30. Takano, M., Sugiura, N., Yonemoto, J. and Ohno, S. Vitreous hemorrhage associated with acute posterior vitreous detachment--a case report. Jpn J Ophthalmol 37, 199-203 (1993).

A case of vitreous hemorrhage associated with acute posterior vitreous detachment was reported. The patient was a 64-year-old man who complained of floaters in his left eye of one-week duration. His previous medical and ocular histories were unremarkable. Slit-lamp examination with Goldmann three-mirror contact lens showed complete posterior vitreous detachment in both eyes. Ophthalmoscopic examination and fluorescein angiogram revealed a partial defect in retinal blood flow in the midperipheral area of the superotemporal region of the left fundus. On follow-up examination, recovery of the retinal circulation was observed in that region and the vitreous hemorrhage had spontaneously resolved. The diagnosis was made in the left eye of rupture of retinal vein due to vitreous traction associated with acute posterior vitreous detachment without retinal break formation.


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