6/8/99 12:11pm

Ok, so this is our first update. YAY! If anyones here, then be sure to e-mail us and tell us what you think at blewberriez@hotmail.com. We have the backgrounds of everyone so far, up. Part of Pandas story (thaaaaats me!), and part of Irishes story up.(Thats not me, but its a very talented person who can write much better than I could ever DREAM of writing) We welcome new people, in fact we BEG for new newsgirls! And one last thing, if this page stinks, then blame me. Please don't blame everyone else whos tried to help me, and failed because I was too hard headed, and/or slow to get anything. But I'm working on it, so it SHOULD get better eventually...

6/13/99 10:29am

Kay, so I put up more of Pandas story, and Irishes story, so go read'em!

6/21/99 1:04pm

Ok, part of Pups story is up. Hes our dog in case you haven't figured that out by the name. And the rest of Pandas story will be up as soon as I stop having problems with the links.

6/22/99 2:31pm

I finally figured out the whole link thing, so the rest of Pandas story is up. Read it, and pleeeeeeeeeeeeease tell me what you think!!!!

6/26/99 10:38am

I got up a tiny bit more of pups story, and Pandas first rant is up, its probably gonna offend a bunch of people, but oh well...

6/27/99 4:02pm

Pandas story has been tooooootally redone. Thank you Tuesday! I'm eternally grateful. I realize theres a few html booboos, but thats my fault cause I cut a few things off when I cut and pasted instead of doing what she told me to do. So I'm sorry!

7/19/99 10:07pm

Theres a new rant up, and part of a new story (Fight for Your Rights)up, both by me, cause I have no life...

7/3/99 4:43pm

the profile for Static is up, as well as a new link. There was gonna be more of Pups story, but My disk erased it, and now I have to re type it, so, thats why its not here. Oh, and I know Pandas story is totally messed up, but I'm gonna fix that real soon. Actually its Tuesday that fixed it, cause I'm an incompetent moron, so thanks Tuesday:)

7/4/99 5:12pm

Happy Forth everyone! I posted more of Pups story, so...ok, yeah, and does anyone know any government anarchists? If you do e-mail me, cause I wanna meet one:)

7/19/99 10:07pm

Theres a new rant up, and part of a new story (Fight for Your Rights)up, both by me, cause I have no life...

7/20/99 4:34pm

Theres a little more of Irishes story up(And its turning out to be very good might I add) Dusk is going to be off the pewter till like Christmas, that sucks majorly! Does anyone remember Dana Carvey off Saturday Night Live?

7/25/99 8:07pm

Ok, so I put up more of Fight For Your Rights, and a little tiny bit of Quips story is up. And from my POV, its pretty cool! One other thing, I figured out that my spacing is all wrong, so I'm changing it all, and its screwed up in the middle of Irishes story, but I'm gonna try to fix it in a day or two. Sorry Irish!

8/7/99 2:52pm

Big update on fight for your Rights. I'm real sensetive about it, so could I please get some feedback:) Static has been taken off:( So David is up for grabs again...I also have two new web-rings in which we are pending posted!

9/5/99 2:48 pm

I have been updating, honest, I've just been forgetting to put it on the updates page. "Fight For Your Rights" has been Updated. Theres a new profile up, and another rant is up. Once again, if you want to join...E-MAIL US!!!!

9/6/99 12:29 pm

Some of Angels story is up, and it looks like its gonna be really good

9/16/99 1:20 pm

Theres a colored background on Angels story,,,sorry it took so long, and theres a new link (A really good one) in the links section. Now if you'll all excuse me, I have to go try to keep Floyd from blowing my home, which I'm rather attached to, away...

9/21/99 11:16 am

Theres a new Guest book up. GO SIGN IT!!! There's a new Message Board up. GO POST SOMETHING ON IT!!! Theres a new chat room up. GO TYPE TO SOMETHING TO SOMEONE!!!

