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            These are the By-Laws of the Dapto Swimming Club Inc., first compiled after Incorporation of the Club during the 1991-92 season. During 1992 a sub-committee was set up to investigate the entire operation of the Club with the intention of reviewing existing by-laws, refining them to suit present needs, and writing new by-laws to cover areas not previously covered.


            The following by-laws were the result of that review. They are by no means seen as an ideal set of rules by which to run a Club. The review is meant to be an ongoing process to reflect the current situation and attitudes within the Club, and as such should be amended when necessary according to the Club Constitution.


            Included in this document are explanations as to why many of the by-laws were formulated in such a way (in boxed italics). It is hoped these explanations will assist future reviewers in their understanding of current thinking. It is recommended that this practice continue.


The sub-committee comprised:

            Graham Kohler (Chairman)

            Keith Oehm

            Roger Dean

            Norm Brigden

            Reg Lacey

            Norbert Sernig


Originally passed:


Amended:     01/02/94

Amended:     14/09/95

Amended:     10/10/96

Amended:     01/10/97

Amended:     06/09/98

Amended:     06/09/99

Amended:     07/05/03



1.  CLUB COMMITTEE - RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICE  ........................................ 1

1.1 Executive.................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Committee Members.................................................................................. 2

1.3 Other Club Officials................................................................................... 4

1.4 Club Captains............................................................................................ 6


2. TEAM SELECTION COMMITTEE........................................................................... 8

2.1 General..................................................................................................... 8


3. SUMMER POINTS SCORE..................................................................................... 10

3.1 General Notes........................................................................................... 10

3.2 No.1 Points Score..................................................................................... 12

3.3 No.2 Points Score..................................................................................... 13

3.4 No.3 Points Score..................................................................................... 14


4. WINTER POINTS SCORE...................................................................................... 15

4.1 General Notes........................................................................................... 15

4.2 Points Score Details................................................................................... 16

4.3 Time Trials............................................................................................... 16


5. CLUB CHAMPIONSHIPS........................................................................................ 18

5.1................................................................................................................ 18

5.2 Open Championships................................................................................. 19


6. MINOR POINTS SCORE........................................................................................ 21


7. HANDICAP AND OTHER EVENTS......................................................................... 22

7.1 Ern Furbank Handicap............................................................................... 22

7.2 Vi Schofield Memorial Relay....................................................................... 22

7.3 Steven Olive Club Captains Relay Challenge Trophy...................................... 23

7.4 Evergreen Senior Women’s 50m Handicap................................................... 23

7.5 Evergreen Senior Men’s 50m Handicap........................................................ 23

7.6 Golden Oldies Trophy (Winter Points Score)................................................ 24

7.7 Xmas Relay Challenge Trophy.................................................................... 24



8. DISCIPLINE.......................................................................................................... 25

8.1 Definition of misconduct............................................................................ 25

8.2 Penalties for misconduct............................................................................ 25

8.3 Non-compliance with team selections.......................................................... 25



9. ACHIEVEMENT RECOGNITION & OTHER AWARDS............................................ 26

9.1 General.................................................................................................... 26

9.2 Country and State Championship Qualifiers.................................................. 26

9.3 National Championship Qualifiers................................................................ 26

9.4 Wall of Champions.................................................................................... 27

9.5 Wall of Fame............................................................................................ 27

9.6 Other Awards........................................................................................... 28


10. GENERAL BY-LAWS............................................................................................ 31





1.1         Executive


1.1.1      President  - shall be responsible for:


              (a) presiding at each General meeting and Committee meeting of the Club. In the event of any meeting being tied in voting  he/she shall, in addition to his/her normal vote, have a deciding or casting vote;


              (b) the day to day running of the Club with respect to ensuring other Committee members fulfil their responsibilities;


              (c) being spokesperson for the Club at all official functions.



1.1.2      Vice President - shall deputise for the president if and when needed and shall enjoy all privileges of that office while so acting.



1.1.3      Secretary - is responsible for:


              (a) keeping, or causing to be kept, the records of the business of the Club including the rules, register of members, minutes of all general and Committee meetings and a file of correspondence. Those records shall be available for inspection by any member and shall be held in the custody of the Secretary;


              (b) the role of the Public Officer;


              (c) attending to all correspondence (other than those defined in the Treasurer's duties;


              (d) issuing all notices pertaining to the Club, and authorised by the Committee;


              (e) the bulk booking of accommodation for Country and State Championships.




1.1.4      Treasurer - shall be responsible for:


              (a) ensuring that all monies received by the Club are paid into an account in the Club's name. Payments shall be made through a petty cash system, or by cheque signed by two (2) signatories of the Executive. Major or unusual expenditures shall be authorised in advice by the Committee or a general meeting.


              (b) ensuring that correct books and accounts are kept showing the financial affairs of the Club. These records shall be available for inspection by any member and shall be held in custody of the Treasurer;


              (c) prior to the Annual General Meeting, have an audit of the books and accounts carried out by a qualified accountant appointed by the Committee, and present to the Annual General Meeting a summary of those audited accounts;


              (d) attending to all the Club's affiliations, capitation of members and carnival entries;


              (e) attending to all other invoiced accounts;


              (f) notifying the Committee of all outgoing payments at the next committee meeting.



1.1.5      Race Secretary - shall be responsible for:


              (a) the nomination of all Club swimmers in Interclub carnivals, National, State, Country and District Championships;


              (b) the collection of entry fees for those events and the forwarding of any monies received to the Treasurer.


              (c) where possible, obtaining and keeping a record of times recorded by Club members at all carnivals;


              (d) reporting to all general and committee meeting, a summary of results obtained by Club members at carnivals;


              (e) informing members of forthcoming carnivals, along with their closing dates, in sufficient time to allow them to enter.



