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Water Divination

If a young woman goes to a lake at midnight on Halloween, and gazes
at her image in the water, she shall see her lover's face reflected before her.

A young girl should take 3 pails of water and place them in her bedroom
on Halloween's Eve, then pin her nightdress opposite her heart with three leaves
of green holly. If she is roused from her sleep by the call of 3 bears, the sounds
will die away, followed by a hoarse laugh. After the laugh ceases, the form of
her future husband will appear. If he is deeply attached to her, he will change
the position of the pails. If not, he will pass from the room without touching them.

If a young girl washes her undergarments on Halooween Eve and, without
saying anything, hangs them over a chair to dry, she will watch the form of her future
husband enter the room and turn the undergarments.

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