10/2/99 6:02 pm

Sketch's profile was put up, and Swingers was taken down, which means if anyone wants Jack...anyways, another rant was put up, about Clinton. Sign the Guestbook please!!!

10/7/99 6:53 pm

The first ever(hopefully) Newsie Locator Service is up. If you want to find another obsessive Newsie fan in your area, look here! If you want to add your own information (OH PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE!) then go here too!

10/8/99 2:34 pm

There are two new profiles up, Cap, and Luca. Cap sounds cool, and I can't really speak for Luca yet, cause thats me.

10/26/99 8:07 pm

More of Fight For Your Rights is up. I'm not exactally sure how long its going to go on. But if anyones out there reading it, and gets annoyed, let me know, and I'll know enough is enough. And if anyone ON this page is reading this and has tried to e-mail me, I don't think my e-mail was working quite right, but I think its ok now, so if you tried to mail me before, and got no answer, try again...please...

11/18/99 10:46 am

Theres nothing new, sorry to all the millions...of the pages fans out there.(sarcasm, I suppose) but I've been stuck on my story, and I'm having a contact problem with the others, and no ones sent me anything new. But hopefully I'll have something...anything new up real soon. Remember, if you wanna join the Lodging House, e-mail me!

12/4/99 6:19 pm

FINALLY!!! Ok, Hercules has a good part of her (very good) intro story up, and theres another profile up. I should be putting up some of Quips story very soon, and I feel particularly like ranting, and I think I have a pretty good idea for one...not that anyone cares what my opinion is.

12/14/99 11:23 am

No real updates, but the page got a new e-mail address manhattanspage@yahoo.com I changed both of the links on the main page, but this is just to let people know who might remember the blewberriez address, and try to write to the other one, its checked, but not very often. So anyways, e-mail us if you have any sort of feed back at all. Which brings me to the other little update. I put a little mini disclaimer thingie on the rants page. Most people tell me they love them, but one or two people found them offensive for whatever reason, so I thought I should officiate what I thought insinuations indicated. These are my opinions and they're for fun I didn't mean for anyone to take them otherwise. Although, I'm afraid people might find the Clinton rant offensive, because even though I was only about half serious, I can see how some people might take that as an insult, and I'm thinking of taking it down, seriously.

12/24/99 1:37 pm

Ok, Theres a new profile, and her entire intro story is up! Thats impressive, and its a good story too:) Thats about it I guess. Merry Christmas, Happy(belated)Channukah, happy Kwanza, Happy Solistice, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. Just happy holidays everyone!

1/9/00 5:09 pm

Theres a whole new story up by Seven, and theres another part to Hercules' story. WhenI read it, I couldn't stop laughing. Sevens story is good too, so I'm happy I could finally put them up. Sorry it took so long!

1/20/00 11:31 am

Ok, I have a whole bunch today:) We didn't have to go to school because of snow:-) so I was able to get a little bit done! Theres a liiittle more on "Fight For Your Rights" but I have no idea when its finally gonna end. Oh, yeah, and before I forget, if theres anyone out there who offered me stories for the other stories page, could you re-offer, cause I've lost all the e-mails from you guys that I had saved, cause I put off working on it for too long, but no more putting off, I promise. I put up a little bit of *AHHH* I can't remember, cause I did it a few days ago, I think it was Sketches, I'm sorry! But Iremember I liked it if that makes any difference...Anyways, I put Three things by Quips up on the Rants page. Shes a funny person, and you better read it all now before she becomes famous, and I start selling copies instead. I also have more of her intro story up too. Some of Luca's intro story is up too. I think thats it for the updates. I wrote another rant, and have posted it, but I haven't linked it to the rants page yet, because I want to get a couple people to read it and make sure its not too harsh. And one last thing. Everyone has heard about Curls, right? I'm so sad. I thin I only e-mailed her like once, but I knew of her, most people did. So if anyones doing a tribute, and needs anyone to help or do anything, I'd be happy too. I doubt that I actualy would be of much help, but I'd try. In conclusion, people, don't drink and drive!

