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Bunny vs. Kitty vs. Debra vs. Sable (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Evening Gown Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is an Evening Gown Match. Coming to the ring first, weighing in at 120 pounds, from Memphis,TN., Bunny!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Bunny comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - The second in this four way match, weighing in at 127 pounds, from Miami,FL. a member of Degeneration X, Kitty!!! (crowd cheers *************)

[Kitty walks to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - introducing third, weighing in at 139 pounds,, Debra!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Debra walks to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - And finally, weighing in at 225 pounds,, Sable!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Sable walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Bunny walks around the ring. Shane looks to the crowd and removes his sports jacket. Earl Hebner checks Debra's boots and knee pads. Sable tests out the ropes. (ding, ding, ding) Debra punches Bunny repeatedly. Bunny delivers a low blow to Debra. Bunny punches Debra repeatedly. Debra suplexes Bunny. ]

Michael Cole - Good power move by Debra.

[Debra sets Bunny up DDTs him into the mat. Bunny climbs to his feet. Debra uses a closed fist on Bunny. Debra kicks Bunny in the stomach. Now Bunny standing. Debra uses a closed fist on Bunny. Sable moves back to his feet. Sable uses a closed fist on Bunny. Sable kicks Bunny in the stomach. Sable punches Bunny repeatedly. Sable kicks Bunny in the stomach. Bunny gets up. Bunny trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.Bunny trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - What an outstanding match!

[Bunny trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.Bunny trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.Bunny swings a Purse(With a Brick in it) and hits Sable. Sable is bleeding as a result. ]

Michael Cole - Blood is all over the ring.

[Bunny goes for a power move but Sable dodges the attack. Bunny slaps Sable in the face. Bunny moves back to his feet. Sable punches Bunny in the head. ]

David MacIntyre - Sable executes a punch.

[Sable kicks Bunny in the stomach. ]

George Zorin - Bunny takes a kick.

[Sable punches Bunny repeatedly. ]

Michael Cole - Sable with a weak move.

[Sable punches Bunny in the head. Kitty stands up. Kitty delivers a low blow to Bunny. Bunny connects with a flying knee. Kitty goes down. ]

David MacIntyre - Bunny executes a knee.

[Bunny punches Kitty repeatedly. Kitty trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Bunny.Kitty slaps the face of Bunny. Kitty climbs to his feet. Bunny kicks Kitty in the back of the leg. Kitty drives a forearm into the head of Bunny. Debra suplexes Kitty. Debra chokes Kitty with a microphone cable. Debra sets Kitty up DDTs him into the mat. Debra swings a Purse(With a Brick in it) and hits Kitty. Kitty is bleeding as a result. Debra trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.]

David MacIntyre - The IU is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Bunny trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.Bunny swings a Purse(With a Brick in it) and hits Sable. Sable is bleeding as a result. ]

George Zorin - This is how wrestling should be!

[Bunny punches Sable in the head. Bunny uses a closed fist on Sable. Bunny low blows Sable. Bunny clotheslines Sable. Sable suplexes Kitty. ]

David MacIntyre - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Sable clotheslines Kitty. Sable punches Kitty in the head. Sable kicks Kitty in the back of the leg. Kitty trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Debra.Kitty swings a Purse(With a Brick in it) and hits Debra. Debra is bleeding as a result. ]

David MacIntyre - Blood is all over the ring.

[Kitty drives a forearm into Debra. Debra kicks Kitty in the back of the leg. Debra clotheslines Kitty. Debra uses a closed fist on Kitty. Debra trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - This is quality sports entertainment!You'd only see in the IU!

[Debra goes for a power move but Sable dodges the attack. Debra chokes Sable with a microphone cable. ]

David MacIntyre - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Debra kicks Sable in the back of the leg. Sable stands up. Debra uses a closed fist on Sable. Sable piledrives Debra. ]

George Zorin - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Sable trys for a power move but Debra avoids it. Sable chokes Debra with a microphone cable. ]

Michael Cole - Blood is all over the ring.

[Sable kicks Debra in the stomach. Sable punches Debra repeatedly. ]

George Zorin - Debra takes a weak move.

[Sable uses a closed fist on Debra. Sable punches Debra in the head. Sable kicks Debra in the stomach. Sable clotheslines Debra. Debra trys for a power move but is not strong enough to lift Sable.]

Michael Cole - This is how wrestling should be!

[Debra kicks Sable in the back of the leg. They lockup. Debra sends Sable to the corner of the ring. Sable uses a closed fist on Debra. Debra uses a closed fist on Sable. Debra sets Kitty up DDTs him into the mat. ]

David MacIntyre - Nice power move by Debra.

[Now Kitty standing. ]

Michael Cole - My God!! What a match!

George Zorin - The mat is covered with blood from that injury.

[Debra piledrives Kitty. Debra suplexes Kitty. Kitty trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bunny.Kitty gets back to his feet. Kitty trys for a power move but is unable to lift Bunny.Kitty rips off Bunny Evening Gown.The Crowd go Wild!!!! ]

David MacIntyre - We've got ourselves a winner!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, Kitty!!!

The Rock vs. Sepultura (European Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match for the European Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 234 pounds, from ??????, Sepultura!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[Sepultura comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 225 pounds, he holds the European Championship title belt, The Rock!!! (crowd cheers ***)

[The Rock walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Sepultura walks around the ring. The Rock checks out the ring. (the bell rings) Sepultura takes The Rock off his feet with a short-arm clothesline The Rock climbs to his feet. The Rock tackles Sepultura and pummels his head. Sepultura climbs to his feet. The Rock drives a forearm into Sepultura. Sepultura uses a closed fist on The Rock. Sepultura connects with a flying knee. The Rock goes down. The Rock moves back to his feet. The Rock executes a back breaker on Sepultura. The Rock and Sepultura go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

George Zorin - The Rock is taking it to Sepultura.

