"Queen a' Brooklyn" DATE: May 2, 2000

Walking through the streets of Manhattan, Jack was taking a drag on his cigarette. It had been a long day of selling; it seemed like no one wanted to by a paper. He was tired, and just wanted to go to bed early. He stopped walking when something caught his eye. He figured it was a person, but wasn't sure. He inched up to it, and came across a head of disheveled, sandy blond hair. Jack started to shake the little warm body, to see if it was still alive. The figure stirred, and opened its eyes. Even through the darkness, Jack could tell it was a little girl.

" Wat?" she said groggily, tilting her head in confusion.

" Hey, kid, ya gotta place ta stay?" Jack asked, deeply concerned that a little girl would be in an alley way alone this late at night.

" No, I'se been lookin' for me brudda, Thomas. He left home a long time ago." she replied softly. You could tell this was a sensitive subject for her to talk about.

" Yea, well, dat's da least a' ya problems, kid. How old are ya?" Jack asked..

" I'se fourteen, if ya must know, and wat's wit' all da questions?" she spat back at him in an icy tone. Jack could tell he shouldn't be pushing it right about now. " Wow," Jack thought. " she's a tiny liddle thing for fourteen, but boy does she have a tempa'. Plus she gots no place ta stay. She could come wit' me. Nah, who am I kiddin', she'll neva come wit' me wit'out puttin' up a fight.....well, I should at least try." After Jack finished thinking of what to reply, he said:

" Listen, me names Jack Kelly, I'se a newsie. I bet youse see dem sellin' papes in da street all da time. What I'se tryin' ta say is........ya should probably come wit' me ta where I live, it's only a few blocks ahead." Jack finished, not realizing that the girl had fallen asleep. Jack took this opportunity to pick her up, and carry her back to the Lodging House. She was as light as a feather, as Jack noted. When he arrived, Jack paid for the rent, and bounded up the stairs into the bunkroom.

" Heya Cowboy, watcha' got?" a short Italian asked, trying hard to balance his ever-present cigar in his
mouth while talking.

" Shaddup Race, ya don't wanna wake 'er do ya?" Jack hissed, as he put the girl down on a nearby bunk. By this time, almost everyone in the room had crowded around the bed that the girl was in, to see who Jack brought in.

" Uh, Jacky-boy, dat's a liddle goyl, why do ya gots a liddle goyl, Jack?" Mush asked nervously.

" Don't worry, Mush, I jist found 'er in an alley way, and brought 'er back here. She said she was lookin' for her brudda, Thomas, who eva dat is. It ain't like I kidnapped her or nuttin'." Jack shrugged.

" Watta' wese gonna do wit' her, Cowboy?" Swifty asked, leaning over the sleeping form. All of Jack's newises raised their eyebrows at him, expecting an answer.

" For now, wese gonna let her sleep, she'll tell us her story when she wakes up.....I doubt it though, she's a spitfire, dis goyl is." Jack replied, ushering everyone away from the sleeping girl.


Jack sat uncomfortably, in a chair, by the girl's bed, waiting for her to wake up. She groaned lowly, and opened her icy blue eyes.

" Ah, so ya up, ya okay?" Jack asked, grinning.

" Yea, look, I'se sorry I was so rude, but I'se gots me fadda's tempa' and patience....so I'se hoid. Uh, if ya don't me askin', who da heck are youse, and where da heck am I?" she asked, her voice was even, and calm, a pleasant change to what Jack witnessed back in the alley way.

" Oh, me name's Jack Kelly, er Cowboy, as youse can see." Jack said, showing off his cowboy hat and bandanna. " I'se seventeen years old, an' I'se da leada' a' dese bums." Jack added, gesturing to his newsies. At the sound of the word: " Bums," all of Jack's newsies turned their attention to the conversation that was going on. ( sad, really... but hey, their used to it!) " Kay, now dat ya know a liddle 'bout me, let's hear a liddle 'bout you."

" Kay, me name's Bits. I'se called dat on account I'se so small for me age." she said the last line as if it were a curse. She was extremely petite, with two braids running along the side of her head, and reaching mid back. " Dat's jist me nickname though, I gotta real name too, but ya don't need ta know dat, it ain't important." she continued quietly. Jack and the others nodded in understanding, they all had nicknames too. " Newsie Names" is what they called them. It seemed that no one liked their original names anymore, or they needed to change them to get away from the cops. " I'se fourteen, and I used ta woik at da factory a few blocks ahead. Dat is, till me fadda' kicked me out of da house last month, cause I got fired. I sprained me wrist, and couldn't woik, so dey let my go. Me fadda's an abusive drunk, so he didn't, and still don't gotta job. I supported us both wit' me salary. 'Cause I was one more mouth ta feed, me dad kicked me out. Oh but not wit'out givin' me a good-bye present." Bits said sarcastically, as she pulled some of her hair away from her neck, so the boys could see the long gash along the side of her neck where her father had cut her not too long before. Most of the newsies weren't suprised, for most of them had had abusive parents before they were thrown out, or ran away.

