Why JC should give Wendi a jump

Here are just a few reasons why JC should give Wendi, (our sister site) a Jump.

*She's cute, real cute.

*She could teach that moral little boy a thing or two.

*Wendi wants a jump from him. (I don't know why, but she does.)

*They are soul mates, I know it, you know it, Wendi knows it, everyone knows it. I'm not sure why JC hasn't caught on yet.

*She won't cheat on him like that Innoslut did.

*JC needs a good lay, it might loosen him up a bit.

*Wendi REALLY wants a jump from him.

*She deserves it, she has been such a good girl latley.

*JC needs to blow off some steam, so it might as well be with her.

*He's not gonna get many other offers, he should take them when they come his way.

Email: crazyfor_nsync@hotmail.com