1.2         Committee Members


1.2.1      Chief Recorder  - shall be responsible for:


              (a) keeping all records necessary for the smooth functioning of the Club's Points Score, Handicap and Club Championship competitions and shall control the grading and seeding of swimmers in such events;


              (b) distribution and collection of entry cards for the above events;


              (c) obtaining trophies/awards pertaining to monthly and final placegetters in the above events;


              (d) reviewing and displaying best times of swimmers periodically throughout the season.



1.2.2      Gear Steward  - shall be responsible for:


              (a) the overall maintenance, recording of, and location of all the Club's equipment. He/she shall maintain an inventory, which shall be checked at the beginning and the end of the summer swimming season, and record the state, number and holder of such equipment;


              (b) the preparation of the pool and surrounds prior to Club nights and Interclub carnivals, and putting away of any equipment used after such events are completed;


              (c) delegating responsibility for the above duties when absent.



1.2.3      Publicity Officer - shall be responsible for:


              (a) attending to all the Club's publicity with respect to notifying the media of the Club's activities and Points Score results.


              (b) writing and distribution of the Club's newsletter.



1.2.4      Social Secretary - shall be responsible for:


              (a) organising fundraising and activities with respect to both weekly raffles and major items;


              (b) organising social events throughout the year;


              (c) supervising catering arrangements for any carnival the Club runs, Presentation Day, and any other social event;


              (d) organising the cleaning roster for the Clubroom.



1.2.5      Chief Learn-to Swim Instructor  - shall be responsible for:


              (a) the Club's free Learn-to-Swim program involving the organization of swimmers into classes and to allocation of Instructors to those classes;


              (b) ensuring Instructors gain the necessary credentials;


              (c) capitating Instructors  through the Club;


              (d) issuing relevant certificates to swimmers who have achieved the various levels of competency through the program;


              (e) report to the Committee on a regular basis and provide an annual report as to the Learn-to-Swim program's activities, throughout the year, at the AGM.


              (f) provide a written report of the program's activities to the SCAT Learn-to-Swim co-ordinator prior to the SCAT Annual General Meeting


o            It has been Club policy to pay the capitation fee for all Instructors who do not participate in regular Club activities.



1.2.6      Three (3) Other Committee Persons - shall perform duties as required by the President or committee and attend all Committee meetings.



1.3         Other Club Officials


1.3.1      Referee - is responsible for the running of all Club swimming activities with respect to the following:


              (a) all of the Points Score and Club Championship competitions will be run under the NSW Swimming Association Inc. rules; and


              (b) any disqualification or protest decision will ultimately be his/her responsibility.


              The person holding this position does not necessarily have to be qualified but it would be desirable for that person to be very close to being, if not already, a Referee.


1.3.2      Assistant Recorder  - shall be responsible for:


              (a) assisting the Chief Recorder in the smooth functioning of the Club's Points Score, Handicap and Championship competitions;


              (b) deputising for the Chief Recorder when required;


              (c) performing duties as requested by the Chief Recorder.



1.3.3      Team Manager - shall be responsible for:


              (a) having general control of members at all designated competitions and, at such events, will be responsible for withdrawals;


              (b) liaising with the Race Secretary in the selection and organization of relay teams;


              (c) approaching competition officials on behalf of the Club when necessary. He/she is the only Club official to act in this capacity when he/she is in attendance.



1.3.4      Club Historian  - shall be responsible for creating and continuing a "Dapto Swimming Club Inc. History" so that a record is kept for future reference by the Club. Such records are to be made and include, where appropriate, photographs, media literature and any other suitable items.



1.3.5      Clothing Person - is responsible for:


              (a) the ordering, care and sale of all Club apparel;


              (b) keeping an inventory of all goods on hand and a record of all sales;


              (c) passing on of all monies collected to the Treasurer as soon as possible after sales.



1.3.6      Chief Timekeeper -  -  shall be responsible for:


              (a) the care and maintenance of the Club's stopwatches;


              (b) the organization of timekeepers for the Club's Points Score, Handicap, and Championship competitions;


              (c) officiating in a manner which is in accordance with that laid down for this position by NSW Swimming Inc.



1.3.7      Starter  - shall be responsible for the starting of all events in the Club's Points Score, Handicap, and Championship competitions in a manner which is in accordance with that laid down for this position by NSW Swimming Inc.



1.3.8      Chief Judge  - shall be responsible for organising, and presiding over, at least two (2) other judges during all events in the Club's Handicap, and Championship competitions. He/she shall officiate in a manner which is in accordance with that laid down for this position by NSW Swimming Inc.



1.3.9      Marshall - during the Club's Points Score, Handicap, and Championship competitions the Marshall shall be responsible for:


              (a) collecting cards from the Chief Recorder;


              (b) calling swimmers for their events;


              (c) organization of runners and directing them in the distribution of cards to the timekeepers and recorders.



1.3.10 Delegates (2 Only) - shall regularly attend general meetings of Associations to which the Club is affiliated and report on matters arising at these meetings to earliest Committee meeting following. Delegates shall vote as directed by the Committee.




1.4         Club Captains


1.4.1      Selection Criteria


              (i) There will be one (1) boy and one (1) girl Club Captain.


              (ii) The Club Captains will be competitive swimmers, preferably at State or Country level, and deemed to be mature and responsible enough to perform the duties listed below.


              (iii) The Committee will nominate a maximum of two (2) swimmers for each position as soon as possible after the AGM. These nominees will then be voted upon by the registered competitive swimmers in the Club in the following manner:


                        (a) the Committee will appoint a Returning Officer who will conduct a secret ballot for the positions over the  following two weeks.


                        (b) in the event of a tied vote the position shall be filled by a draw from the hat, conducted by the Returning Officer in the presence of two members of the Executive.



            It is the intention of this clause that only competitive squad swimmers vote for Club Captains as this is primarily the group of swimmers that the Club Captains will be representing over the year. As well, many younger swimmers, new to the Club (especially in winter), are not familiar with the nominees and are therefore unsure of whom to vote for.



