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A lot of the information on this page can be considered a "spoiler". Do not read unless you have played the game at least once!

Races and Factions of Jadame Maps and Schedules Quests ***possible spoilers here*** Magic and Spells Potion Recipes Technical FAQ Links to other Sites

List of Player Characters (by level):

Lv- Name---------------- Race--------- Location
5 - Elsbeth Lamentia---- Vampire------ Dagger Wound Islands
5 - Devlin Arcanus------ Necromancer-- Dagger Wound Islands
5 - Simon Templar------- Knight------- Dagger Wound Islands
5 - Frederick Talimere-- Cleric------- Dagger Wound Islands
5 - Arius--------------- Minotaur----- Ravenshore
5 - Ithilgore----------- Dragon------- GarroteGorge
5 - Rohani Oscleton----- Dark Elf----- Alvar
15- Gethric Mercutura--- Vampire------ Shadowspire
15- Nathaniel Roberts--- Necromancer-- Shadowspire
15- Thanys-------------- Minotaur----- Ravage Roamings
??- Thorne Understone--- Troll-------- Ravenshore
??- Maylander----------- Cleric------- Ravenshore
??- Karanya Memoria----- Vampire------ Ravenshore
??- Nelix Uriel--------- Knight------- Garrote Gorge
??- Tempus-------------- Knight------- Garrote Gorge
??- Infaustus----------- Vampire------ Shadowshire
??- Hevatia Deverbero--- Necromancer-- Shadowshire
??- Artorius Veritas---- Vampire------ Shadowshire
??- Sethrc Thistlebone-- Troll-------- Ironsand Desert
??- Adric Stellare------ Dark Elf----- Alvar
??- Jasp Thelbourne----- Dark Elf----- Alvar
??- Verish-------------- Cleric------- Murmurwoods
??- Dyson Leland-------- Cleric------- Shadowspire

As you see I only have 24 of them so far, but it should be enough to get you started until I find the rest. There will also be a detailed description of each of them and how to get them to join you...the first 9 didn't take much persuasion, and Thanys just asked if I could save his city first (makes sense, doesn't it?). Some of them require specific quests to join you, while others just need your leader to be of a specific level.
More on that later, I promise it is my next priority after I finish the map section :)