[Sepultura is up again. (..2) Sepultura drives a forearm into The Rock. (...3) The Rock punches Sepultura in the head. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - The Rock executes a punch.

[(....4) Sepultura takes a slap to the face from The Rock. The Rock is back on his feet. (.....5) The Rock and Sepultura move back into the ring. The Rock kicks Sepultura in the stomach. Sepultura is back on his feet. Sepultura kicks The Rock in the stomach. ]

George Zorin - kick!

[Sepultura grabs The Rock and applies an arm wrench. Sepultura punches The Rock in the head. The Rock goes for a vertical Suplex but Sepultura dodges the attack. Sepultura executes a reverse DDT on The Rock. Sepultura chants start. Sepultura goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 The Rock escapes. ]

David MacIntyre - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[The Rock is back on his feet. Sepultura applies a boston crab to The Rock. Earl Hebner asks The Rock if he quits. ... The Rock is fighting the hold. ... (AHHHH!) Sepultura breaks the hold. ]

Michael Cole - That was almost the end of the match right there!

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Sepultura gives The Rock a DDT. ]

Michael Cole - Nice DDT by Sepultura.

[Now The Rock standing. Sepultura goes for a figure four. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... Sepultura breaks the hold. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - This is quality sports entertainment!You'd only see in the IU!

[Sepultura lifts The Rock up and drops him on his knee. Sepultura short-arm clotheslines The Rock to the mat. The Rock gets back to his feet. The Rock executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Sepultura. The Rock executes a piledriver on Sepultura. The Rock grabs Sepultura' and connects with a RockBottom. The Rock covers Sepultura. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

George Zorin - We've got ourselves a winner!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, and still European Championship champion, The Rock!!!

The Nazi vs. Emerson (United States Championship) gimmick (Hell in The cell)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Toughest S.O.B In The IU Match for the United States Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 220 pounds,, The Nazi!!! (crowd cheers **)

[The Nazi comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 236 pounds, from NorthSyndey,N.S a member of Degeneration X accompanied by Kitty he holds the United States Championship title belt, Emerson!!! (crowd cheers ***********)

[Emerson walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. The Nazi checks his boots. Emerson checks his boots. (ring, ring, ring) The Nazi delivers a kick to the head of Emerson. The Nazi stomps Emerson's head. ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi executes a Stomp.

[Now Emerson standing. The Nazi tackles Emerson to the mat. The Nazi gets back to his feet. Emerson moves back to his feet. Emerson piledrives The Nazi. ]

David MacIntyre - Good Standing Piledriver by Emerson.

[Emerson swings a chair and hits The Nazi. The Nazi is bleeding as a result. ]

Michael Cole - The IU is the only place for entertainment like this!

[The Nazi connects with a low blow. Emerson goes down. The Nazi covers Emerson. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 Emerson escapes. ]

George Zorin - Not even close!

[The Nazi connects with a flying knee. Emerson goes down. ]

David MacIntyre - The Nazi executes a knee.

[The Nazi measures Emerson up and drops a closed fist. The Nazi gets back to his feet. The Nazi applies an arm wrench to Emerson. ]

George Zorin - Follows up with a Arm wrench.

[Emerson moves back to his feet. Emerson body slams The Nazi. Emerson chants start. ]

Michael Cole - Body Slam!

[Emerson fist drops The Nazi on the mat. Emerson gets back to his feet. The Nazi gets up. Emerson takes a slap to the face from The Nazi. Now The Nazi standing. Emerson slaps the face of The Nazi. Emerson is back on his feet. Emerson short-arm clotheslines The Nazi to the mat. ]

David MacIntyre - Short-arm clothesline!

[Emerson applies an arm wrench to The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Emerson with a Arm wrench.

[The Nazi stands up. Emerson executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on The Nazi. Emerson chants start. Emerson swings a steel chair and hits The Nazi. The Nazi is bleeding as a result. ]

David MacIntyre - Emerson's momma would be proud!

[Emerson chokes The Nazi. Emerson drops The Nazi on some tacks. Emerson gives The Nazi a crotch chop. Emerson chants start. ]

George Zorin - The Nazi takes a Crotch Chop.

[The Nazi is slammed hard onto the Emerson swings the steel steps and hits The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - This is how wrestling should be!

[Emerson leg drops The Nazi. Emerson chants start. ]

George Zorin - Leg Drop!

[Emerson applies the Emerson Ankle Bar to The Nazi. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Emerson breaks the hold. Emerson drops The Nazi on some tacks. ]

David MacIntyre - The Nazi could use some help about now.

[The Nazi short-arm clotheslines Emerson to the Broken glass. Emerson gets up. Emerson runs and tackles The Nazi. Emerson punches him in the head. Emerson applies an arm wrench to The Nazi. ]

George Zorin - The Nazi takes a Arm wrench.

[Emerson measures The Nazi up and drops a closed fist. ]

Michael Cole - Emerson with a Fist drop.

[Now The Nazi standing. The Nazi kicks Emerson in the stomach. The Nazi covers Emerson hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 Emerson kicks out. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Not even close!

[Emerson stands up. Emerson trys for a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex but The Nazi avoids it. ]

David MacIntyre - The IU is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Emerson drives a forearm into the head of The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Emerson executes a Forearm Smash.

[The Nazi forearm smashes Emerson. ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi executes a Forearm Smash.

[Emerson shoulder tackles The Nazi. Emerson stands up. Now The Nazi standing. The Nazi tackles and begins punching Emerson. The Nazi knees Emerson and rolls back to his feet. The Nazi kicks Emerson on the Broken glass. ]

George Zorin - Emerson takes a Stomp.

[Emerson gets back to his feet. The Nazi hits the Broken glass. ]

Michael Cole - That Side slam was very good.

