
We have spent alot of time watching 'N SYNC on TV and have been staring at our pictures out of BOP and TEEN BEAT and have some general observations about the boys....and here we go!!!!

Just how rich are the boys? I know that Alanis got $1.00 off of every copy of jagged little pill, and that was alot of money for a new act to get. So if you go by that, then 'n sync is splitting $1.00 between five guys, that works out to $0.20 a pop for each one. They would have to sell a shit load of CDs to make any kind of profit. I'm not sure of how many they have sold, but all of a sudden they don't look like they are rollin' in it like I first thought. How is Justin making those car payments? You know they are a bunch of bucks..now don't go sending them your allowance, I bet they make more cash than I will ever see.

How is it that 5 grown men (well,4 grown men and Justin) can dress in matching outfits and not feel like total asses? Chris is 27 years old, he should be way too old for that. One day Susie and I had on the same colored shirts and it haunted me all day. Why don't they tell their manager(or whoever it is that tells them to do it) to shove it up their ass and dress in something more individual.

Is it just me, or is Chris really not that crazy? I have'nt seen or heard of him doing anything odd-little alone crazy. He claims to be crazy, insane and all that, but I just don't see it. I guess it's a little odd that his best friend is 1/2 his age, but you know......whatever.

Why would JC collect Hard Rock menus? If you've seen one, you've seen 'um all. Could'nt he think of anything better. This guy is all over the world, and he picks menus to collect. Very creative. I'm sure he really gets a good grasp of the different cultures with this way.

Is there a reason Joey is in the band? It's not to make them look good because he really does'nt help that much. I know its not his great singing voice, well maybe it is. I can't say that I would know. I don't know why he does'nt just kick JCs pansey ass and sing some leads. If I was Joey I would go to my manager and say "look, everyone eles in the group has a job but me. Lance gets all the cool bass stuff, Justin and JC bogart all the leads and Chris gets the girly sounding stuff. Then theres me- nothing. LET ME SING!!!"

Why does Justin wear so much baby blue? I know. I know, he likes that one basketball team, the one from Carolina and it's their color. That's really nice on game day, to show your support or something, but every damn day? PLEASE! That's just gay. I'm from Utah. I like the Jazz, but I'm sure not walking around in purple all the time. I don't know one other guy in the world who is such a fan, or another guy that would say that his favorite color is baby blue for that matter. But I guess thats why we all love our little Justin so much. He's such a fan of a college team that he would wear their color so much. I'm sure Carolina loves him too. Maybe he could give the team some of those 'N SYNC necklaces that he and Joey wear. Then they could show their support of his band. I'm sure they would love it.

Why does Lance point so much in pictures? My hell, it would be hard to find one that he hasn't got that long thing pointing at something. 'Was up 'wit 'dat 'yall? Never mind, I don't think I want to know. But while I'm on the subject of Lance in pictures, has anyone eles noticed that he gets...um...quite excited in alot of pictures? Whoa baby! That boy must have some out-of-control raging hormones! I know it's not nice of me to point that out, it's not his fault and he can't control it, but what's he gonna do about it? Tell chris and have him come kick my ass? Well, I say bring it on...I could kick his butt anyday, OK maybe not, he may sing like a girl, but I think he packs quite a punch. JC, now thats a whole different matter, I could easily take him out.

We just got out German CD (I know were a bit slow) and as I was listeneing to it, what I was wondering was this: "who is it that decided what songs to put on the American one? They seem to have left some of the best ones off." Why should the Germans get all the good stuff on theirs, but not us? What kind of conspiracy is going on here? I'm thinking that maybe Germany is way under-populated so the German Government is trying to get people to move over there, and this is the best way-by making you live there to get the best 'N SYNC music first. But I guess if I had to choose, it's better than France. At least Germany has good beer, all France has is cheese.

Email: crazyfor_nsync@hotmail.com