Giddy Up and Get Down

Giddy Up and Get Down

Hey guys! Welcome to Giddy Up and Get Down: An *NSYNC Humor Site! We seem to be finally coming back!! After hiding away from you guys for about, God knows how many months, we're starting to come back with more humor to keep you guys busy and laughing! So, keep checking back! You never know what may show up!



Hey guys just this day's Editor's Note: Please Excuse our Mess

Hey Guys It's Lance's Birthday. Par-tay, Par-tay. And we've got some things for ya here so you can celebrate with us enjoy. Happy 23rd Lancers.

Like a Cowboy

Obviously this is a parody. I hope you like it.

We've Got Pictures, we've got pictures!!! 23 to be exact all to celebrate Lance's 23rd Birthday

Don't forget to sign our slam book
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Featured Quote
"When he was around five years old he announced he was going to be an astronaut, a movie star, president of 'The Company' and own a restaurant." -Diane Bass (obviously she's talking about her son, congratulations Lance, you are fulfilling each and every one of your dreams one by one and we are so proud of you for it.)

This Quote is STAYING!!!
"I think they’re cool. A lot of the girls put disclaimers on the front of the web site saying, 'If you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t come here' because they’re just out to have fun. And I think it’s their way of showing their commitment and dedication to us by saying they’re tired of seeing, you know, just all the web sites that say, 'Oh, JC Chasez is so hot. Oh, Lance is so hot.' They basically want to use their talents and ability of being witty and put them on a web site and make it like really interesting for people who have a good sense of humor. And I love them. I think they’re great."
-Chris Kirkpatrick [what he thinks about humor sites]

Before you go anywhere, go check out the Disclaimer.

Have a question, comment, or something you wanna see added to the site? Just e~mail All e~mail is sent to Ter.

Go check out our Sista Site peeps!! These girls know how to write humor!! You'll love them!!
*NSYNC Jaded Everybody's Free

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Hey guys don't forget to visit Chris Kirkpatrick's Kickass site for his awesome new clothing line!! :)

© Copyright: 2001-2002 Giddy Up and Get Down

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