Asking The Really Hard Questions

Well the other day I saw the boys at my local Taco Bell. And after I washed the shit out of my pants, I went over and asked for an interview. The transcript is as follows:
Sus:Hi guys. How are you doing? How's the new tour going?
Boys:Great. Love the new show blah blah blah...
Sus:I'm going to be asking some really intimate questions so feel free to decline any questions. The first question, what kind of toothpaste do you use?
Justin:Crest for Kids
Chris:Giggles (he says some obscure name that makes me believe he doesn't brush.)
JC:Looks around scared tryng to think of a name
Sus:Damn it JC, shut up! I know the truth. Question number two, what kind of body soap do you use?
Justin:Lever 2000
Lance:Herbal Essences
JC:Deodrant Soap, but it doesn't help much.
Chris:I don't shower.
Sus:No shit, I couldn't tell! What kind of shampoo?
Lance:Paul Mitchell
Joey:I just use the bar soap that's in the hotel.
Justin:TiGi, only the best baby.
Sus:I know Lance fake bakes but who else?
Everybody:Well, once in awhile.
Sus:What's your favorite hangover cure?
Boys:in zombie-like trance We don't drink we don't have girl friends...
Sus: Shut up, tell me the truth.
Justin:Sleep, water, and more bitches.
Lance: Two Tylenol and some beauty rest.
Joey:More beer
Chris: Some alone time with my kids and a Disney movie.
Sus:Well I've gotta go. Enjoy your Taco Bell.