2/5/00 7:35 pm

Ok, there are like 2 more people on the newsgirl area list. And Seven has up another, very cool story. Its about a baby named Hannah:) I want to say something else, I think I updated something else, but I can't think of it, so maybe I didn't...

3/12/00 11:37 am

Ok, hello everyone. I'm so terribly sorry that I haven't updated lately! My school computer has been acting up lately, and I couldn't. But anyways, theres an update to the Newsie Locator System. And once again, I'm begging you, if you haven't sent information for it in, already, PLEASE send it in for me! Please send me some info! And if you have sent me something, and its not posted, that means that my wonderful, but sometimes unreliable e-mail account had been acting up again, and I never recieved it. So if you'd resend it, I would be most appreciative. Ok, on with the updates! I finally put up Seven's newest story. It took me long enough! And we have a new member, Princess:) It also took me a little too long to put up her story, although, not quite as long as poor Seven's. They're both very good stories, so go read them. Ok, um...I also put up a new rant, and I'll just come out and say it, its about religion, so if your very sensative about this subject, and narrow-minded, PLEASE don't read it! Thanks:) And I put up a ribbon, in memory of Curls:( Everybody that wants it, please take it!

3/19/00 11:34 am

Hi, quick update, I just put up part of Sketches intro story! Its good, so read it. I'm gonna put a link up to Seven's page on the links section, I was going to do it now, but I'm currently unable to find it! My stupid fault, sorry Seven!

4/11/00 6:13 pm

Ok, I just put up all of Charcoals story, and its really, really good! I loved it. And for some people who have been asking questions. If there's nothing up for a person's intro story, its not because I haven't posted it yet, its because they haven't written it yet. So, I'm sprry if people thought I was being unduely negligent in my responsibilities. And there are a couple people who've said they wanted to be on tha page, but never e-mailed me back, and I've lost their addresses, so if you're one of the, could you please e-mail me? Thanks.

4/18/00 4:37 pm

Quick update. Theres a link to Seven of Nine's page, about Diminic Lucero, and its turned out really good! And theres another person up on the locator system too.

5/1/00 6:51 pm

Ok, semi-major update, but a lot of it is my stuff, so don't get excited! I reformatter Princess's story, cause she very nicely, (and patiently, by the way) pointer out that it was all wrong. I don't know what I was doing at the time, but I really should have seen that when I posted it. Princess also has a good, very thought provoking rant up:) I finished up Fight For Your Right, and put up part of Fight For Your Right II. (It explains about that on the story page) I also (brace yourself here people) put a story up on the non-Lodging House stories, even if it was only mine. And let me say it one more time, if you offered to send me stories, and never heard back from me (Cause I know a couple people offered, then I replied, then I never heard from them again) my e-mail must have been messed up, so PLEASE e-mail me again!!! Um, anyways, about my story, I have no doubt its gonna offend numerous people, and be the cause of a great deal of flame mail, so I apoligize for me lack of tact, in advance. If you, on the off chance, actually read this story, e-mail me and tell me: sequel or not? I'm working on one, but I won't put it up if people beg me not to:) Thanks, oh, and slightly off topic here, but I have an interview at Petsmart on Friday, they called me earlier today. And since I desparately want this job, everyone please wish me luck, kay?

6/2/00 2:55 pm

Ok, Muse's story is fnally up! I am sooooo sorry! Its really good, but I first couldn't put it up, then I lost it for like a day, when I would have been able to, and anyways, I'm sorry, and its finally up, and I really do owe her an apology, especially when shes been so patient! More of both Pand and Quip's story should be up pretty soon too, its my fault that both of them aren't up...but I guess I don't have to answer to Panda...but wait, that would mean I had to answer to myself, so that would be sorta cool...Oh, and I'm gonna try to finish Luca's story too. Oh, and not that ANYONE cares, but I got a job at Petsmart:) Its about time! And theres an off topic question about drugs, that I posted on the message board, and its kinda for school, so if anyone has the time, I'd reeeeeally appreciate it if you replied to it, or e-mailed me an answer or something. So, um, thanks for listening...