1.4.2      Duties of the Club Captains


              The duties of the Club Captains will be as follows:


              (i) to act as ambassadors of the Club when required;


              (ii) to accept team trophies/awards at all carnivals;


              (iii) to speak on behalf of the Club, when required;


              (iv) to present monthly Points Score awards;


              (v) to assist the Team Manager with the orientation of novice competitors at carnivals;


              (vi) to select teams for the annual Club Captains relay;


              (vii) to assist the Club President with presentations when requested.





2.1         General


2.1.1      Any team nominated to represent the Club at an event will be selected by the Team Selection Committee which will consist of the Race Secretary, Recorder and Team Manager.


2.1.2      Selection of such a team will take place no less than seven (7) days prior to the event in the case of Carnivals and Interclub, and no less than seven (7) days prior to the closing date of an event if qualifying times apply (ie. State or National Relays)


2.1.3      The selected team will be announced and posted no less than seven (7) days prior to the event.


2.1.4      lf a swimmer is unavailable for the event, he/she must notify the Race Secretary or Team Manager of that unavailability no less than four (4) days prior to the event. Failure to make this notification may result in the swimmer being omitted from future team selections. Failure to represent the Club on two occasions in one season, when selected, may also result in the swimmer being omitted from future team selections.


2.1.5      Team selection will be based solely on times recorded by a swimmer according to the following criteria:


                        (i) Club Points Score

                                    Freestyle - times recorded over the previous 4 weeks of Points Score.


                                    Form Strokes - times recorded at the last 2 available weeks of that stroke in the Points Score.


                        (ii) Club Championships - times recorded over previous 4 weeks.


                        (iii) Carnivals - times recorded over previous 4 weeks.


                        (iv) Shell Age - times recorded over previous 4 weeks.


                        (v) Interclub - times recorded over previous 4 weeks.


                        (vi) Official Time Trial supervised by NSWSA Technical Officials - times recorded over previous 4 weeks.


                        (vii) Regional and State Schools Championships - times  recorded over previous 4 weeks.


2.1.6      A swimmer selected for an event will be the fastest swimmer for that stroke and distance based on the above criteria. This selection is subject to the conditions of entry.


2.1.7      A suitable number of reserves shall be selected for each event. These need not be announced or posted with the original team.


2.1.8      It is the responsibility of the swimmer to advise the Race Secretary or Team Manager of their times recorded at any of the above sanctioned events, except for Club Points Score and Club Championships. Full times only will be accepted ie. "about 1.20 something" is insufficient and will not be recorded .


2.1.9      Where there are insufficient times to select a swimmer for an event and the above rules cannot be met, discretion is to be used.





o            The Club's Points Score competitions are designed to encourage swimmers to achieve better times and to swim further, whilst giving all swimmers an equal opportunity to gain awards. The aim of the three Points Score system is to provide each swimmer the opportunity to swim three swims per night. Previously, only the older swimmers had this opportunity with longer distances available in No.2 Points Score.


o            No.1 Points Score is basically as for the previous No.1 with a few minor changes. No.2 Points Score is primarily designed to give younger, or less confident, swimmers an extra swim each night. No.3 Points Score is designed for squad swimmers or those wishing to swim longer distances. However, there is no restriction as to who swims what Points Score.


3.1         General Notes


3.1.1      There will be a total of three (3) Points Scores for summer competition, viz. No.1, No.2, and No.3.



3.1.2      Each swimmer is permitted to swim in only two Points Scores per season, i.e. No.1 Points Score and either No.2 or No.3 Points Score. Once a swimmer has started in either No.2 or No.3 Points Scores he/she is not permitted to change to the other during the season.



3.1.3      Entry to Points Score events is restricted to financial Club members.


o            It is the intention here to provide new members to the Club with two nights grace before paying Club fees so as to ascertain whether or not they wish to continue swimming. After this period the swimmer must be financial to gain points and no points will be accredited retrospectively to a swimmer for any swim he/she has whilst unfinancial (except for the first two swims)



3.1.4      The age at which the swimmer will compete is that at which he/she is at October 1.



3.1.5      Any swimmer who is unable to compete in Points Score on any occasion, due to representative commitments, at the discretion of the Committee, may be accredited with extra points for No.1 Points Score. Points to be accredited will be calculated as follows:


                        At the end of the season the swimmer’s total points will be divided by the total number of swims available to that swimmers from the date of their joining the Club. This will be the multiplied by the number of swims missed due to representative commitments and added to the total.


              As well, this will apply to No.2 and No.3 Points Scores, only if he/she competes in these on a regular basis.


              Representative  commitments covered by this clause are: Country, State and National Championships, or representation in a South Coast and Tablelands, Country, State or National squad.


              Any appeals regarding this clause will be adjudicated upon by the  Committee.



o            It is not the intention of this clause to give points to swimmers who do not compete in Points Score due to any carnival other than that described. As well, a swimmer must demonstrate that he/she seriously swims in No.2 or No.3 Points Scores to gain points in these events.



3.1.6      Siblings of representative swimmers as detailed in 3.1.5, or their representative, may apply to be awarded points as for 3.1.5, if affected by those representative commitments. These swimmers are requested to swim if at all possible and points will only be accredited on the adjudication of the Committee.



3.1.7      Eligibility to receive awards will be restricted to those swimmers who:


              (a) have swum at least one third (1/3) of the total number of swims available to them in that Points Score event from the date at which they joined the Club; and


              (b) are a financial member of the Club; and


              (c) joined the Club prior to the second Club night after the summer Country Championships; or


              (d) have been through the Club's Learn-to-Swim campaign and obtained the appropriate certificate. In this case the first day of membership will be taken as the date of the Points Score meet next following the day the Learn-to-Swim test was successfully completed, irrespective of the date such membership was finalised.


3.1.8      Any swimmer who does not receive an award in any of the Points Score competitions (or the Club Championships) will be eligible to receive an encouragement award. The nature of this award will be determined by the Committee, but should be of a "lesser" nature than those received by Points Score winners.



3.2         No.1 Points Score


3.2.1      Distances - the Points Score will be held over the "sprint" distances of 12.5m, 25m, 50m and 100m. All events will be conducted as scratch races.