[Emerson picks up a chair  and nails  Nazi in the face!. Emerson swings the steel steps and hits The Nazi. Emerson fist drops The Nazi on the mat. Emerson climbs to his feet. The Nazi shoulder tackles Emerson. The Nazi fist drops Emerson on the mat. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Emerson takes a Fist drop.

[The Nazi moves back to his feet. Emerson stands up. The Nazi takes Emerson off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi executes a Short-arm clothesline.

[Emerson vertical suplexes The Nazi to the mat. ]

David MacIntyre - Nice vertical Suplex by Emerson.

[Emerson covers The Nazi hooking the leg. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 The Nazi kicks out. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Now The Nazi standing. Emerson applies the Emerson Ankle Bar to The Nazi. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... The Nazi is fighting the hold. ... The Nazi is fighting the hold. ... Emerson breaks the hold. Emerson scoops The Nazi up and drops him on the tacks. Emerson swings a steel chair and hits The Nazi. The Nazi is bleeding as a result. ]

George Zorin - This is quality sports entertainment!

[Swinging Neck-Breaker from The Nazi takes Emerson down. Emerson is slammed hard onto the ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - The Independnt Union is the only place for entertainment like this!

[Emerson takes The Nazi off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi takes a Short-arm clothesline.

[The Nazi takes Emerson down with a knee. The Nazi applies an arm wrench to Emerson. ]

David MacIntyre - The Nazi with a Arm wrench.

[Emerson lifts The Nazi up and drops him on his knee. Emerson chants start. Emerson chokes The Nazi with a camera cable. The Nazi is back on his feet. The Nazi connects with a low blow. Emerson goes down. Emerson is up again. Emerson lifts The Nazi into the air and delivers a spine buster. Emerson grabs The Nazi and applies an arm wrench. Emerson grabs The Nazi and applies an arm wrench. The Nazi moves back to his feet. Emerson slaps The Nazi in the face. Now Emerson is standing. The Ref goes down.]

Michael Cole - What the hell?Its East-Side mag!!!!Hes making his way to the ring!!!

[East-Side Mag opens the door and enters the ring,He has a chair in his hands!He walks towards Emerson and  lifts The chair above his head.The Mag turns around and levels Nazi!Then he executes the magnum!!!Nazi is out cold!!!!Mag runs back stage and Emerson executes the Emer-Bomb!!!Emerson lifts the ref up and thgen pins nazi,

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, and still United States Championship champion, Emerson!!!

Laker Boy & NAZI vs. The Punx (Tag Team Championship)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match tag match for the Tag Team Championship titles. On there way to the ring at this time, Laker Boy & NAZI!!!

[Laker Boy & NAZI come to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and their opponents, the team of The Punx.

[Are you Ready?OI OI OI!!PUNX NOT DEAD!!! The Nazi grabs The Punk's arm and strkes his elbow. The Punk gives The Nazi the finger. (the bell rings) The Nazi rolls onto The Punk connecting with a knee. The Punk stands up. The Punk tackles The Nazi to the mat. The Punk gets up. The Nazi climbs to his feet. The Punk makes the tag to X-Punk. The Nazi knees X-Punk and rolls back to his feet. X-Punk is up again. X-Punk delivers a low blow to The Nazi. Now The Nazi standing. The Nazi tackles and begins punching X-Punk. The Nazi stomps X-Punk's head. The Nazi makes the tag to LakerBoy. LakerBoy measures X-Punk up and drops a closed fist. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - X-Punk takes a Fist drop.

[X-Punk tags The Punk. LakerBoy takes The Punk down with a knee. LakerBoy tags in The Nazi. The Punk connects with a low blow. The Nazi goes down. The Nazi tags in LakerBoy. LakerBoy uses a closed fist on The Punk. X-Punk tagged in by The Punk. X-Punk is up again. X-Punk lifts LakerBoy into a vertical suplex. X-Punk chants start. X-Punk is up again. X-Punk applies a boston crab to LakerBoy. Earl Hebner asks LakerBoy if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... ... ... X-Punk breaks the hold. ]

Michael Cole - X-Punk almost won the match!

George Zorin - LakerBoy is getting the crap kicked out of him!

[X-Punk tags in The Punk. X-Punk grabs LakerBoy and applies an arm wrench. X-Punk runs in and leg drops LakerBoy. X-Punk rolls onto LakerBoy connecting with a knee. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - LakerBoy is being double teamed!

[LakerBoy punches X-Punk repeatedly. The Punk tags in X-Punk. LakerBoy slaps the face of X-Punk. X-Punk tags The Punk. LakerBoy lifts The Punk up and drops him on his knee. The Punk climbs to his feet. LakerBoy and The Punk go to the floor ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - My God! The Punk could be killed! They've moved to ringside, there's weapons there!!

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) LakerBoy swings a Steel chair and hits The Punk. The Punk is bleeding as a result. The Punk goes for a Spine Buster but LakerBoy dodges the attack. They head back into the ring. ]

Michael Cole - Blood is all over the ring.

[LakerBoy piledrives The Punk head first into the mat. LakerBoy covers The Punk. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 The Punk kicks out. ]

George Zorin - We almost had a winner.

[The Punk gets up. LakerBoy sends The Punk to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) LakerBoy chokes The Punk with a microphone cable. ]

Michael Cole - Eye!Chewawa!

[Swinging Neck-Breaker from LakerBoy takes The Punk down. (..2) LakerBoy swings a Steel chair and hits The Punk. The Punk is bleeding as a result. ]

George Zorin - I wish every match could be like this!