5/18/00 9:46 pm

A new profile is up. Muse's, and for some reason, I really like her profile...don't ask me why, I just do...

7/30/00 10:36 pm

I'm SOOOOO sorry it took me so long to update. Theres a good new story up on the Lodging House story page, and theres also a new one up on the completely separate stories page, and its also good...bringing the grand total to two...oh, and I haven't updated the locator thing yet, but I will, as SOON as possible, hopefully tomorrow!

8/2/00 11:03 am

Ok, it took me long enough, but I updated the locator system thingie, and remember, if you aren't already on it...well, you know what you have to do :) I also FIXED Sevens latest story, and Muse's too. I didn't even realize that they weren't working, so I'm sorry about that. Alright, and since I have about five minutes left, everybody get ready for some shameless pleas on behalf of this page. Locator system info...pleeeease? If anybody has a story that they want posted, I'll post it...as most of you can see, our non-Lodging House stories page is sorely lacking, its pitiful. And lastly, and most importantly, anyone and everyone who feels like linking to us, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE do!!! Tell me, if you don't mind, so that I can A. account for the possible rise in traffic on the page, and B. link to you if you want, which I will be more than happy to do. You don't have to tell me, if you want to link, go ahead!

8/5/00 11:46 pm

Another story by Muse is up, and its really good...in case anyone is interested, more of Pandas story should be up soon...

9/6/00 1:17 pm

Alright, finally, an update. I think I got everything except for my stuff. If I forgot anything, please let me know. The locator is updated, and remember, keep sending me those! Theres a new profile, for Riff, on the profiles page, and part of her story is up. We changed some things, and now shes with Mush, not Dancer. And lastly, I added a few links. Anybody with any sort of "other" story, please send them to me, I'll post them!

9/6/00 1:39 pm

Sorry, something I just remembered. To the Non-Lodging House page, I added Sophie's Story. Now, theres something strange going on there. The description is coming up, but not the link, words "Sophie's Story" and I just can't figure it out. Anyways, while I'm trying t ofigure it out, to read her story, just move the mouse over to that blank place on the left side of a dash, and then it turns into the finger or whatever, and click and it'll go to her story...this is really bothering me, cause I can't figure it out! Anyways hough, her story is one of the later perspectives, its really interesting, so go read it.

10/4/00 1:41 pm

Finally another update. Its not as big as I would have liked though:( I updated the Locator Page, ever so slightly, keep sending stuff in people!!! There are two new profiles, one has part of a story up, they both seem really good. Theres more to Angels story up too. There were a couple of other stories that should have been up (three to be precise) but for different reasons, there were mix-ups with permission, and downloading, and guy conflicts of interests, so thats my excuse for why nothing else is up. And I'm so full of rants I'm going to explode, I had thought I might be able to get one done today, but it doesn't look like it...and believe me, I'm disappointed, cause I have a never ending supply! The only thing is, I'm getting sick of being flamed because I (*gasp* ) have my very own opinions, no one's forcing you to read them! Ok, no, thats something else entirely, I think I'll do a rant about that, rather than start in on it here.

10/23/00 12:59 pm

Just one update, Riff's story is up, and I do apoligize for it taking so long! I still have a few people to put up on the locator, and hopefully can do that soon. Anyways, Riff's intro is good, so please read it.

10/23/00 1:06 pm

Never mind, I got the locator things up today after all:)

11/1/00 1:53 pm

In case anybody cares, I turned 17 two days ago:) Yay for me, my mommy and my daddy that I love very much got me a cell phone!!! Ok, sorry, I just had to get that out...anyways though, Muse has her fourth story up, once again, I'm impressed, so go read it!

12/14/00 12:58 p.m

Sorry its been so long...there hasn't really been anything sent to me that I could update the stories with...there are two new people on the locator, and also, now, anyone who has already put their info up, who wants to add their AIM name, if they have one, send it to me, and tell me who you are...I mean, what your info would be under. Also theres a little bit more of Panda's new story. Somebody send me something!!!

