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The Teams


Always a loner? Well, not quite. Past member or current member, the teams that Wolverine has been a part of have gone a long way to making Logan the man he is today.

Team X
(The Old Team)

The Flight


Landau, Luckman
& Lake

The Secret Defenders

Alternative/Future Timeline Teamings

Even in Marvel alternate time scenarios, Logan almost always seems to end up on a team. For instance:

Age of Apocalypse
Weapon X

Alpha Flight
What If (V.2, 59)

What If (V.2, 29)

Clan Yashida
What If (V.2, 43)

Future X-Men
J2, Issue 7

Medieval X-Men
X-Men, Issue 1/2

New Fantastic Four
Wolverine, Issue 148

New X-Men
What If (V.2, 47)

Post-Asgard X-Men
What If (V.2, 12)

What If (V.2, 7)

The Pack
Mutant X
Issue 3

Weapon X-Men
Codename: X-Men
Issue 1


The spot for the teamings that don't quite fit into either category above.

Dark Claw & Sparrow
Amalgam (Legends of
the Dark Claw)

Animated Series

X-Men: Evolution
Animated Series

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