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For the month of July: Are you hit 20,000?
Upon the entrance of this page, if the counter reads "20,000", then you win a prize offered by me. In order to prove that you are indeed the right number, all you have to do is 1) find the "print screen" button located on the top row (approxmatly 14 keys to the left, or next to F12) 2) open paint and click on the menu choice "edit" and then click on paste 3) resize the image 4) send it to me in an email.


Prize: episode summary guide for the first BSSM season
In order to obtain your prize I request an address, if not then I can't send it to you. If you are under the age of 15, then I request written parental permission (for security resons) and the prize will be sent in the parent of choice's name