Giddy Up and Get Down

Happy 23rd Birthday, Lance!!

Well, it seems as though the Space Cowboy is turning the big 2-3 (is it really the big 2-3, like it matters...heh, well I dunno, but he is anyway)and what better way to celebrate his birthday than to go through 23 pictures througout his life. And how he went from baby to albino to getting visited by the sexy fairy. I had to split these on two pages, after all 23 is a bit much for one page. Enjoy the show. Happy Birthday Lance. :)

Aww look at those cheeks...he even know he had it going on when he was a baby.

Dukes of Hazzard shirt, what stylin' little kid.

Ahh the beginnings of the infamous bowl cut. SHUT UP. He couldn't help it, he was only like 6 right?

A young grad, the beginnings of the overachiever, j/k we are proud of you James.

Consistency is a gift. See how Lance has demostrated this by keeping the same hair cut from elementary school to highschool? lol


Are trying to tell us that what you are in the middle is a vast improvement from what you are on the side pictures?


Ooh there it is again, you better catch it. Those critters are fast.

Penny for your thoughts Lance. What do you want for your birthday?

Whoa, shoulda known.

Still need more, well here it is...proceed but make sure you've got something to grab onto, it could get intense Lance Birthday Part 2