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Deep Ocean Transport


Model by Mike H.


Kit Bash

AMT/Ertl kit 3601 (Deep Ocean Transport), AMT/Ertl kit 6007(USS Enterprise Bridge), Italeri 1/25 truck accessory

Model Specifications:
Scale = 1/32
Length = 20 cm
Width = 10 cm
Height = 8 cm

The idea for this one came from wanting to add detail to the cockpit and make it more practical. I only installed one of the side access hatches which was opened to the inside of the cockpit and had an inside handle added. I added instrumentation detail, video screens, and controls for the crane to the interior of the cockpit. The figure is Captain Kirk from the Bridge kit.
The folding crane was built stock. It does unfold and extend. Control lines run from the crane to the cockpit. A video camera was added to light boom on top of cockpit so that the operator could see the cargo bed and operate the crane.

The main colors are Gloss White, Chrome and Gloss Yellow.

Photos by Stephen L.