11. Hikichi, T. and Trempe, C. L. Ocular conditions associated with posterior vitreous detachment in young patients. Ophthalmic Surg Lasers 27, 782-6 (1996).

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: To investigate the ocular conditions associated with posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) in young patients. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The vitreous conditions of 861 patients younger than 30 years were studied retrospectively and examined biomicroscopically. RESULTS: In the first and second decades of life, retinitis pigmentosa, nondiabetic retinal vascular disorders, and a history of ocular contusion were most commonly associated with PVD. In the third decade of life, proliferative diabetic retinopathy was overwhelmingly the condition most commonly associated with PVD. CONCLUSION: This study delineated the ocular pathologic conditions associated with PVD in young patients. These findings may be useful in the management of PVD in patients younger than 30 years.


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