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Apple Divination

If a girl stands before a mirror while eating and apple and combing her hair
at midnight on Halloween, her future husband's image will be reflected in the glass
over her left shoulder.

If a girl peels an apple at midnight on Halloween and hangs the peel
on a nail by the front door, the initials of the first man to enter will be the same as
those of her own lover.

If a girl cuts an apple into nine pieces at midnight on Halloween in front
of a mirror, then sticks each piece with the knife and holds each piece ( one at a time)
over her left shoulder, as the ninth piece hits the reflection in the mirror, she will she
her future husband.

If a girl peels an apple in one long piece at midnight on Halloween, and
then tosses the peel over her left shoulder or into a bowl of water, she will be able to
read the first initial of her future partner's name in the shape assumed by the discared peel.

The American custom of apple bobbing does not mark the apple. Whoever
snags an apple first will be wed first, and if a boy or girl puts the apple they caught under
their pillow on Halloween Eve, they will dream of their intended lover.

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