[LakerBoy runs in and leg drops The Punk. LakerBoy chants start. The Punk stands up. (...3) LakerBoy swings a chair and hits The Punk. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(....4) LakerBoy kicks The Punk in the back of the leg. (.....5) They head back into the ring. LakerBoy stomps The Punk's head. LakerBoy kicks The Punk on the mat. LakerBoy measures The Punk up and drops a closed fist. Now LakerBoy standing. LakerBoy makes the tag to The Nazi. The Nazi gets back to his feet. The Nazi head butts The Punk. ]

George Zorin - Nice Falling head butt by The Nazi.

[The Nazi covers The Punk hooking the leg. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 ...2 The Punk kicks out. ]

Michael Cole - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Now The Punk standing. The Nazi and The Punk go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) The Nazi slaps The Punk in the face. The Nazi is back on his feet. (...3) The Nazi kicks The Punk in the stomach. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - The Nazi executes a kick.

[The Punk gets up. (....4) The Punk takes The Nazi off his feet with a short-arm clothesline The Nazi gets up. (.....5) They head back into the ring. The Nazi drives a forearm into the head of The Punk. ]

David MacIntyre - The Nazi executes a Forearm Smash.

[The Punk piledrives The Nazi. ]

Michael Cole - This is quality sports entertainment!

[The Punk tags in X-Punk. The Nazi punches X-Punk repeatedly. X-Punk kicks The Nazi in the back of the leg. X-Punk applies an arm wrench to The Nazi. The Nazi brings in LakerBoy for Laker Boy & NAZI. X-Punk takes a slap to the face from LakerBoy. LakerBoy moves back to his feet. LakerBoy brings in The Nazi for Laker Boy & NAZI. X-Punk knees The Nazi and rolls back to his feet. X-Punk applies an arm wrench to The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - X-Punk executes a Arm wrench.

[X-Punk tags in The Punk. The Nazi gets back to his feet. The Nazi kicks The Punk in the head. The Punk is back on his feet. The Punk tackles and begins punching The Nazi. The Nazi kicks The Punk in the head. The Punk tags X-Punk. The Nazi tackles X-Punk. The Nazi gets back to his feet. X-Punk moves back to his feet. X-Punk executes a belly-to-belly suplex on The Nazi. X-Punk puts The Nazi in a reverse chin lock. The referee is checking the situation. ... ... ... The Nazi trys to escape. X-Punk breaks the hold. X-Punk drags The Nazi to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

David MacIntyre - This is quality sports entertainment!

[X-Punk chokes The Nazi with his boot. They head back into the ring. ]

George Zorin - They're moving back to the ring. Smart move by X-Punk.

[The Nazi takes X-Punk down with a knee. The Nazi brings in LakerBoy for Laker Boy & NAZI. They lockup. X-Punk sends LakerBoy to the corner of the ring. ]

Michael Cole - weak move!

[LakerBoy kicks X-Punk in the back of the leg. X-Punk moves back to his feet. X-Punk takes LakerBoy down with a knee. LakerBoy makes the tag to The Nazi. X-Punk runs and tackles The Nazi. X-Punk punches him in the head. The Nazi stands up. X-Punk takes The Nazi off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

George Zorin - Short-arm clothesline!

[The Nazi brings in LakerBoy for Laker Boy & NAZI. LakerBoy uses a closed fist on X-Punk. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - LakerBoy executes a punch.

[X-Punk tags in The Punk. The Punk drives a forearm into the head of LakerBoy. The Punk tags in X-Punk. LakerBoy connects with a flying knee. X-Punk goes down. LakerBoy tags The Nazi. The Nazi gets up. The Nazi fist drops X-Punk on the mat. The Nazi moves back to his feet. LakerBoy tagged in by The Nazi. LakerBoy measures X-Punk up and drops a closed fist. Now LakerBoy standing. X-Punk is back on his feet. LakerBoy tags in The Nazi. The Nazi kicks X-Punk in the stomach. LakerBoy executes a reverse DDT on X-Punk. ]

David MacIntyre - This is just awefull! X-Punk is being double teamed!

[LakerBoy connects with a flying knee. X-Punk goes down. X-Punk executes a reverse DDT on LakerBoy. ]

Michael Cole - Blood is all over the ring.

[LakerBoy tagged in by The Nazi. X-Punk knees LakerBoy and rolls back to his feet. The Punk tagged in by X-Punk. LakerBoy punches The Punk repeatedly. The Punk drives a forearm into LakerBoy. The Punk tackles LakerBoy. The Punk is up again. The Punk tags X-Punk. They lockup. LakerBoy sends X-Punk to the corner of the ring. LakerBoy uses a closed fist on X-Punk. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - LakerBoy executes a punch.

[X-Punk slaps LakerBoy in the face. X-Punk gets up. X-Punk tackles LakerBoy. X-Punk is up again. LakerBoy is up again. X-Punk makes the tag to The Punk. The Punk executes a gut-wrench powerbomb on LakerBoy. The Punk applies a boston crab to LakerBoy. Earl Hebner asks LakerBoy if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... LakerBoy escapes. ]

Michael Cole - Blood is all over the ring.

[The Punk chokes LakerBoy. The Punk goes for a figure four. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... The Punk tightens the hold. ... LakerBoy trys to escape. LakerBoy escapes. Austin flips off LakerBoy. LakerBoy moves back to his feet. The Punk drags LakerBoy to the floor. ]

George Zorin - The Punk can't get a pin at ringside.

[Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Michael Cole - What an outstanding match!

[LakerBoy goes for a Body Slam but The Punk dodges the attack. (..2) ]

George Zorin - LakerBoy is taking it to The Punk.

Michael Cole - Blood is all over ringside.

[The Punk executes a belly-to-belly suplex on LakerBoy. (...3) The Punk runs in and leg drops LakerBoy. (....4) (.....5) The Punk takes LakerBoy into the ring. The Punk measures LakerBoy up and drops a closed fist. Now The Punk standing. The Punk covers LakerBoy. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 LakerBoy escapes. ]

George Zorin - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like LakerBoy.

