Look, I want the page to be ugly, just like this skanky piece of trash..

This girl is really getting on my nerves. I can take it no longer..she is all over my man, and I want to kill her for it.

Yeah, I think she is mega-ugly..not only because she is having sex with the man I want. I have always hated her, ever since the first of the stupid ass show she is on.

Look..the cast of the stupid ass show.
The thing I am the most upset with is the fact that I think Lance thinks we are retarded fans, and will believe anything. Now, don't get me wrong..I would follow this boy to hell if it meant I was gonna get some from him..but I am thinking he thinks we are all 12 years old and will buy whatever pile of crap he has to sell..

Lance, just tell everyone we are friends, it doesn't matter if we happen to end up in the same places..they will believe you...

Well, sorry baby, some of us have a brain and can figure it're in Cancun..she is in Cancun... i'm thinking it's booty call.

Hell, it's booty call with THIS?

I am really considering my loyalties to a boy who wants to ya it with her. She has no personality, and is fake as the day is long, and all over a very horrible person. And lets not forget that she is only with him because he is a big star.

One last picture to finish bringing up your dinner..nice ripped jeans and white nail polish by the way..very fashionable...BITCH!
