4. Boldrey, E. E. Vitreous cells as an indicator of retinal tears in asymptomatic or not recently symptomatic eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 123, 263-4 (1997).

PURPOSE: To define the relationship between vitreous cells and retinal tears in eyes without recent flashes or floaters. METHODS: Five hundred eighty-five consecutive patients who complained of light flashes, floaters, or both in one eye had their asymptomatic or not recently symptomatic fellow eye examined prospectively for vitreous cells and retinal tears. RESULTS: Of these fellow eyes with 2+ or more vitreous cells (10 or more cells per 1-mm slit-lamp field), 31.6% (6/19) had one or more tears vs 1.6% (9/566) of those with 1+ or fewer cells (less than nine cells per 1-mm slit-lamp field) (P = .0001). CONCLUSIONS: A substantial number of vitreous cells, even in an eye with no recent symptoms, is correlated with the presence of a retinal tear. Additionally, a retinal tear may exist in an eye with 1+ or fewer cells.


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