[LakerBoy is back on his feet. The Punk tackles and begins punching LakerBoy. The Punk tags in X-Punk. X-Punk knees LakerBoy and rolls back to his feet. LakerBoy slaps the face of X-Punk. LakerBoy moves back to his feet. X-Punk tags in The Punk. LakerBoy kicks The Punk in the back of the leg. The Punk takes LakerBoy off his feet with a short-arm clothesline ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - The Punk executes a Short-arm clothesline.

[The Punk stomps LakerBoy. The Punk covers LakerBoy. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 LakerBoy kicks out. ]

George Zorin - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like LakerBoy.

[Now LakerBoy standing. The Punk connects with a low blow. LakerBoy goes down. LakerBoy tags in The Nazi. LakerBoy piledrives The Punk. LakerBoy clotheslines The Punk. The Nazi reverse DDT's The Punk's head into the mat. ]

George Zorin - The double team is the key to Tag team wrestling!

[The Punk shoulder tackles The Nazi. The Punk gets up. The Nazi tackles and begins punching The Punk. The Nazi brings in LakerBoy for Laker Boy & NAZI. LakerBoy climbs to his feet. LakerBoy head butts The Punk. LakerBoy sends The Punk to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

Michael Cole - LakerBoy's momma would be proud!

[(..2) LakerBoy kicks The Punk on the floor. (...3) LakerBoy measures The Punk up and drops a closed fist. LakerBoy is up again. (....4) LakerBoy kicks The Punk on the floor. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Stomp!

[(.....5) They head back into the ring. LakerBoy measures The Punk up and drops a closed fist. LakerBoy moves back to his feet. The Punk climbs to his feet. The Punk picks LakerBoy up and side slams him to the mat. The Punk moves back to his feet. The Nazi tagged in by LakerBoy. The Punk connects with a low blow. The Nazi goes down. The Nazi moves back to his feet. The Nazi short-arm clotheslines The Punk to the mat. The Punk makes the tag to X-Punk. The Nazi drives a forearm into the head of X-Punk. The Nazi trys for a Side slam but X-Punk avoids it. The Nazi executes a belly-to-belly suplex on X-Punk. ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi executes a Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex.

[X-Punk drives a forearm into the head of The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - X-Punk executes a Forearm Smash.

[X-Punk tags in The Punk. The Nazi grabs The Punk and applies an arm wrench. The Nazi applies an arm wrench to The Punk. The Nazi kicks The Punk on the mat. ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi executes a Stomp.

[The Punk body slams The Nazi. The Punk puts The Nazi in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner asks The Nazi if he quits. ... The Nazi is fighting the hold. ... ... The Nazi trys to escape. The Punk breaks the hold. ]

David MacIntyre - The Punk is doing quite well at this point in the match.

George Zorin - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[The Punk dives head first into The Nazi. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Nice Falling head butt by The Punk.

[The Punk puts The Nazi in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... ... ... The Nazi escapes. ]

Michael Cole - That was almost the end of the match right there!

David MacIntyre - This is quality sports entertainment!

[The Nazi brings in LakerBoy for Laker Boy & NAZI. The Punk stomps LakerBoy's head. The Punk measures LakerBoy up and drops a closed fist. The Punk stands up. LakerBoy brings in The Nazi for Laker Boy & NAZI. The Punk measures The Nazi up and drops a closed fist. The Punk is back on his feet. The Nazi moves back to his feet. The Punk takes a slap to the face from The Nazi. The Nazi connects with a low blow. The Punk goes down. The Punk tags in X-Punk. The Nazi takes a slap to the face from X-Punk. X-Punk climbs to his feet. X-Punk drives a forearm into The Nazi. The Punk tagged in by X-Punk. X-Punk kicks The Nazi in the back of the leg. X-Punk gut-wrenchs The Nazi. ]

George Zorin - That's it cheat!! It's the only way to win!

[X-Punk delivers a short-arm clothesline to The Nazi. ]

Michael Cole - Short-arm clothesline!

[The Punk brings in X-Punk for The Punx. X-Punk tells The Nazi to suck it. X-Punk sends The Nazi to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) ]

David MacIntyre - Blood is all over ringside.

[(..2) X-Punk applies an arm wrench to The Nazi. (...3) X-Punk knees The Nazi and rolls back to his feet. The Nazi moves back to his feet. (....4) X-Punk takes The Nazi down with a knee. The Nazi stands up. (.....5) The Nazi takes X-Punk into the ring. The Nazi slaps the face of X-Punk. The Nazi moves back to his feet. The Nazi tags in LakerBoy. LakerBoy moves back to his feet. LakerBoy kicks X-Punk in the back of the leg. ]

David MacIntyre - LakerBoy executes a kick.

[X-Punk moves back to his feet. X-Punk connects with a low blow. LakerBoy goes down. LakerBoy punches X-Punk in the head. LakerBoy brings in The Nazi for Laker Boy & NAZI. The Nazi delivers a kick to the head of X-Punk. X-Punk is back on his feet. The Nazi low blows X-Punk. X-Punk tags The Punk. The Nazi knees The Punk and rolls back to his feet. The Punk stands up. The Nazi delivers a spine buster to The Punk. The Nazi and The Punk go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) The Nazi chokes The Punk with his boot. The Nazi chants start. The Punk stands up. The Nazi takes The Punk into the ring. ]

Michael Cole - They're taking the fight back to the ring, The Punk has to be careful to avoid being pinned by The Nazi.

George Zorin - What an outstanding match!

[The Nazi makes the tag to LakerBoy. The Punk forearm smashes LakerBoy. LakerBoy brings in The Nazi for Laker Boy & NAZI. The Punk short-arm clotheslines The Nazi to the mat. ]

Michael Cole - The Nazi takes a Short-arm clothesline.

