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The Chest is one of the favorite bodyparts to work among bodybuilders. This is ironic because it is also one of the more difficult bodyparts to develop. Gymrats often like to brag about how much they can bench press and without a strong and powerful chest, you won't be able to bench press that much. There aren't that many exercises you can do for your chest compared to other bodyparts, but if you do these exercises right, you can expect results.

1. Flat Bench Press - I don't think I need to explain how to do this. Not only does this exercise give your chest a great workout but it also works your triceps and delts.

2. Rotational Dumbbell Press - For this exercise, dumbbells are a better choice than barbells because they allow for a greater range of motion. Start with the weights at your chest. Bring your arms over your chest and rotate your upper arms inward.

3. Flye - Grab a set of dumbbells and lie down on a bench. Keeping your elbows slightly bent, spread your arms as if you were a bird spreading your wings. To target different areas of your chest, try inclining the bench at different angles.

If you have an exercise for your chest, send it to me and I'll put it up as quickly as possible.

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