A Confession for you, Kreg...

For everyone but the 5 people who know who kreg is, he is my friend that hates 'n sync..alot. He thinks he is just too cool for them, well Kreg...

I have a confession for you, Please don't be mad, and please don't hate me...OK, you can hate me all you want, the process has already begun. I am trying to turn you into a mixture of the boys of 'Nsync. Yes, it's true, if you don't think it could be so, take a look...

Look at your hair, then look at Lance's, yep, one and the same. Diffrent color, but not for long, when was that you wanted to get a color kreg?

Two earrings in each ear is so cool.

I told you it was all in the eyebrows, didn't I.

Hum, where have I seen a jacket like this before?

Hoops are cool. And yeah, I still think you should wear them, just to be you...

Why don't you grow out some sideburns Kreg...wasn't that a good idea I had.

I really like eyebrow rings, I think you need one kreg...

Now, I would like to show everyone my creation..my very own kreg/Lance creation!

Awww yeah..he's real cute eh..want some more? ok..here ya go!

So, in closing, you can see how far you already have turned into my own little 'nsync barbie doll. How lucky for you. So when we gonna go get those tatoos, I have some awesome ideas for you...How do you feel about superman?

Email: crazyfor_nsync@hotmail.com