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The Bicep just may be the most popular and most recognized muscle. When a person is asked to "flex," usually he or she will flex thier bicep. Biceps, along with triceps and not to mention delts are what make up "guns." All exercises done to train the bicep are fairly simple and can be done with almost any form of weight. The only true way to work your bicep is by doing some kind of curl. I don't think I need to explain how to do curls, but I will list the different types and what is required to do them.

1. Dumbbell Curl - A dumbbell, hence the name.

2. Standing Barbell Curl - A barbell.

3. Concentration Curl - A low pully and a suitable surface to lie down on.

4. Incline Offset Dumbbell Curl - An inclined bench and preferably a set of dumbbells.

If you have an exercise that is not included on this page, send it to me and I will put it on as quickly as possible.

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