2/12/2001 9:30 a.m.

I'm sooooo sorry, computers and me have not mixed well these past few months. But I think I'm back...a bunch of Ringers story is up, and its really good, so read that:) Also there are three good new stories on the other stories page, so go read them too...I'm going to update the locator as soon as I can. Happy Valentines Day everyone! You know what would be fun? Taking bets on whether or not I'm going to get anything...I'll give you a hint, if you put about ten bucks on "no", then you'd be a millionaire, come Feb. 14th!!! Oh well, I hope everyone ELSE has a happy Valentines Day!!!

11/6/2001 3:48 p.m.

Ok, just to get it out of the way, I put about 16 new people on the locator. Ok, now that thats out of the way....yes, I know, its been a loooooong time. But I have excuses, I really do. Mostly, I have NO idea what happened to half the authors in the Lodging House, and I didn't know what to do about that...honestly, I still don't, but I'll figure something out...and as for writers that tried to contact me....my mailbox was messed up for quite a while, but it seems to be ok now...I also ask that anyone that sent me anything that is NOT put up, please send it again. Its two of you mainly, and I'm sure you know who you are. Once again, I'm really sorry ya'll...but now I'm in college, I have no life, so I have ample time to try to figure all these problems out:) Hope SOMEONE still comes to this page...

11/26/2001 12:13 a.m.

Ok, nothing updated, but after 2 weeks...I take it no one comes here anymore...least of all the girls in the Lodging House...not that I can blame them...but I'm out of a way to contact everyone, cause in my little e-mail crisis...all the addresses were lost...soooo...I'm at a loss as to what to do about it...but while I figure it out...someone...ANYONE send me stuff...I KNOW this poor girl sent me this stuff, like 2 stories that were good, and I NEVER posted them, cause it was at the very beginning of my flake stage, and I don't know WHY I can't remember her name, but we used to talk a llittle...soooo...if your still out there...resend, and it'll be up in 2 days max...PROMISE!!! ANYWAYS...ANYONE who has stuff for me...pleeeease send it!! I guess till I figure out what to do with the Lodging House members...I'm gonna be concentrating on outside fan-fic...soooo anyone out there...send me something...ANYTHING...please!?!?! actually...IS there anyone out there?

11/26/2001 4:17 p.m.

ok...later in the day...I've posted a liiittle bit of a new story I'm writing on the other stories page, its about Spots group of Newsies. It'll be continuously updated, hopefully at least a little every day...don't know how long its gonna take me to finish it. I'm writing it directly on the page. So I'm not gonna tell you here when I've updated the story, its gonna be pretty continuous And also...this is what I hereby decree....I'm opening certain profiles to other people, if anyone who used to be on this page is still around, please please please e-mail me, cause in a week or so I'm gonna start opening up the incompleted intro stories, or completely blank ones, to other people...I'm not sure how anyones gonna feel about this, but I don't know what else to do...I can't take the characters down, they're too interwoven in the other stories, so I can tell you now, the Beaner profile is open to anyone that wants to be her...shes with Crutchy, and I can tell you that Panda and Luca are NOT open. Other than that I'm waiting to hear from the girls. Also to take over someone elses character, you have to keep the character like she made it? Does that make sense? You can't drastically change their personality, especially if your taking over in the middle of an intro story, and need to complete it. Ok...I don't know if I'm making sense or not...but...yeah...so anyways, if you have a profile on this page, PLEASE contact me if at all possible!!!

1/14/2002 3:10 p.m.

Sorry its been so long, but it was break and I went home and I had no pewter, but now I'm back....as for the characters whos owners seem to have dissappeared...I still haven't figured out what to do...BUT, on a good note, on the other stories page, theres a new one called "Nightmare" and on the Lodging House stories page, Muse has her fifth one...YAY!!!!! So go read them...oh, and that one I started...ok...I'll get going on it soon...I promise!!!
