About Us

I know that most of you don't really care about us...but maybe there are a few who want to know what kind of morons come up with this stuff, so here ya go....

First of all, we are sisters.

I'm Tara, the older and wiser. I'm 23, and I'm sure I'm one of the oldest 'N SYNC fans alive. Most of the stuff on the pages is my creation. I don't know if I really want to take credit or not, but anyways.... I work and manage a salon, and also work part-time at a movie rental place (this is the job that supports my 'n sync habit). Yes, my life is as cool as it sounds. Susie is definitely the brains of our operation: she figures out how to do things, and just tells me what to do. I think she also ends up hating me most of the time 'cuz she thinks I steal her friends, but I can't help it if I'm just so charming they can't stay away. Anyway, that's me in a nutshell. Oh yeah, I also have a super cool car... a 1997 Toyota RAV 4. It has a custom paint job, tinted windows, racks and a really good sound system....OK sorry I just had to brag a bit...but here's something about my sister.

I'm Susie, the cool one. I'm a senior at a Private School in Utah, and I'm a cheerleader and on the student council. I have the best hair in the world, thanks to Tara. I usually hate her 'cuz she steals my friends, but I pretend to like her because then she buys me stuff and lets me listen to her 'N SYNC CDs.

Just to let you know, Tara may be 23, but she acts like about 19, she hangs around with all my friends, and acts stupid. She's a lot like Chris, but don't tell her that or she'll go psycho.....

Email: crazyfor_nsync@hotmail.com