[Now The Nazi standing. The Nazi kicks The Punk in the back of the leg. The Punk moves back to his feet. The Nazi connects with a flying knee. The Punk goes down. The Nazi measures The Punk up and drops a closed fist. Now The Nazi standing. The Nazi measures The Punk up and drops a closed fist. The Punk gets up. The Nazi Spits in The Punk s face then power bombs him. The Nazi goes for a pin. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

David MacIntyre - The winners of this match, and new Tag Team Championship champions, Laker Boy & NAZI!!!

Justin Lynn vs. Smash Mouth Barnard (Hard Core Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match for the Hard Core Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 227 pounds, from Miami,Fl, Smash Mouth Barnard!!! (crowd cheers *********)

[Smash Mouth Barnard comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 242 pounds, from Chicago,IL accompanied by Bunny, Justin Lynn!!! (crowd cheers ****)

[Justin Lynn walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Smash Mouth Barnard checks his boots. "...ousands in attendance and the millions watching around the world, LETS GET READY TO SUCK IT!!" (ding, ding, ding) Smash Mouth Barnard slaps the face of Justin Lynn. Smash Mouth Barnard climbs to his feet. Smash Mouth Barnard tackles and begins punching Justin Lynn. Justin Lynn climbs to his feet. Justin Lynn executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Smash Mouth Barnard. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Side Belly-to-Belly Suplex!

[Smash Mouth Barnard gets up. Smash Mouth Barnard forearm smashes Justin Lynn. ]

George Zorin - Forearm Smash!

[Smash Mouth Barnard punches Justin Lynn in the head. Smash Mouth Barnard kicks Justin Lynn in the head. Smash Mouth Barnard tackles Justin Lynn to the mat. Now Smash Mouth Barnard standing. Smash Mouth Barnard stomps Justin Lynn's head. Justin Lynn executes a back breaker on Smash Mouth Barnard. Smash Mouth Barnard is up again. Justin Lynn executes a neck-breaker on Smash Mouth Barnard. Justin Lynn head butts Smash Mouth Barnard. ]

David MacIntyre - Nice Falling head butt by Justin Lynn.

[Justin Lynn and Smash Mouth Barnard go to the floor Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Justin Lynn applies an arm wrench to Smash Mouth Barnard. Justin Lynn falls head first into Smash Mouth Barnard. Justin Lynn chants start. Justin Lynn moves back to his feet. Smash Mouth Barnard climbs to his feet. Justin Lynn and Smash Mouth Barnard move back into the ring. Justin Lynn lifts Smash Mouth Barnard up and drops him on the mat. Justin Lynn chants start. Justin Lynn head butts Smash Mouth Barnard. Justin Lynn gets up. Justin Lynn Top Rope piledrives Smash Mouth Barnard head first into the mat. Justin Lynn goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, and new Hard Core Championship champion, Justin Lynn!!!

Zorin:We just got word of a brawl that broke out backstage!!!!!

Vandal Picks up a chair and swings it at SteveAustin.Steve austin Ducks and the chair
levels Hommie.SteveAustin kicks vandal in the Stomach and gives him the stunner.
Steve Austin Stomps the head of Hommie then makes his way to the Ring.

StoneCold Steve Austin vs. Vandal (Non-Title Match) gimmick (Standard Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 225 pounds,, StoneCold Steve Austin!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[StoneCold Steve Austin comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 227 pounds, from Lower East Side,NY. a member of Degeneration X, Vandal!!! (crowd cheers **********)

[Vandal walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. StoneCold Steve Austin strikes Vandal in the elbow. Vandal checks out the ring. (ring, ring, ring) StoneCold Steve Austin tackles and begins punching Vandal. Vandal stands up. Vandal tackles and begins punching StoneCold Steve Austin. StoneCold Steve Austin kicks Vandal in the head. StoneCold Steve Austin knees Vandal and rolls back to his feet. Vandal gets back to his feet. StoneCold Steve Austin uses a closed fist on Vandal. ]

Michael Cole - StoneCold Steve Austin executes a punch.

[Vandal lifts StoneCold Steve Austin up and drops him on his knee. Vandal applies a boston crab to StoneCold Steve Austin. Referee Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... StoneCold Steve Austin is fighting the hold. ... Vandal tightens the hold. ... StoneCold Steve Austin is fighting the hold. StoneCold Steve Austin escapes. ]

David MacIntyre - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Vandal sends StoneCold Steve Austin to ringside. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Vandal swings a Steel chair and hits StoneCold Steve Austin. StoneCold Steve Austin is bleeding as a result. (..2) Vandal grabs StoneCold Steve Austin and applies an arm wrench. (...3) Vandal stomps StoneCold Steve Austin's head. Vandal reverse DDT's StoneCold Steve Austin's head into the floor. (....4) ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - StoneCold Steve Austin could use some help about now.

George Zorin - The floor is covered with blood from that injury.

[(.....5) Vandal and StoneCold Steve Austin move back into the ring. Vandal stomps StoneCold Steve Austin. ]

Michael Cole - StoneCold Steve Austin takes a Stomp.

[StoneCold Steve Austin gets up. StoneCold Steve Austin kicks Vandal in the stomach. Now Vandal standing. Vandal delivers a short-arm clothesline to StoneCold Steve Austin. Vandal covers StoneCold Steve Austin hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 StoneCold Steve Austin kicks out. ]

David MacIntyre - Vandal should have known better than to try for a pin at this point in the match.

[StoneCold Steve Austin gets back to his feet. Vandal piledrives StoneCold Steve Austin. StoneCold Steve Austin climbs to his feet. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - This is how wrestling should be!

