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nothing i could say could me you look up  . . . or crack up . . .

Name: Christina
Age: 17
Nicknames: Teeny, O.W.*
Location: Dallas Texas
Previous Locations: Garland Texas, Boloxi Mississippi, Gulfport Mississippi, Baltimore Maryland
Color Hair: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 5'6"
Sports: Weellll, I love tennis, running, gymnastics, and volleyball . . swimming's pretty cool too!
Hobbies: sports, animals, fashion
Stores: Charlotte Russe, Agaci, La Patricia, Fossil, Fast Forward, Pacific Sunwear
Color: blue
Bands: Blink 182, Stroke 9, Eve6, The Ataris, The Juliana Theory
Car: 97 Mitsubishi Eclipse
Relationship Status: off and on
Work Industry: In between jobs at the moment
Quote: Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful - hate me cuz your boyfriend thinks so!

Puppies: so cute! i love salukis!
Kitties: so cute and cuddley . . kittens only though. .
Weather: I hate rain, it makes you so miserable - I love the sun - always something to do if it's sunny!
Wal-Mart: no offense, but hick town (i live in the middle of it too) - luv ya allison!
Cartoons: anime rocks, but all other cartoons (except for Daria) are childish
Hot Guys: if they're hot, they're gay
School: I'm there for the social part (don't get me wrong, I have a 4.0 GPA)
Bodies: if you got it, flaunt it
PDA: certain types acceptable, leave the explicit stuff at home
Tank Top: so comfy cosey!!!
Sports: everyone should enroll in some type of sport, even if they're good or not - not only is it a good self-esteem booster, but it excersizes the body as well.

Passing the time has never really been a challenge for me, although when it's 2 am in the morning and you can't get to sleep, it can be a bit of a prob. My life basically consists of heavy drug usage, casual sex with multiple partners, and excessive binging. HAHA! I gocha there didn't I? I'm just kidding, I'm a good girl. Hehe, the only thing I have to watch out for is the alcohol - get me around it and I have fun. I've got alcoholic genes and if I'm not careful, I'll activate them and that's something I don't want. Well now that you know that, let's all go to happy hour!! Hehehe lol, you know what sounds good . . shopping does right about now . . I think I'll make a trip down the abercrombie and bug brandon . . . g'night everybody!!
color="#C0C0C0">pix   *=ask if you want to know

my dog(s) home

you're a bitch but I love you anywayz.