" Anyways, I'se hopin' I'se kin stay 'ere till I find me brudda, Thomas.......if dat's okay wit' ya, Jack?" Bits asked with pleading eyes. Jack put on a pensive look to make it look like he was actually thing about the question. The rest of his newsies yet again, were waiting impatiently for their dramatic leader to make up his mind. Jack smiled warmly, and said:

" Sure 'ting, Bits, I'd be glad ta have ya be apart a' me newsies."

" 'Tanks, Cowboy!" Bits exclaimed, throwing her arms around his neck, hugging him.


" Get up! Get up! Sell da papes! Sell da papes!" Bits awoke to the sound of the owner of the lodging house, Kloppman, waking the newsies up to get to work. He was more like a grandfather to the newsies, rather than their landlord. Bits reluctantly got out of bed, and walked over to the washroom to get ready. When she returned to the bunkroom, she walked over to Jack's bunk to find him sleeping soundly, as usual. Bits grinned wickedly, as she walked back into the washroom, and returned with a bucket of water. She held the bucket high above his head, with a grin still spread across her face.

" Oh, Jack!" she said in a " sing-song" voice. Jack opened one eye to look at her. His expression quickly changed from annoyed, to terrified, as the cold water engulfed him. Bits laughed at his reaction to her...." wake-up call."

" Ooooooo I'se gonna getcha' now!" Jack exclaimed in a threatening voice, but Bits knew it was all fun and games. Jack jumped out of bed and started chasing her around the room. This carried on for about five more minutes, until everything started to calm down. That day, Jack showed Bits how to
" Carry Da Banna'," or what newsies called selling papers. At around lunchtime, Jack and Bits met most of the other newsies at Tibby's. There she met David and Les Jacobs. After they ate, Jack and Bits went back to the lodging house so she could meet other newsies she hasn't met yet.

" Now, ya've awlready met, me, David, and Les Jacobs...." Jack said, walking into the lodging house with Bits at his side. " but, here are some a' da guys ay haven't met yet. Dis is Racetrack, er as wese like ta call 'im, Race, Snoddy, Skittery, Bumlets, KidBlink, or Blink, Swifty, and Mush." Jack said as each newsie waved or kissed Bits' hand as Jack mentioned their name.

" Heya' Bits, ya eva been ta da tracks?" Racetrack asked. Some of the newsies around him groaned at the overused pickup line.

" RACE! Ya say dat ta every goyl ya meet.... dat's why ya don't got one!" Blink exclaimed, hitting Race
in the back of the head in frustration.

" I have ya know, dat da tracks is a very romantic place ta go on a date, thankyaverymuch!" Race said, in a matter-of-fact tone.

" And how would YOU know, Race? When was da last time ya went on a date?" Specs asked Race, cocking an eyebrow at him.

" Actually, Race, I'se neva been ta da tracks, but me brudda used ta go when we was liddle, and he told me 'bout it. He was a big gambla', me brudda was, always at da tracks." Bits said with a thoughtful look on her face. " As for me... I prefer pokah, ya play?" Race raised his eyebrows at her. The smile on his face grew, as he turned to Blink.

" Didja' hear dat, Blinky? She might like da tracks, and she PREFERS pokah, dis is my kind a' woman!" Race said as he patted Bits on the back.

" So Race, ya wanna play me? Course ya do, come on!" Bits exclaimed enthusiastically, as she dragged Race up the stairs to the bunk room. " Are youse guys comin', or are ya jist afraid ta git ya butts kicked by a GOYL?" Bits asked, as she stopped in the doorway to the bunkroom, still holding onto Race's arm tightly. Her brother always said she was freakishly strong, from experience. Shouts of: " No way!" and "Put ya money where ya mouth is, goyl!" filled the room as they followed Bits and Race into the bunkroom.

A few hours went by, and a few hands were played, with various winners. There were three players left, Snoddy, Bits, and Race. Mush delt out the cards. Snoddy asked for four cards, Race asked for two cards, and Bits asked for three. The players looked at their new hands.

" I fold." Snoddy sighed, and threw down his cards, and revealing his hand, queen high. Now it was just Race and Bits left. Race threw in a nickel.

" I see ya five, and raise ya ten." Bits said as she threw in her fifteen cents. This went on for about another five minutes, and the pot was beginning to get big, it was now up to seven dollars, and eighty-six cents. That's more than what most newsies made in one week, never mind one poker game! The pressure was on, and Race was beginning to sweat. Bits, on the other hand showed no signs of nervousness.

" Kay Race, time ta show ya cards." Bits said, still without a stitch of worry on her face. Race laid down his hand grinning.

