Why the Back Street Boys Suck

We have left the BSB alone, and not bothered with them, until now. The more they think they are better than 'n sync, the more we hate them. These are just a few reasons why...
1)They can't sing
2)They can't dance
3)They are very ugly, every last one of them.
4)They dress like freaks, and have freaky hair.
5)Howie is a gay homosexual.
6)AJ is the most retarded, freaky thing to ever walk the earth.
7)They are spoiled little babies.
8)Howie reminds me of a child molester when he smiles.
9)They suck.
10)Nick is a fat, squish-faced moron, with an even more annoying little brother.
11)***They make stupid faces when they sing.***
12)***They sound even worse live.***
13)They are conceited.thanks crunkgal81
14)They're all gay, with each other.thanks crunkgal81
15)Nick is a mama's boy.thanks crunkgal81
16)^^^Two words: Grammer sucks. Hello? Does his gifts come from the heart?" It's DO ya dork!^^^
17)^^^Their idiot fans who keep writing "the bsb are better because they are hot"^^^
18)^^^From Amanda: "Nick is wearing a North Carolina hat.  Is it just some strange coincidence that Justin is also a NC fan? Or is Nick really trying to get fans' attention, thinking Justin's popular because he wears that NC stuff.  Copy-cat.  OR it could be that Nick is also a big fan or something.   I don't know. Seems a little funny to me." Thanks Amanda!^^^
19)^^^Their CD "Millenium." Robbie Williams sang it best when he crooned, "We got stars directing our fate, and we're prayin' it's not too late, 'cuz we know we're fallin' from grace. Millenium." We knew he was talking about the bsb!^^^
20)nick dissed 'n sync in an interview ~thanks Janice
21)brian is a hick ~thanks Janice
22)nick is a whiny bastard, as is his younger sister...i mean brother ~ thanks Janice
23)they sing like they have nine irons painfully wedged up their asses ~thanks Janice
24)aj is absolutely terrifying...he looks like he came straight from hell~thanks Janice
25)howie styles his hair with pig lard/chicken grease~thanks Janice
26)they have the gayest dance moves i have ever seen~thanks Janice

~!~These are just a few, we have many more that will come later~!~