3.2.2      Strokes - each week there will be a freestyle event and an alternate form stroke event over each of the distances detailed above.



3.2.3      Entry - each swimmer is entitled to contest two swims per meet which will include one freestyle event and/or one form stroke event only.



3.2.4      Progression - for 12.5m and 25m events there will be a progression time set. After a swimmer has equalled or bettered the progression time on three occasions they must progress to a longer distance. Progression time are as follows:

                                                            12.5m  --  14 seconds

                                                             25m    --  28 seconds


              No swimmer will be permitted to regress in distance.


o            These times have been set so as not to force younger or less confident swimmers into swimming longer distances, especially in form strokes. They should be examined regularly to assess their suitability to present conditions.



3.2.5    Points Allocation - the first swim in any stroke or distance will be swum as a time trial and the swimmer will be accredited with “equal best” points. The time for this swim will then be the swimmers “personal best” time, against which all subsequent times are judged, until a faster time is swum.


            The committee may adjust swimmers initial personal best time if it is felt that this time is not a true reflection of that swimmers ability.



o            Higher points have been allocated to 100m events as there is no progression time at 50m. Therefore this has been designed to encourage swimmers to progress to 100m events.



3.2.6      Age Groups  - there will be ten (10) age categories i.e. 5yrs and under, 6yrs, 7yrs, 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs 12yrs, 13yrs, 14yrs, 15yrs and over.



3.2.7      Awards - at the end of the competition awards will be allocated as  follows:

                                                Boys - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each age group

                                                Girls - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each age group


o            From time to time, at the Committee's discretion, awards may be presented. In the past this has been monthly on a combined boys/girls basis.



3.3         No.2 Points Score


3.3.1      Distances - 25m scratch events only.


3.3.2      Strokes - any stroke.


3.3.3      Entry - entry is open to any member regardless of age or ability.  Each swimmer is entitled to one (1) swim per meet.


3.3.4      Points Allocation - the first swim in any stroke or distance will be swum as a time trial and the swimmer will be accredited with "equal best" points. The time for this swim will then be the swimmer's "personal best" time against which all subsequent times are judged, until a faster time is swum.


              Times achieved in No.1 Points Score will not be considered.


                        Points allocation is as follows:

                                    Start and finish                             1

                                    0-2 sec. outside best                    2                     

                                    Equal best                                    3                     

                                    0-2 sec. inside best                      4                     

                                    Greater than 2 sec. inside best     6                     

                                    Disqualified, Did not finish            0         


3.3.5    Awards - at the end of the competition awards will be allocated as  follows:

                                                Boys - overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

                                                Girls - overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd.



3.4         No.3 Points Score


3.4.1      Distances - swimmers will have the choice of swimming either 200m or 400m each meet.


3.4.2      Strokes

                        200m events - any stroke plus Individual Medley.

                        400m events - freestyle or Individual Medley.


3.4.3      Entry - entry is open to any member regardless of age or ability. Each swimmer is entitled to one (1) swim per meet.


3.4.4    Points Allocation - Points Allocation - the first swim in any stroke or distance will be swum as a time trial and the swimmer will be accredited with “equal best” points. The time for this swim will then be the swimmers “personal best” time, against which all subsequent times are judged, until a faster time is swum.


            The committee may adjust a swimmers initial personal best time if it is felt that this time is not a true reflection of that swimmer's ability.



3.4.5      Awards - at the end of the competition awards will be allocated as  follows:

                                                Boys - overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd.

                                                Girls - overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd.




3.5         By-laws 3.1 to 3.4 shall not be modified in any manner after October 1 in any summer season.





4.1         General Notes


4.1.1      There will be one (1) Points Score only.


4.1.2      Entry to Points Score events is restricted to financial Club members.


o            It is the intention here to provide new members to the Club with two nights grace before paying Club fees so as to ascertain whether or not they wish to continue swimming. After this period the swimmer must be financial to gain points and no points will be accredited retrospectively to a swimmer for any swim he/she has whilst unfinancial (except for the first two swims).



4.1.3      The age at which the swimmer will compete is that at which he/she is at April 1.



4.1.4      Any swimmer who is unable to compete in Points Score on any occasion, due to representative commitments, at the discretion of the Committee, may be accredited with extra points for the Points Score. Points to be accredited will be calculated as follows:


                        At the end of the season the swimmer’s total points will be divided by the total number of swims available to that swimmers from the date of their joining the Club. This will be the multiplied by the number of swims missed due to representative commitments and added to the total.



              Representative commitments covered by this clause are: Country, State and National Championships, or representation in a South Coast and Tablelands, Country, State or National squad.


              Any appeals regarding this clause will be adjudicated upon by the Committee.


o            It is the intention of this clause not to give points to swimmers who do not compete in the Points Score due to a carnival other than that described.



4.1.5      Siblings of representative swimmers as detailed in 4.1.5, or their representative, may apply to be awarded points as for 4.1.5, if affected by those representative commitments. These swimmers are requested to swim if at all possible and points will only be accredited on the adjudication of the  Committee.



4.1.6      Eligibility to receive awards will be restricted to those swimmers who:


              (a) have swum at least one third (1/3) of the total number of swims available to them in that Points Score from the date at which they joined the Club, providing they have swum on a minimum of four (4) Points Score nights;


              (b) are a financial member of the Club,



4.1.7      Non-members are eligible to swim any distance or stroke as a time trial only. The entry fee for any such swim will be set prior to the commencement of the Points Score by the Committee.



4.2         Points Score Details


4.2.1      Distances - the Points Score will be held over the "sprint" distances of 12.5m, 25m, 50m and 100m. All events will be conducted as scratch races.



4.2.2      Strokes - each week there will be a freestyle event and an alternate form stroke event over each of the distances detailed above (4.2.1).



4.2.3      Entry - each swimmer is entitled to contest two swims per meet which will include one freestyle event and/or one form stroke event only.