" Full House, girly, read 'em and weep!" Race exclaimed happily, as he started to scoop the winnings over to his side of the table.

" Oh no ya don't mistah, ya still haven't seen me hand yet." Bits said. Race stopped rejoicing, to look up at his opponent. Bits laid down her hand, as she said: " Strait Flush, sorry buddy-boy, but I belive dat dis," she pointed to the winnings. " is mine." She chuc"+•+"+•+"+•+"Ê&~Ê&~2."+•+"+•+ the dice, and basically gamboling all together, accuse a fourteen year old GIRL of cheating him at poker, you'd have to admit that it would at least seem a little ironic. Realizing how ridiculous he sounded, Race started to blush.

By this time, everyone was a lovely shade of blue, with the exception of Race, being flushed, and embarrassed. As everyone started to calm down, Bits sat down on a nearby bunk, and just watched the events, and conversations going on around the room. She must have dozed off, because she awoke to someone shaking her. She opened her eyes, and looked up at the person who was shaking her. It was a boy, around Jack's age, with these ice blue eyes, that mirrored her own. His gray cabby hat covered his head, but you could still see some sandy blond hair, peaking out the sides.

" Kin I help ya?" Bits asked in a cold tone, glaring at him. You could ask anybody, and they would tell you that Bits was NOT a morning person, and was very grumpy when you woke her. The boy pointed a gold-tipped gentleman's cane in her face, and gave her a look that could kill.

" Yea, ya was sleepin' in me bunk, and when eva I visit Manhattan, I ALWAYS git me bunk ta sleep in!" the boy said through gritted teeth.

" Well, I'se sorry, but I'se don't see a sign wit'....... whateva ya name is on it. And ya name is?....." Bits asked.

" Da name's Spot, leada' a' da Brooklyn newsies, ya eva hoid a' me?" Spot shot back at her. Bits smirked at the mention of Spot's name, she did hear alot about the famous " Spot" who helped out with the strike.
She was always wondering what was so intimidating about him, and she was soon to find out.

" Spot, ah yes, I'se hoid alot 'bout chu, and I'se been meanin' ta ask ya........ do ya like ta play fetch in da park, or did ya parents name ya afta' a dog for anotha' reason?" Bits smiled sweetly, and rolled off the bunk and stood up on the opposite side.

" Wat's ya name kid? If I'se gonna have a new enemy, I'se gotta know her name." Spot asked, yet again through gritted teeth. You could tell he didn't usually soak girls, but it looked liked he was willing to make an exception.

" Bits Conlon. It's SO nice ta meet cha, Spot." Bits said, sarcastically. She held out her hand, expecting a handshake, but instead, Spot looked at her like she had two heads or something. Bits had never said her full name before, she didn't think it mattered, none of the other guys used their full names, well with the exseption of Jack, Dave, and Les. At the sound of her last name, everyone in the room directed their attention to the conversation Spot and Bits were having.

" Uh, Bits? How do youse spell ya last name?" Spot asked nervously. Bits looked at him puzzled, then said:

" C-O-N-L-O-N, Conlon, why?"

Spot spit in his hand, and grabbed Bits' outstretched one. He laughed at her expression as he did this. Most people's reactions are the same when they witness the " Newsie Shake."

" Spot Conlon, C-O-N-L-O-N. Nice ta see ya again, SIS." Spot said, grinning. It was amazing how something so impossable could happen, like finding your brother in NEW YORK, that you haven't seen in about nine years, and Spot could still keep his " Brooklyn Cool."

Bits was extreemly confused, she had finally found her brother, yet she felt like hitting him in the head with a crowbar. Jack walked in the room, just coming from the Jacobs' house. Jack stepped up to Spot, and spit-shook with him.

" So, Spot, I see ya met our newest newsie, ain't she cute?" Jack said, playfully pulling Bits' cheek.

" Yea, but not formally. Bits is me sista', Jack." Spot replied, growing annoyed, like Jack should have actually known that by now. Jack's jaw visibly dropped open. He couldn't belive that they were brother and sister. " But I guess I should have known, I mean, dey do look alot alike, both gots dat same sandy blond hair, same unidentifiable color blue eyes, and dey both share dat same bubbly tempa', I should've seen it comin'." Jack thought to himself.

" Uh, Spot? Do ya 'tink I'se could tawk wit' ya inprivate somewheres?" Bits asked quietly. Spot nodded, and ushered her into the spare room. Spot and Bits sat on the floor, facing eachother. There was an uncomfortable silence for a while, until Bits spoke up.

" How couldja' leave me wit' dat drunk, Thomas? Eva since ya left, he made me woik at dat factdown da street! When I couldn't woik no more, he threw me out! Ya should've taken me wit'cha, Tom!" Bits shrieked, letting all of her confusing emotions out, along with her words. Spot just sat there for a moment, staring off into space.

