winaward.gif (1648 bytes)

Check this out - I've got this great idea, instead of you having to wait for me to hand the award out to you, I'll just put the award to where you can get it yourself. Below are the following awards I give out; all you need to do is copy the HTML I have supplied and post it wherever you want. The only thing that I ask is that you leave all of the script intact, k?
seduction.GIF (6893 bytes)


<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="Award of Seduction"></a>
depth.gif (7734 bytes)


<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="Award of Depth"></a>
farreaching.GIF (6828 bytes)


<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="Far Reaching Site"></a>
awesome.gif (8241 bytes)


<a href=""><img src="" border=0 alt="Awesome Site"></a>