[Vandal delivers a spine buster to StoneCold Steve Austin. StoneCold Steve Austin gets up. Vandal low blows StoneCold Steve Austin. They lockup. StoneCold Steve Austin sends Vandal to the corner of the ring. StoneCold Steve Austin chants start. StoneCold Steve Austin slaps the face of Vandal. Vandal is put in the Boston Crab by StoneCold Steve Austin Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... ... Vandal is fighting the hold. ... StoneCold Steve Austin tightens the hold. ... Vandal trys to escape. ... ... Vandal trys to escape. ... ... Vandal trys to escape. ... Vandal is fighting the hold. ... Vandal taps out. ]

George Zorin - StoneCold Steve Austin has won the match!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, StoneCold Steve Austin!!!

Hannibal vs. Jack The Crippler Jones (World Cruiserweight Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match for the World Cruiserweight Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 189 pounds, from Atlanta,GA he holds the World Cruiserweight Championship title belt, Hannibal!!! (crowd cheers ********)

[Hannibal comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 285 pounds, from Hollywood California, Jack The Crippler Jones!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Jack The Crippler Jones walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Hannibal walks around the ring. Jack The Crippler Jones checks his boots. (the bell rings) Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones off his feet with a short-arm clothesline Hannibal covers Jack The Crippler Jones. Earl Hebner counts. ...1 Jack The Crippler Jones escapes. ]

Michael Cole - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Jack The Crippler Jones.

[Jack The Crippler Jones climbs to his feet. Hannibal drives a forearm into Jack The Crippler Jones. Hannibal tackles Jack The Crippler Jones. Hannibal gets back to his feet. Hannibal covers Jack The Crippler Jones hooking the leg. The ref starts the count. ...1 Jack The Crippler Jones kicks out. ]

David MacIntyre - Hannibal should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Jack The Crippler Jones is up again. Jack The Crippler Jones low blows Hannibal. Now Hannibal standing. Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones down with a knee. Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones on the mat. Jack The Crippler Jones is back on his feet. Hannibal delivers a low blow to Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones trys for a Reverse DDT but Hannibal avoids it. ]

George Zorin - the ring is covered with blood from these fighters.

[Hannibal flips Jack The Crippler Jones to the mat. Hannibal drags Jack The Crippler Jones to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) Hannibal swings a chair and hits Jack The Crippler Jones. (..2) Hannibal applies an arm wrench to Jack The Crippler Jones. (...3) Jack The Crippler Jones forearm smashes Hannibal. (....4) Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones in the stomach. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Jack The Crippler Jones takes a kick.

[(.....5) Jack The Crippler Jones takes Hannibal into the ring. Jack The Crippler Jones delivers a short-arm clothesline to Hannibal. Hannibal delivers a kick to the head of Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones moves back to his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones uses a closed fist on Hannibal. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Jack The Crippler Jones executes a punch.

[Hannibal slaps Jack The Crippler Jones in the face. Hannibal stands up. Jack The Crippler Jones takes a slap to the face from Hannibal. Hannibal gets back to his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones executes a neck-breaker on Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones chants start. Jack The Crippler Jones applies a boston crab to Hannibal. Earl Hebner asks Hannibal if he quits. ... (AHHHH!) ... Hannibal trys to escape. Jack The Crippler Jones breaks the hold. Jack The Crippler Jones stomps Hannibal's head. Jack The Crippler Jones covers Hannibal. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Hannibal kicks out. ]

David MacIntyre - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Hannibal gets back to his feet. Hannibal short-arm clotheslines Jack The Crippler Jones to the mat. Hannibal fist drops Jack The Crippler Jones on the mat. Hannibal gets back to his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones tackles and begins punching Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones drives a forearm into Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones tackles Hannibal and pummels his head. Hannibal is up again. Swinging Neck-Breaker from Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones down. Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones on the mat. Hannibal measures Jack The Crippler Jones up and drops a closed fist. ]

Michael Cole - Hannibal with a Fist drop.

[Hannibal is back on his feet. Hannibal applies an arm wrench to Jack The Crippler Jones. ]

David MacIntyre - Hannibal executes a Arm wrench.

[Jack The Crippler Jones gets up. Hannibal tackles Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones is up again. Jack The Crippler Jones gut-wrenchs Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones puts Hannibal in a reverse chin lock. Earl Hebner asks Hannibal if he quits. ... ... Hannibal is fighting the hold. ... Hannibal is fighting the hold. ... Hannibal is fighting the hold. Hannibal escapes. ]

David MacIntyre - Jack The Crippler Jones is doing quite well at this point in the match.

[Jack The Crippler Jones applies an arm wrench to Hannibal. Hannibal gets up. Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones in the back of the leg. Jack The Crippler Jones is up again. Jack The Crippler Jones delivers a short-arm clothesline to Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones rolls onto Hannibal connecting with a knee. Jack The Crippler Jones rolls onto Hannibal connecting with a knee. Hannibal moves back to his feet. Hannibal body slams Jack The Crippler Jones. Hannibal grabs Jack The Crippler Jones and applies an arm wrench. Hannibal stomps Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones gets up. Jack The Crippler Jones connects with a low blow. Hannibal goes down. Jack The Crippler Jones goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 Hannibal kicks out. ]

George Zorin - You just can't win this early in a match. Especially with an opponent like Hannibal.

[Hannibal drives a forearm into the head of Jack The Crippler Jones. ]

Michael Cole - Forearm Smash!

[Jack The Crippler Jones punches Hannibal in the head. ]

David MacIntyre - Jack The Crippler Jones with a punch.

[Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones in the head. Jack The Crippler Jones stands up. Hannibal lifts Jack The Crippler Jones up and drops him on his knee. Hannibal fist drops Jack The Crippler Jones on the mat. Hannibal is back on his feet. Hannibal stomps Jack The Crippler Jones. Hannibal covers Jack The Crippler Jones. The ref starts the count. ...1 Jack The Crippler Jones kicks out. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - He should have just stayed on the attack.

