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Welcome to Sookie's page. She is a Clydesdale/thoroughbred cross. She came to our home as an Retirement home. She favered both front legs and a back leg, was is lame due to being show jumped in her younger years. She had Arthritis and was on pain pills every day. Because of that I didn't ride her. She was just a BIG pet!

Sookie was the best horse I'v ever owned. I loved her very much, she was my pride and joy. Having her only four months, the time passed...she founderd (Laminitis) and was put down Nov.24th,1999. She will be missed very much, and will be remembered by family and friends as the Big, Friendly Giant.

We will miss you Sookie...

Name: Sookie

Height: 17 Hands

Weight: Around 1500-1700 pounds

Colour: Bay

Markings: Four White socks, blaze.

Gender: Mare

What she Liked: FOOD, Oats, Cookies (all kinds) carrots, apples, corn, being groomed, walked around the yard, people, bread, and just being sooked.

What she Disliked: Flys, and the Garden Hose.

Her many Nicknames: Sooka, Sook-A-Babe, Babe, Little Hoof.

Here are some Pictures below.