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Calves are very hard to develop, but the hard work will pay off. If you're an athlete it is important that you train your calves and hamstrings. Most of the exercises that are for calves also give you a very good hamstring workout. If you play football your hamstings are what provide you with your explosive power and speed. Here are a few exercises to help you develop your calves and hamstrings.

1. One-Legged Standing Calf Raise - Stand on a elevated platform such as a flat bench. Make sure the bench is not too high off the groung and make sure it can support your weight. Hold a dumbbell in each hand. Standing on one leg, proceed to stand on the tip of your toe. Don't overdo it or you might lose your balance.

2. Lying Leg Curl - Lie down on a bench with your back facing the ceiling. Start out with the weight handle on your ankles. Lift the weight upright by bending your knees. It is best to do this exercise with both legs allthough it can be done with one at a time.

3. Stiff-Legged Deadlift - Peform a regular deadlift only when doing this thype of deadlift, you must keep your legs from bending.

4. Inclined Treadmill - By inclining the treadmill while you are using it, you will give your calves and hamstrings a better workout than if the treadmill was on a 0 degree angle. This is a good warm up exercise.

If you have an exercise for the calves and hamstrings, send it to me and I'll put it up as quickly as possible.

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