[Jack The Crippler Jones climbs to his feet. Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones down with a knee. Jack The Crippler Jones moves back to his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones drives a forearm into Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones delivers a short-arm clothesline to Hannibal. Hannibal stands up. Hannibal low blows Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones moves back to his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones lifts Hannibal up and drops him on his knee. Now Hannibal standing. Jack The Crippler Jones tackles and begins punching Hannibal. Hannibal kicks Jack The Crippler Jones in the stomach. Jack The Crippler Jones stands up. Jack The Crippler Jones low blows Hannibal. Hannibal stands up. Hannibal low blows Jack The Crippler Jones. Jack The Crippler Jones uses a closed fist on Hannibal. Hannibal tackles Jack The Crippler Jones. Now Hannibal standing. Hannibal fist drops Jack The Crippler Jones on the mat. Jack The Crippler Jones is up again. Jack The Crippler Jones piledrives Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones chants start. Jack The Crippler Jones applies an arm wrench to Hannibal. ]

George Zorin - Arm wrench!

[Jack The Crippler Jones stomps Hannibal. Jack The Crippler Jones covers Hannibal. Earl Hebner counts the pin. ...1 ...2 Hannibal kicks out. ]

David MacIntyre - Jack The Crippler Jones should have known he wouldn't win the match with that.

[Hannibal is back on his feet. Jack The Crippler Jones drives a forearm into Hannibal. Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones down with a knee. Jack The Crippler Jones delivers a low blow to Hannibal. Hannibal moves back to his feet. REC is nailed with a hurricanrana by Hannibal Hannibal drags Jack The Crippler Jones to the floor. Earl Hebner starts the count (.1) (..2) Jack The Crippler Jones tackles and begins punching Hannibal. (...3) Jack The Crippler Jones stomps Hannibal. Hannibal gets up. Hannibal reverse DDT's Jack The Crippler Jones's head into the floor. Hannibal piledrives Jack The Crippler Jones into the floor. Hannibal takes Jack The Crippler Jones into the ring. Jack The Crippler Jones hits Hannibal with a something. Earl Hebner sees it.ring, ring, ring! Earl Hebner calls for the bell. Jack The Crippler Jones was disqualified. ]

Michael Cole - Hannibal has won the match!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, Hannibal!!!

Vincent Hammer vs. Cardinal (World Heavyweight Championship) gimmick (Standard Match)

David MacIntyre - This match is a Standard Match for the World Heavyweight Championship title. On his way to the ring at this time, weighing in at 230 pounds, from Calgary,Alberta,Canada, Cardinal!!! (crowd cheers *****)

[Cardinal comes to the ring. ]

David MacIntyre - and his opponent, weighing in at 245 pounds, from Vancouver, BC. a member of DeGeneration X he holds the World Heavyweight Championship title belt, Vincent Hammer!!!

[Vincent Hammer walks to the ring. Earl Hebner is the referee for this contest. Cardinal strikes Vincent Hammer in the elbow. Vincent Hammer Grabs a Mic and Says " I'm Gonna get some Respect!!!And Hes gonna get some BROKEN BONES!!!!! (the bell rings) Cardinal punches Vincent Hammer in the head. Vincent Hammer shoulder tackles Cardinal. Vincent Hammer gets up. Cardinal moves back to his feet. Vincent Hammer delivers a short-arm clothesline to Cardinal. Cardinal is back on his feet. Cardinal uses a belly-to-belly suplex. Vincent Hammer is down. Cardinal chants start. Cardinal goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Vincent Hammer escapes. ]

David MacIntyre - Cardinal was so close!!

[Vincent Hammer gets up. ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - Vincent Hammer could use some help about now.

[Cardinal kicks Vincent Hammer in the stomach. Vincent Hammer delivers a low blow to Cardinal. Cardinal is up again. Cardinal drives a forearm into Vincent Hammer. Vincent Hammer tackles and begins punching Cardinal. Vincent Hammer lifts Cardinal into a vertical suplex. Vincent Hammer gets up. Vincent Hammer stomps Cardinal. Now Cardinal standing. Cardinal tackles Vincent Hammer and pummels his head. Vincent Hammer drives a forearm into Cardinal. Cardinal reverse DDT's Vincent Hammer's head into the mat. Cardinal chants start. Cardinal goes for a pin. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Vincent Hammer kicks out. ]

David MacIntyre - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Vincent Hammer is up again. Cardinal executes a back breaker on Vincent Hammer. Cardinal covers Vincent Hammer. Referee Earl Hebner makes the count. ...1 ...2 Vincent Hammer kicks out. ]

George Zorin - That was almost the end of the match right there!

[Vincent Hammer is up again. Vincent Hammer executes a belly-to-belly suplex on Cardinal. Cardinal gets back to his feet. Vincent Hammer applies a boston crab to Cardinal. Earl Hebner is checking for a tap out. ... Vincent Hammer tightens the hold. ... ... Vincent Hammer tightens the hold. ... Cardinal trys to escape. Cardinal escapes. ]

David MacIntyre - OHHHHHHH So close!!!

[Vincent Hammer lifts Cardinal up and drops him on his knee. Cardinal is up again. Cardinal hits the mat. Vincent Hammer is up again. Vincent Hammer dives head first into Cardinal. Vincent Hammer rolls onto Cardinal connecting with a knee. Vincent Hammer takes Cardinal to the mat with a spear tackle.Vincent Hammer signals to the crowd then JackhammersCardinal Vincent Hammer goes for a pin. The ref starts the count. ...1 ...2 ...3 ]

Eddie "THE PHINK" Davis - We've got ourselves a winner!

David MacIntyre - The winner of this match, and still World Heavyweight Championship champion, Vincent Hammer!!!
                                                                 1999 Zorin