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"And then the day came when the pain it took to hang on was far greater than the pain it took to let go ... "

Faith Hope Love

Let me cry in peace I beg
Hide here in my sorrow
Sweet Child have FAITH in Me
There's light in your tomorrow

Tragedy has hit me hard
I no longer feel alive
Sweet Child hold HOPE within
With Me you will survive

I've lost the spark of my heart
Gone is the light in my eyes
Sweet Child My LOVE is all you need
It's grace will heal your cries

I give these all to you
Just call My Name, tell Me your thoughts
I'm here to help you through.

~ Lady Hope ~

Mimi, j'ai écrit ceci pour vous. Je suis si désolé pour la douleur que
vous souffrez. Je vous aime, je suis ici pour vous. H.