school began, and life was changing a bit, there were other little kids around and here you had to learn how to share and be kind (which was somthing that everyone needed to do). Elementary for me, started out as a wonderful experience I met a girl named Lindsay in 1st grade and we've been best-friends since, but the rest of my years were not that quite memorable, when I reached grade 3 i was attending a different school then Lindsay so we didnt see each other much, trouble began, there were fights and scuabbles among friends, life was difficult. Junior high hit and all those silly things were forgotten and passed off as a joke. Life for me was hard, i was expected to do so well, be the best i could be they would say. I always tried my best and i usually did pretty well. There were the select few times in which i came home with a bad mark and i was grounded for it. I guess it was supposed to teach me that life isnt something you joke around with, but honestly I already knew that! To me it began a problem, something i detested over time. There were many fights and alot of arguments, in which I ended up crying in my room. Big high school had started. Everyone says high school are the best years of your life and to enjoy them. Well im only in grade 11 so im not completely done but i will have to admit my grade 10 was horrible. I hated it, I was expected to do more than what i could do. I always seemed to be a failure, not good enough for everyone. Then the summer hit and i bet Bryan! Life was perfect, no worries, no cares in the world. Everything that was troublesome was forgotten the moment he was in my arms. That summer was the best summer of my life. Then he had to go to college. Life got hard again, it was something really hard to overcome, I loved him so much and i didnt think i could live without him. He explained to me before he left that we would always be together and he loved me very much. At first I honestly couldn't believe that someone could love me, i wasnt good enough, nothing i did was good enough! He left for college and i was really upset, all those problems and worries came rushing back on me like a ton of bricks. I hated the way my life was going. I wanted to be with him, yet he was 8 hours away. I am in my grade 11 year and things are perfect between me and bryan, Lindsay is the greatest friend and i love them both so much. Life is hard, and very stressful for me. It seems everything i still do is not good enough for my parents but that's life i guess. When i think about it; to we really did our parents for our life to be enjoyable and achieve everything we desire? Honeslty i dont think we do, because since i was a little girl i have been alone and on my own. I dont consider myself to have a mother, i believe she abandonded me when i was small and there's just this woman who lives in my house, who is trying to run my life. Well im sorry im not gonna take it anymore, its my life and she cant do nothing about it. My father was there for me more times when she was not. Yet latley he seems so distant like i did somehting wrong. And Yet again I am alone!! My grade 11 year is almost over. I've met the most amazing people in the world. So many to confide in, so many to make me happy and put a smile on my face. If i could give any of them everything they deserve I would. I would give them the stars in the sky, the air which we breath , I try my best to be the greatest friend that they are to me. I met Al, She's great. So beautiful, so full of love. She's my sister and my bestfriend. I love her dearly. We are the greatest pair o:)!! Then there's Brandon, such a great guy. Deserves so much, so sweet and so kind at heart. You are so great to me, and I owe you so much. Then there's Shaun, we've only met in the past month or two, but he's been more amazing to me then people i've known for 10 years! He is great, always there to make me smile and help me out. I owe the three of you my life. Thank you so much! It seems like things are brightening up a little, well things are still tough but when I truly think about what i have and what i have to loose, ITS ALL WORTH IT! This here is me saying "Yes i'll get through it, with you guys at my side, helping me along, I honestly and truly can get through anything" Thank you all with all my heart. You are the greatest friends i could ever have. I love you all. Well.. right now its almost grade 12. Wow the things i could write about. Relationships, fun, mistakes. All the above. Life seems to throw curve balls at you more times than you can imagine. Right now.. i think im gonna just start doing what i think is right. I always do stuff to please other people, fearing that there not going to like me. Well too bad. Im ME and im gonna be the person i want to be. So.. until grade 12.. I"ll be strong.. i'll cry, i'll laugh. but i'll live :). Forever stronger - Stephanie Marie Pothier