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   Here are my bestest friends!!  Anis, Yana, Baby, and Agie... LuV Ya gUyS!!


                                                                                                                                                           These are my friends Maizatul, (left, but we all

                                                                                                                                                              call her Kak Chik and Halina (on the right



Here are some of my new friends.... from left: Amirah, Muni, Raja, Farhani, and Shafa



                                                                                                                                            Here's Muni again!! And then the one on my right is Yatie.


        This is Yasmin (left), Farhani (right), and a pear (front)


             On the left is Adlinna and on the right is my good friend, Sheeraz                         Here's my friend Alisha... she's a little 'out'' there,

                                                                                                                                                     but  cool to hang out with!





                                                                                                Here's Farhani again!!! Ain't she CUTE??





E-je's trying to run from my camera.... Gotcha!


                                    These are the committee members of the English Language Society at my school....

                             from the left: Atiqah, Ridhwana, Aisyah, myself, and Sabrina....