4.2.4      Progression - for 12.5m and 25m events there will be a progression time set. After a swimmer has equalled or bettered the progression time on three occasions they must progress to a longer distance. Progression time are as follows:


                                                12.5m  --  14 seconds

                                                 25m    --  28 seconds


              No swimmer will be permitted to regress in distance.



4.2.5      Points Allocation  - the first swim in any stroke or distance will be swum as a time trial and the swimmer will be credited with "equal best" points. The time for this swim will then be the swimmer's "personal best" time against which all subsequent times are judged, until a faster time is swum.



              Points allocation will be as follows:

                                                                          12.5m-50m                           100m

              Start and finish                                          1                                     2

              0-2 sec. outside best                                 2                                     3

              Equal best                                                 3                                     4

              0-2 sec. inside best                                   4                                     5

              Greater than 2 sec. inside best                   6                                     7

              Disqualified, Did not finish                         0                                     0



o            Higher points have been allocated to 100m events as there is no progression time at 50m. Therefore this has been designed to encourage swimmers to progress to 100m events.




4.2.6      Age Groups - there will be nine (9) age categories i.e. 5 and under, 6yrs, 7yrs, 8yrs, 9yrs, 10yrs, 11yrs, 12yrs, 13 and over.



4.2.7      Awards  - at the end of the competition awards will be allocated as follows:


              Boys and Girls combined - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each age group


              The overall Points Score winner will receive the Dapto Menswear Trophy plus a keepsake (see 9.6.4).



4.3         Time Trials


              On each Points Score night there will be time trials over the distance of either 200m or 400m. These swims will not score points towards a swimmer's overall Points Score tally.



4.4         By-laws 4.1 to 4.3 shall not be modified, in any manner, after April 1 in any winter season.





o            There will be an Age Championships and an Open Championships These are designed to determine the best swimmers in the Club in each of the age groups. However it is also the intention to encourage all swimmers in the Club to compete. For those not wishing to or ineligible to compete the Club will conduct a Minor Points Score to run in conjunction with these Championships.


o            It is usual to hold the Club Championships at the end of the summer season, but this may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the Committee.



.2.5.1         Age Championships



5.1.1      General Notes - there will be two (2) separate Age Championships, one each for male and female swimmers.


5.1.2      Entry - entry will be restricted to those swimmers who:


              (a) have swum at least one third (1/3) of the total number of swims available to them in No.1 Points Score from the date at which they joined the Club; and


              (b) are a financial member of the Club; and


              (c) joined the Club prior to the second Club night after the summer Country Championships; and


              (d) are first claim swimmers with the Club;


              Entries close on the second last night of Points Score. It is the responsibility of Club members to enter themselves.



5.1.3      Ages-Distances - age as at the first day of the championships.


                                    6 and Under                           25m     - All strokes

                                    7 and 8   years                       50m     - Freestyle

                                                                                  25m     - Form strokes

                                    9 and 10 years                       50m     - All strokes

                                                                                  200m   - Individual Medley

                                    11 and 12  years                    50m     - All strokes

                                                                                  200m   - Individual Medley

                                    13 and 14 years                     100m   - Freestyle

                                                                                  50m     - Form strokes

                                                                                  200m   - Individual Medley

                                    15 and Over                          100m   - Freestyle

                                                                                  50m     - Form strokes

                                                                                  200m   - Individual Medley


              All events will be contested as Timed Finals under the Rules of the ASA Inc.



5.1.4      Points Allocation and Awards -- allocation of points for each event will be as follows:

                                                First                10 points

                                                Second            8 points

                                                Third               7 points

                                                Fourth             6 points

                                                Fifth                5 points

                                                Sixth               4 points

                                                Seventh           3 points

                                                Eighth              2 points


              For each swimmer points will be tallied for the series of events contested and prizes awarded as follows:


                                    Boys - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each age group

                                    Girls - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in each age group

Should two or more swimmers gain equal points in any placing they shall be declared joint placegetters.


o            If Club finances permit, it would be desirable to present all event placegetters with awards (medals), preferably at the time of the event. However, as this is not always possible, it is recommended that individual event placing be noted on the overall placegetter's trophy. In the case of swimmers who do not place overall, these results may be noted on Points Score or encouragement trophies.



5.2         Open Championships


5.2.1      General Notes


              (a) There will be two (2) separate Open Championships, one each for male and female swimmers.


              (b) Contestants in Open events shall be limited to the eight (8) fastest of those entering, plus two (2) reserves being the 9th and 10th fastest. Fastest times are to be based on the times established in the Club's Points Score competition only.


              (c) If less than four (4) entries are received for an event by close of entries, that event will be cancelled and no points awarded.



o            This clause has been included to overcome the past situation where only one or two swimmers have contested an event or overall championships.



              (d) The Championship performance shall not count in the general Points Score competitions.


              (e) All events shall be conducted on the day set down unless circumstances beyond the control of the Committee intervene.



5.2.2      Entry  - entry will be restricted to those swimmers who:


              (a) have swum at least one third (1/3) of the total number of swims available to them in that Points Score event from the date at which they joined the Club;


              (b) are a financial member of the Club;


              (c) joined the Club prior to the second Club night after the summer Country Championships;


              (d) are first claim swimmers with the Club;


              Entries close on the second last night of Points Score. It is the responsibility of Club members to enter themselves.



5.2.3      Distances:   

                                                50m     Freestyle

                                                100m   Freestyle and Form strokes

                                                200m   Individual Medley

                                                200m   Freestyle

                                                400m   Freestyle



5.2.4      Points Allocation and Awards - allocation of points for each event will be as follows:


                                                First                10 points

                                                Second           8  points

                                                Third               7  points

                                                Fourth             6  points

                                                Fifth                5  points

                                                Sixth               4  points

                                                Seventh           3  points

                                                Eighth              2  points


                        For each swimmer points will be tallied for the series of events contested and prizes awarded as follows:

                                                Boys - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd

                                                Girls - 1st, 2nd, and 3rd


                        Should two or more swimmers gain equal points in any placing they shall be declared joint placegetters.



o            Again it is recommended that additional awards or trophy inscriptions be made as for 5.1.4 above.