" Ya were five years old, Lou! I had ta leave, I was gonna come back for ya when ya were olda', but I guess ya found me." Spot said the last line quietly. " Look, I know I can't make up for wat I did, but I could start wit' tryin' ta convince ya ta come back ta Brooklyn wit' me. 'Sides, I'se gots nine years a' protectiveness ta catch up on." Spot said as he playfully punched Bits in the shoulder. Bits cocked an eyebrow at him.

" Are ya sure ya want a GOYL like me comin' back ta Brooklyn wit' youse?" Bits said sarcastically. " And don't eva call me Lou again! Ya know dat ain't me real name, it's Lucy, L-U-C-Y! Get it right, ya bum!"
Bits said, returning the punch she had gotten earlier, only a little harder. Spot grinned, ignoring the pain in his shoulder, and helped Bits up off the floor. They re-entered the bunkroom once again.

" Spot, ya gots one heck of a pokah playa' for a sista'!" Race said, walking up to them. " She took everything I own! Ya should take her ta Crap Game Alley!" almost everyone in the room was crowding around the two " newfound siblings."

" So, Spot, is Bits comin back ta Brooklyn wit'cha?" Jack asked quietly, fearing the answer. Jack had taken a liking to her in the short time they've known eachother. Plus, he had Snipes eavesdrop from the other room.

" Yup, she's gonna own half a' Brooklyn wit' me." Spot answered proudly, putting a protective arm around Bits' shoulder. " Wese gonna have TWO Brooklyn leada's now." Jack nodded slowly.

" Dat's great, Bits. Ya must be really happy, finding ya brudda and all." Jack said, his voice even and emotionless.

" Awwwww, cheer up, Jack, ya can't get rid a' me DAT easily! I'se gonna be visitin' almost every day!"
Bits said enthusiastically, trying to cheer Jack up. Some of the guys groaned jokingly. Jack smiled a little, trying to hide what he was REALLY feeling about having Bits leave his newsies. They both agreed that it would only be temperary, until Bits found her brother.

" When do ya hafta' leave, Bits?" Jack asked, still fearing the answer. Before Bits could say anything, spot opened his mouth and said:

" Tomorrow maybe, she still has ta git packed."


The next day, Bits was ready to go to Brooklyn at sun up, she had never been to Brooklyn before, so she was a little antsy. When everyone else was up and ready, they headed off to the distribution center, to get their papes. Spot's plan was to: buy their papes, say good-bye, and get out of there as soon as possable. Spot was always in the mood to go home.

" Bye guys! Bye, Jack." Bits said as Jack gave her a bear hug.

" Ya know, ya pretty cool, for a fourteen year old GOYL. Now don't let Spot control ya, kay?" Jack said, pulling on her cheek. Jack loved belittling her, and hey, it was easy to do, with Jack being a full foot and a half taller, and a full three years older than her; but today, JACK felt like e was the smaller one in this situation. And in a way...... he was. Now I know what your thinking: " He only knew her for three freakin' days! And he STILL doesn't know much about her!" But that's the thing, Jack wanted to get to know her, he wanted to become close with Bits. Jack has never before had a female newsie living with him, heck, he's never even had a female newsie peroid. So to cut things short....Jack was just plain going to miss her. He'd t miss the way she could whip Race at poker, the way she had a sly comment for everything that was said, and the way she reminded him of his previous best friend, Spot.

" Spot? Ha! He can't control me! I could whip his butt any day a' da week!" Bits said confidently. She gave Jack one last hug, and waved good-bye to everyone.

" ALL HAIL TA DA QUEEN A' BROOKLYN!" Jack shouted, as Bits walked off with Spot in the direction of Brooklyn. Everyone cheered, shouting good-byes to Bits and Spot. Jack sighed, and waved good-bye to the little big mouth, they liked to call......... Bits.


Bits kept her promise, and visited the Manhattan newsies almost every day. Spot kept HIS promice, by sharing half of Brooklyn with Bits, what a good brother! ( Ha ha! Just kidding there!) Over time Spot and Bits became more and more famous as the TWO leaders of the Brooklyn newsies. Bits had the same fiery temper as Spot, which never seemed to cool down, she also had an extreemly big mouth, but most people thought that was because she got that from hanging out with Race. Jack had newsies come and go, from time to time, but he would never forget his former Manhattan newsie, Bits. ( PS: Most of the characters in my story aren't mine, exsempt Bits, she is, but the rest of the newsies, and Kloppman, belong to Disney, so PLEASE don't sue me! I don't make any money off of this, I wrote this story for my brother, Ben, because he asked me to, he loves this movie! Well, so do I, but you know what I mean! And if you DO decide to sue me, all you'll get is probably about ten bucks, and a few Cds. Thank you, and