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Without a doubt, the most important bodypart is your back. Your back is what allows you to maintain an upright position. Your back also plays a very important role in lifting objects. If you ever seriously hurt your back, there's a good chance your life could be changed forever. The Standing T-Bar Row is probably the most important exercise you can do for your back. It targets many of your back's primary muscles and can add massive size to your lats. I will explain how to do this exercise along with other excercises you can do for your back.

1. Standing T-Bar Row - With firm footing, position yourself over the T-bar apparatus. Bend down and grasp the handles maintaining your spine's natural curvature while doing the movement. Pull the handle up so your elbows will be pulled behind your back as far as you can. Let the weight down slowly and repeat the movement. This exercise can also be done with dumbbells.

2. Deadlift - This exercise is targeted mainly towards your lower back. Drop down into a squat position and grasp the barbell. From this position, push the floor away from you and simultaneously drive your hips forward. Once your legs are straight, repeat the motion.

3. Stading Lat Pull-Down - Grab the long pull-down handle. Lean back approx 10 degrees and slowly pull the handle towards your chest. Let the handle up slowly and repeat the exercise.

4. One-Arm Cable Row - Grab a stirrup handle attached to a low pully with your closed palm facing your body. Pull the handle into the side of your waist until your elbow is past your body. This exercise can also be done with dumbbells.

If you have an exercise for your back which is not included on this page, send it to me and I'll put it up as quickly as possible.

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