5.3         By-law 5.1 to 5.2 shall not be modified, in any manner, after October 1 in any summer season.



6.1         General Notes


6.1.1      Eligibility - any swimmer not eligible to enter Club Championships.

              Those swimmers who are eligible to enter Club Championships may swim in the Minor Points Score but will not receive points for doing so.



6.1.2      Distances - the Points Score will be held over the "sprint" distances of 12.5m, 25m, and 50m. All events will be conducted as scratch races.



6.1.3      Strokes - each week there will be a freestyle event and an alternate form stroke event over each of the distances detailed above.



6.1.4      Entry - each swimmer is entitled to contest two swims per meet which will include one freestyle event and/or one form stroke event only. Swimmers must enter in the distances they have progressed to in the No.1 Points Score, or greater if they so wish.



6.1.5      Ages - open to all ages.



6.1.6      Points Allocation - points will be awarded as follows, with "best time" taken as  the competitor's "personal best" time swum for the stroke and distance in No.1 Points Score:



                                    Start and finish                                        1         

                                    0-2 sec. outside best                               2         

                                    Equal best                                               3         

                                    0-2 sec. inside best                                 4         

                                    Greater than 2 sec. inside best                 6         

                                    Disqualified, Did not finish                       0



6.1.7      Awards  - at the end of the competition awards will be allocated as follows:


                                    Overall  - 1st, 2nd and 3rd



 7.1        Ern Furbank Handicap


o            Donated in 1976 by family and friends in memory of Ern Furbank, Superintendent of Dapto Olympic Pool from 1965 to 1974. It is usually presented by Mrs Furbank on the night of the final. This event is usually held before Christmas.


              Rules are as follows:

*    50m freestyle handicap event;

*    Competitors nominate the time they predict they will swim over the distance;

*    Any swimmer who breaks their time by greater than two seconds is eliminated;

*    Of the remainder, first placegetters in each heat progress to the next round which is a semi-final round of two heats;

*    As well, additional placegetters in each heat progress to the semi-finals. In this case first preference is given to second placegetters and so on until all lanes are full. If there are insufficient lanes available then preference is given to those swimmers closest to their nominated time;

*    In the semi-final heats any swimmer who breaks their time by greater than two seconds is eliminated;

*    Of the remainder, first placegetters in each heat progress to the final;

*    In the final any swimmer who breaks their time by greater than two seconds is eliminated;

*    The first placegetter is then declared the winner.

*    The winner will receive the perpetual trophy plus a keepsake.



7.2         Vi Schofield Memorial Relay


o            Donated by Harry Schofield in memory of his wife, Vi, a very hard worker for the Club, and a Chief Judge at national level. Vi was also a made a Life Member of the Club in 1975. This event is usually held after Christmas.


              Rules are as follows:

*   Held as a brace relay, 2 x 50m, with swimmers nominating the time that they predict they will swim over the 100m distance;

*   Handicap rules apply;

*   In the first round any team which breaks their time by greater than four seconds is eliminated;

*   The first placegetter in each heat then progresses on to the final.

*   As well, additional placegetters in each heat progress to the final. In this case first preference is given to second placegetters and so on until all lanes are full. If there are insufficient lanes available then preference is given to those teams closest to their nominated time;

*   In the final any team which breaks their time by greater than four seconds is eliminated;

*   The first placed team is then declared the winner.

*   The winning team members will receive the perpetual trophy plus a keepsake.


7.3                  Steven Olive Club Captains Relay Challenge Trophy



o            Donated in 1982/83 by Steven Olive, a Club Captain, Country and State swimmer in the 1980's. Usually held on "break-up" night prior to Christmas.


              Rules are as follows:

*   One boy's and one girl's team are selected by the respective Club Captains, the number of participants in each being determined by agreement between them;

*   Each swimmer is permitted to swim only once over the distance of 50m;

*   The event is run on a handicap basis with each swimmer's personal best Club time for 50m being added together to determine the handicap.




7.4                  Evergreen Senior Women’s 50m Handicap; (Summer Points Score)



o            Donated by Michelle Jones (later Schofield) in 1981/82. Run during the summer Points Score season.


              Rules are as follows:

*   Handicap rules apply;

*   First swim is swum as a time trial and the time swum will be deemed the swimmer's personal best time;

*   Points are allocated as 5 points for 1st, 3 points for 2nd, 2 points for 3rd, and 1 point for a swim.

*   A swimmer must be a Club member and must have swum in a least one third of available swims to be eligible to win the award and will receive the perpetual trophy plus a keepsake.




7.5         Evergreen Senior Men’s 50m Handicap; (Summer Points Score)


o            Donated by Harry Schofield in 1981/82. Harry is a Life Member of the Club being Referee for 15 years and Secretary for 11 years. Run during the summer Points Score season.


              Rules as for 7.5 above. The winner will receive the perpetual trophy plus a keepsake.


              If lane space permits both Senior Women's and Senior Men's events may be held together, but shall be scored separately.



7.6         Golden Oldies Trophy (Winter Points Score)


o            Donated by Faye and Bill Rowles in 1993 to be held during the winter Points Score season. Faye is a Life Member of the Club (1993) and has held numerous  committee positions. She has Refereed up to National level and has held positions on the NSWSA committee. Bill has also been an active Club committee member and is a qualified Referee.


              Rules are as follows:

*   Each swimmer is permitted to swim one 50m freestyle swim per meet;

*   The first swim will be swum as a time trial and the swimmer will be credited with "equal best" points. The time for this swim will then be the swimmer's "personal best" time against which all subsequent times are judged, until a faster time is swum.;

*   Points allocation will be as follows:

                                    Start and finish                                        1         

                                    0-2 sec. outside best                               2         

                                    Equal best                                               3         

                                    0-2 sec. inside best                                 4         

                                    Greater than 2 sec. inside best                 6         

                                    Disqualified, Did not finish                       0

*   A swimmer must have swum in a least one third of available swims to be eligible to win the award.

