
October 1998-The Lewinskys form
November '98-TYhe Lewinskys play local shows
December 31 '98-The Lewinskys make their Pavillion debut for a ramones truibte show.They played with The Young Offenders, The SetBacks, and The Middletons
May 1999-The Lewinskys record their first demo tape that was never released
June '99-The Lewinskys Break up:(
Augest 26 '99-The Lewinskys Play their comeback show with many better new origonals and a new bass player, Ryan Walker
Augest 28 1999-The lewinskys jam with the addition of "Meet me at the Drive in", an instant classic now that R-Buckle is the new guitar player
Sept 04 1999-The Lewinskys Book their comeback Pavillion show
Sept.11/99- The Lewinskys make their Pavillion come back tonight. We are playing alot of new ones, such as Plaid Skirts and pigtails,Zit poppin Mamma, Meet me @ the drive in, and more.I think this will be a solid show.The main concern is Meet Me At The Drive in, it is a wicked song, but it wasnt our tightest song when we jammed on wensday. but oh well, we'll see wont we?.
Sept.12/99- Well Folks if you were there to see it you know.You all know that the lewinskys put on their best fucking show ever.We ran out of time near the end so we had to cut "Dont Play Me Like a HonkyTonk Man", and "Jeanie Has Leaprasy".but, i think that the shining points of the show were when Dave from The SetBacks( another fucking incredible punk band from nova scotia) played air guitar to Summer of 69.
Sept.30/99-The lewinskys book their very first bit of studio time.They are going to be releasing the cd "Stop Drop and Rockin Roll (date inconclusive).The Songs that will be put on will be posted in a few days, Sit Tight.
October 9 1999. The Lewinskys record their 1st cd in 7 hours at deep 9 studios in Halifax
Oct.19, 1999; The Lewinskys have a show coming up at the Local high school, hope to see ya there... the date you ask? Perhaps Nov 10., 1999
Dec 12, 1999- The Lewinskys have been asked to submit "Meet Me at the Drive In" and "Also Known As" to a comp. As well they have send a demo to a cool record lable, it wont be mentioned until a response is back.They had some shows booked, but had to cancel due to a parental discressions.They are not too pleased,but what can you do. There is a possibility of a battle of the bands in January in Kingston, they most likely will perform there.As well, there are 4 new origonals that they have; "Honey, I'll be Home for Halloween"(formerly potato crunchers), "Teenage Physco", "Comon' Comon'", And "You're my Girl".
Jan 17, 2000- Well the Lx5 (Lewinskys) kicked in the new year with a fantastic showing at the Pavillion, with Slump, Last Few Years, Hope (New Brunswick), and Jokes Over.This was a show for the funds on Louies Comp. With their fill in guitarist "Yeti Rhobust Pants Poopie Dirt Road Daniel Clahane", they totally rocked the Cas Bah. As the Lx5 kicked into "The Assembally Line" (A vindictives cover) the crowd got up to see what all the comotion was all about, and stayed up there for the whole 30 mins of non stop power pop punk.
Feb 8, 2000- Just anotherday in the eyes of the Lewinskys.We have a few shows comin' up, one in Halifax, one in Glace Bay, and possibly one in Fredricton, NB.The new additions to The Lewinskys musical resume are 4 origonals ; "Jennifer Love", "Secret Agent Girl","Filthy Franky", and " Creeoy Magicians"... With the addition of 2 new covers ; "The Sign"-Ace of Base and 'Everybody wants somethin'" The Zit Remedy.
March 3,2000-Tommrow is another Pavillion show for The Lewinskys (who conviently got left out of punk fest), and they are pretty pumped up for their future manifest.But, the big news is that The Lewinskys are confirmed to play in Wentworth in June at the Wentworth Music Extravangaza.This is their biggest show as of yet.
March 5, 2000-The Lewinskys put on a very energetic show to celebrate their first headline appearence.With special guests The Dumpsters ,Incipid, The Outsiders, and the incredble Dead Red, the show perhaps went perfect.Special thanks to Tim McNeil who showed up to watch and gave The Lewinskys a spot in the greatest show ever, Valley Pallozza.Thanks to all of the people who showed up, especially the Valley Folk.
April 6, 2000- The Lewinskys played their first PunkFest last Saturday.Well, let me tell ya, they put on a great show with When Alls Been Sadi, Slump, HGM and Bad Luck # 13.Now, they are lookin' to put the money made towards stickers to promote themselvs.As well, The Lewinskys are looking foward to some wicked, high stature, shows comin' up; The Wentworth Music Extravangaza and ValleyPallozza 2000!!!
June 4,2000- Yesterday, The Lewinskys had an excellent jam with the addition of two songs; " Don Flamenco" and "You Broke My Fucking Heart". As well, The Lewinskys fixed up the song "One In a Million" to almost perfection.With their up coming shows, one would think that they will kick ass. They will. They have 3 shows coming up, One perhaps they may not be able to play. Hopefully things will work out.
June 25th, 2000- Well, the last two days have been excessively productive. First, on Friday, June 23rd, The Lewinskys played, quite possibly their best show ever with Horrice Pinker (Chicago), All Systems Go (California), and Jokesover.This was a very good show and The Lewinskys we're over whelmed with the excellent personality of all of the band, and would like to thank all of them greatly. On Saturday, June 24th, The Lewinskys played The Wentworth Music Extravaganza with many great bands such and Arlibido, Bucket Truck , Shyne Factory and many more great acts. The Lewinskys played the 4th spot at 4:15 and rocked the place very well, in front of a crowd of about 100 people. The Lewinskys play in Glace Bay, NS next week and are seriously discussing returning to the studio very soon.
July 7th, 2000- Well everyone the last week or so have been excellent for The Lewinskys. First off, Ryan Lewinsky got an E-mail from a Flordia based Label stating that they would like to sign The Lewinskys. As well, Adam Lewinsky got an E-mail from Head Dip Records from Germany asking The Lewinskys to submit a song for up coming comp. So, out of all this The Lewinskys all realized something; They have to record and fast. So, in early Augest, The Lewinskys are hitting the studio again and are going full out for the new CD. Hope to see you guys soon.
Augest 28th, 2000- The Lewinskys are finishig their work on their new album this Sunday, However, it has to be mastered and mixed. It will be done soon. Sorry for the delay. They are playing in Truro on September the 10th. As well, There is a pavillion show in early September in store for The Lewinskys.
Sept 29,2000- Well guys, The lewinskys finished their CD and played a show with Chixdiggit. Sounds great . eh? Well, not totally. You see, The lewinksys are taking a break. We dont know how long it will be. Could be forever. So, if this is the end of us. Fairwell, and thank yo to all of our fans in the past. We love you all and thank you for your support. Never forget us. I believe our cd will still be coming out soon. So, please but it, love it, and love us. So Long all
