Why sex with JC would not be so bad.

Wendi (giddy for 'n sync) has told me to do this page. I don't want to, but I will.

I will now let you know why we would have sex with JC.

- He's friends with Lance, and that's good enough for me.

- With a body like he has, I'm sure he would know how to shake his money maker.

- He is very moral so he would be free and clear of infections.

- He sweats alot, so he must be healthy.

- JC is in a band with Lance, that means I might get to see Lance after I had sex with JC.

- ***JC is in a band with Justin, that means I might get to see Justin after I had sex with JC.***

- ***JC is a rock star--that makes him cool.***

- ***All the teenyboppers would get pissed off.***

- Wendi would be so jealous of me.

- JC has lots of money, so he might spend some on me after sex.

^^^I need no convincing!^^^

Email: crazyfor_nsync@hotmail.com