*   The winner will be the overall highest points scorer at the end of the season and will receive a perpetual trophy plus a keepsake.





7.7         Xmas Relay Challenge Trophy



o            Donated in 1998/99 by  the Tresidder Family.. Usually held on "break-up" night prior to Christmas.


              Rules are as follows:


*   Made up of teams nominated by individuals or by the Club;

*   Each team will consist of ten swimmers;

*   Each swimmer is permitted to swim only once over the distance of 50m and must nominate the stroke they are swimming;

*   Swimmers are permitted to wear swimming aids;

*   Each swimmer must nominate their 50m time prior to the event or in the absence of a nominated time a swimmers nominated time will be equal to their personal best time for the nominated stroke from No1. Point Score.

*   Swimmers wearing swimming aids must nominate a time consistent with wearing such an aid;

*   The event is run on a handicap basis and a team will be disqualified if it breaks its nominated time by greater than 20 seconds.

*   A swimmer (and team) will be disqualified if he/she fails to swim their nominated stroke or fails to wear the nominated swimming aid.





8.1         Definition of misconduct


              The Committee has the right to discipline any member for any conduct which is deemed detrimental to the smooth running, or against the best interests, of the Club. Such conduct shall include:


              (i) participation in an act detrimental to the Club;


              (ii) condoning such an act before it occurred;


              (ii) making statements detrimental to the Club;


              (iv) divulging information confidential to the Club.


o            This list consists of examples of conduct which it is felt would bring the Club into disrepute or be detrimental to its' smooth running. It is meant to be a guide only and any other conduct having a similar effect on the Club should be added to the list when necessary.



8.2         Penalties for misconduct


              The procedure to discipline a member are as for Part 4 of the Constitution of the Dapto Swimming Club Inc.


              The penalties for any proven offence shall be determined by the Committee, but should reflect the seriousness of the offence.


8.3         Non-compliance with team selections


              Any swimmer who refuses, without prior or appropriate warning and appropriate reason, to swim in a selected relay team at a carnival will not be included in the subsequent carnival(s) relay teams. That swimmer is to be notified of his or her exclusion prior to the next carnival by the team manager. The executive will be informed prior to such action being taken.





9.1         General


              Apart from awards made in the various Points Scores, Club Championships, and Handicap events, the Club will recognise the achievements of its' swimmers in the following ways;



9.2         Country and State Championship Qualifiers


              Any swimmer who qualifies for, and intends to compete at, any of the summer or winter Country and State Championships shall be presented with an item of apparel, or similar, specifying their level of achievement.


              Depending upon the financial status of the Club at the time, gifts may be given for individual championships or for a combination of championships.


              In the event of a swimmer who fully intended to compete at one of the above mentioned Championships and is injured or falls ill prior to those Championships and cannot for this reason compete, then that swimmer will still be entitled to their gift.


              At the discretion of the Committee entry fees for State qualifiers may be paid for by the Club. In this case the total amount paid in fees should be deducted from the overall amount set aside for gifts. The remainder should then be divided by the number of competitors when selecting a gift.


o            The reason for stipulating an item of apparel as a gift was that, at the time of drafting this by-law, a number of swimmers expressed the opinion that they would prefer to receive this type of gift on which was specified the level of achievement that they had attained.


              On changing this By-law in 1998 it was intended that any swimmer attending their first championships should receive an item of Club clothing, eg. T-shirt, with their achievement inscribed on it, even if the gift for that  period was not Club clothing.



              As distinct from the above gift, any swimmer who has swum at the Championships listed above during a season, at the discretion of the Committee, may be presented with a trophy at the season's presentation night. This trophy shall have inscribed on it those Championships for which the competitor qualified.




9.3         National Championship Qualifiers


              (a) For National Age and Open Championship competitors the Club shall pay all entry fees. The Club shall also make a financial contribution to the competitors expenses incurred in competing in the Championships. Any such contribution shall be determined after consideration of the Club's financial situation, the number of competitors entering, and the location of the Championships.


              (b) Until such times that qualifying times are set for National Open Water Championships (Age and Open), the Club shall pay all entry fees for those competitors who have medalled in their respective events at the State Open Water Championships. The Club may also make a financial contribution to those competitors and their handlers for expenses incurred in competing in the championships.


              Apart from the above recognition, the competitor shall be presented with a gift at the season's presentation night which should have indicated on it the Championships for which he/she qualified.



9.4         Wall of Champions

              One wall of the Clubroom shall be set aside for individual or teams which have reached a level of achievement deemed worthy of placing a photograph of that individual or team on it. Only one photograph of an individual competitor, or team, will be displayed. Achievement deemed worthy of recognition on this wall area is as follows:



9.4.1      National Finalists

              Any competitor who has qualified for a final of a National Championships event shall be entitled to have their framed photograph placed on the wall, under which will be detailed their achievements.



9.4.2      Australian Record Holders

              Any competitor who holds an Australian record, irrespective of where it was set, shall be entitled to have their framed photograph placed on the wall, under which will be placed details of the record(s).



9.4.3      Teams

              Any team which places first in a team event at Country or higher Championships will have a team photograph displayed on the wall on which will be noted the team members and their achievement.



9.5         Wall of Fame

              A wall will be set aside in the Clubroom which will have placed on it framed photographs of competitors (or teams) from the preceding summer and winter seasons who have achieved as follows:


              (i) National qualifiers - individual photographs;


              (ii) State and Country qualifiers - team photograph of all competitors, individual photographs for medal winners;


              (iii) State Relay Teams - qualifying teams only;


              (iv) SCAT teams - team representative group photograph. Teams include Brophy Shield, Development Squad, Challenge Squad, selected training squads, and SCAT relay teams (team group photograph);


              (v) State or Country train-on squads - group photograph;


              (vi) Ern Furbank Hcp. - individual photograph;


              (vii) Vi Schofield Hcp. Relay -  team photograph;


              (viii) Interclub Representative team - team photograph;


              (ix) Presentation Night winners - major award winners from Points Scores and Club Championships as well as Perpetual Trophy winners (see below). - combined age group photos for Points Scores and Club Championships, individual photographs for perpetual trophy winners.


