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Here's some information about me

Hiya's, my name is Sean Collis and i really suck at this.. ehehehe

Age:I am Currently 18 years old and i wish i was a lot older because all of my friends are older than me

Where I call home: I live in the vaste wasteland that is called Cape Breton Nova Scotia... fuck it sucks here!!!

Added extra's to my body: I have three earings in my left ear... i had some in my left ear but i took them out because i hated the place that they were and i also have a very large tongue stud, currently i ahve no tattoo's but i'm saving up for a really nice one

Friends: Oh geeze... I have no idea why i put this one down... i have way too many friends to list.. so umm... i'll just list the ones that come into my head right away, here they are in no particular order: Becky, Natalie,Leah, Allison, Ginny, Cindy, Morgan, Brad, Albert, Nathan, Andy Pants, Adam, Elisha, Brett, Susan, Giselle, Shauna, Harry, Megan, Richard, Shane, Mark, ok forget this... way too many to list!!

Hobbies: In the winter i love to snowboard..i can't get enough of that wonderful stuff, i used to skateboard in the summer but due to a severe ankle injury i acquired last year trying a gap that was too big for my own good i cannot skateboard anymore so i play hacky sack a lot, bike, PARTY, and i am always doing art work, i never leave home w/out my art book, i also love music and am always open to new kinds

Music: My main type of music is emo, i knwo a lot of people may have never heard of it before but this music is incredable, my favorte bands include: Boy Sets Fire, At the Drive in, Piebald, Saves the day, the Juliana Theory, Bane, Asscribed, the Rudy Huxtable Project, any fun ska band that can make me dannce and i also enjoy very fast punk bands

ok.. i not really sure what else to put here but if you ever want to talk to me my icq # is 72362835 and if you go onto dal net on irc msg me, my nick will either be ungrateful_ninja or dancey_dance... thanks dudes