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Free Goes The Night

Whispering softly against the grass
Blades of green, jealous of the motion of the wild
Swift goes the wind
Whipping loudly against all homes saying
Sleep Not For Life Is Near
Free goes the night
Cold and brisk during winter
Stealing all shelter from the clouds
Shouting Step Not Into The Dark
Lest You Feel My Thunder
Warm and gentle during summer
Enjoying a love affair with the sun
Share your heat with me
Free goes the night

Myth Maker

I gave my soul to him
In return he promised gold
He held my future in his hands
My fate he foretold

Hold steady, my heart
Think clear, my mind
His strength comes with his words
My weakness his soul did find

I am his puppet
His toy to play
Confused and naive
I do as he says

My lover, my friend
I surrender my soul
He thrives on my helplessness
My Myth Maker of Love

Laying on cool sheets
Feeling nothing yet everything
Knowing the truth, truth in all
He is gone and I am alone
He told of love and promises
Of dreams and future hopes
Laughter and joy for years
Tears of happiness in our eyes
Or so it seemed to me
How I miss the looks he sent me
The warmth he gave me
His safety and love
How I miss his lies
I need to hear
Bring back my Myth Maker

Non ha mai lasciare un passo di momento lei da dove lei avrebbe potuto amare qualcuno per un tempo. A ha il suo cuore rotto è migliore di a non è mai toccato. Al tatto vera passione è a sa la vera vita. Ha lasciare il calore scorre attraverso lei, unito nell'amore, unito nelle fiamme