              This wall is to be updated prior to the commencement of each summer season. Apart from Presentation Night winners only one photograph of an individual will be displayed, with a list of all their achievements.



9.6       Other Awards


9.6.1      Peter Whelan Memorial Trophy


o            Donated in 1983/84 by Mrs Whelan in memory of her husband who was deeply involved with the Club's Learn-to-Swim program and a Life Member of the Club (1975).


              Awarded to the most improved swimmer who has come through the Club's Learn-to-Swim Program and progressed to the weekly Summer Points Score. The recipient of this award will be selected by the Chief Learn-to-Swim Instructor and in addition to the perpetual trophy will receive a keepsake trophy.



9.6.2      Gudgeon Trophy

              Awarded to the swimmer, boy or girl, who gained, for the Club, the most points at the SCAT Summer Championships. In addition to the perpetual trophy the winner will receive a keepsake trophy.



9.6.3      Club Person of the Year

              Awarded to the person deemed to have done most to serve the Club throughout the year, whether by their deeds in the pool or outside. This person may be a swimmer, coach, parent or other Club member.


o            Deeds may include such things as raising the profile of the Club through their efforts in swimming, fundraising, officiating at Club events, helping in working bees or Club activities, helping with the Club's learn-to-swim program, etc.


              At the Committee meeting prior to the summer Presentations, nominations will be called for this award. A secret ballot will then take place to determine the winner, the returning Officer being nominated by the members present.


9.6.4      Dapto Menswear Trophy (Winter Points Score)


o            Donated by Trevor and Patrea Holloway of Dapto Menswear in 1993. The Holloway family joined the Club in 1992. As well as donating the original perpetual trophy Trevor and Patrea also provided the annual keepsake trophy as well as an open order voucher at their shop.


              Rules are as follows:

              *        The winner is the swimmer who has achieved the greatest number of accumulated points during the Winter Points Score competition.


              *        In the advent of a tie, a count back will take place with the winner being decided by:

            a) the swimmer who gained maximum points on the most occasions throughout the Points Score. If a tie still exists;

            b) the swimmer who swam on the most occasions throughout the Points Score. If a tie still exists;

            c) a draw from the hat.



9.6.4      McDonalds Trophies


o            Donated by the management of McDonalds, Dapto in 1993 for the boy and girl swimmer in the summer No.1 Points Score who score the most points overall. McDonalds also pledged to provide the yearly keepsake trophy.


              Rules are as follows:


              *        The winner is the boy and girl swimmer who has achieved the greatest number of accumulated points during the No.1 summer Points Score competition.


              *        In the advent of a tie, a count back will take place with the winner being decided by:

            a) the swimmer who gained maximum points on the most occasions throughout the Points Score. If a tie still exists;

            b) the swimmer who swam on the most occasions throughout the Points Score. If a tie still exists;

             c) a draw from the hat.



9.6.5                   Swimmer of the Year (Bob Fairley) Trophy


o            Donated by Mr Bob Fairley, an inaugural Patron of the Club, in 1996 for the most outstanding swimmer in the Club throughout the year. Mr Fairley also pledged to provide the yearly keepsake trophy.


              Selection criteria is as follows:

              *        The Swimmer of the year will be that swimmer who earns the most points during the “swimming year”, according to the following points criteria:


              Level 1         District             Finalist                             5

                                                          Medal              3rd         10

                                                                                  2nd        15

                                                                                  1st          20

              Level 2         Country           Qualifier                          20

                                                          Finalist                            40

                                                          Medal              3rd         80

                                                                                  2nd        90

                                                                                  1st         100

              Level 3         State                Qualifier                         30

                                                          Finalist                           75

                                                          Medal              3rd        100

                                                                                  2nd       150

                                                                                  1st        200

              Level 4         National          Qualifier                          75

                                                          Finalist                           200

                                                          Medal              3rd         300

                                                                                  2nd        400

                                                                                  1st          700

              Level 5         Olympic/Commonwealth Games/World Championships

                                                            Qualifier                      2000

                                                            Finalist                         4000

                                                            Medal             3rd        5000

                                                                                   2nd       6000

                                                                                   1st        10000


              *        The period of the “swimming year” shall be determined by the Committee, taking into account the timing of the National Championships.


              *        In the advent of a tie the swimmers who have tied will be declared joint winners.



9.6.6      Service Merit Badges

Any  swimmer who has been an active member of the Club for eight years shall be eligible to receive a Service Merit badge, voted upon by the Committee. This award shall be presented to the swimmer at the annual presentation night.



10.                                           GENERAL BY-LAWS


10.1       The Committee shall adjudicate at all swimming disputes other than those normally under the control of the Referee.



10.2       Any member who joins the Club after the second Club night following the resumption of swimming after the Christmas break, shall be entitled to a reduction in club membership fees. The new Club fee shall be set by the Committee prior to this date.


o            In the past membership fees after this date have been set at the NSWSA capitation fee plus Insurance plus the SCAT capitation fee.




10.3       Two Committee meetings (February meeting) prior to the Annual General Meeting the Committee shall set the date for the Annual General Meeting;



10.4       The March meeting (General meeting) will approve the winter Points Score program.



10.5          The August committee meeting will:

a)      Approve the summer point score program

b)     Arrange for notice to be given that the next meeting (September meeting) will be a general meeting to set Club fees for the up-coming year.



10.6       Standing Club records may only be broken in Club Championships. Age records may be broken in Open events, only if those events are available for that age group in the Age Championships. Double age group records, created prior to the introduction of single age groups in the 1995-96 Championships, cannot be broken until such time as those age groups are re-introduced into the Championships.