Hey guys! Check out the Sound Byte section for a new clip that has been added.

Hey everyone welcome to The B.O.O.B.S official page! And no this isn't a porn site! This is the official page of one of the hottest new duo's to hit the music scene since..um....Milli Vanilli..wait bad example. Well, anyway you get the point. This great duo consists of: Casey and Cassi. This page will not only provide you with up-to-date information on them, but it will also give you tons of other stuff. So take a look around and enjoy!

(( Last Updated - 9. 17. 00 ))

<< e-Mail TheOne3333@aol.com if you have any questions and/or feedback! >>

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© 2000 The B.O.O.B.S. All Rights Reserved.

Everything you see on this site may not be redistributed or duplicated in any form, unless given direct permission from the members of The B.O.O.B.S and/or the webmaster. The B.O.O.B.S are currently an unsigned musical group, and the artists are not affiliated with any recording labels or management firms.