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This part of the page is where I give credit (hence the title of the page) to all the sources that I can remember that have helped me get to where I am today.  A lot of the images I got, I don't know for sure where they came from - I have collected them over the years so it's hard to tell. The theme of this page is called "Dead Chibi" - kinda morbit but I figured it would be different from all of my other pages. If you look to your left (and squint REALLY hard) you'll see an image that took me forever to edit and notice that there's a target around chibimoon. Please don't be frightened!! It has a relation to the whole credits thing - I'm targeting those who helped me . . .
Mina for giving me all those swell layout ideas and for giving me all that script!
Lucienta's web graphic shop for some of the bg's I've used in the past
Search engines AOL, Snap, and Anipike for giving me the 300 + visitors that I get each day.

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