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And So It Begins...
(The way it really happened)
  By FlowerFairyFly

Author’s Note: I wrote my first fanfic for this site. This story takes place before the kids
went to DigiWorld. I like the idea of Mimi and Matt being a
couple. This is what this story’s about. I hope you enjoy it.

15 year old Tai Kamiya and his girlfriend, Sora, were working as counselors at camp. It was a
rotten job. The kids were causing trouble and everything was going upside down.
“Tai, can you handle this?” Sora asked him once.
“Oh look over there! It’s Mimi!” said Sora.
“Whatever...who’s Mimi?” questioned Tai.
“My best friend...Mimi! Mimi!” Sora called. She ran towards Mimi.
Mimi was having trouble with the campers herself.
“Let go of my hair! Ick! You little brat!” Mimi shouted. She fixed her long brown hair back in a
“Sora! It’s you!” Mimi was so happy to see her friend. “I can walk anymore, this hike is killing
my feet.”
“Hey Mimi, what’s going on?”
“Well I’ll tell you. These campers are such a pain! I knew shouldn’t have applied for this job
and gone shopping instead.” Mimi was now sitting on the ground.
All the campers were running away.
“Wait! Wait! Let’s take a break, okay?” Mimi called to them.
“No way!” a kid called back.
“We won’t stop!” said another kid.
“That’s it!” Mimi yelled angrily, “Come back!” Mimi ran after them, her fist up.
Sora watched Mimi try to catch those kids.
“Hey Sora,” said a voice.
Sora whirled around.
“Matt? What are you doing here?”
“I’m earning some money...hey, who’s that girl over there?” Matt pointed to Mimi.
“Oh, that’s Mimi. Why? Do you like her?” Sora replied.
Matt turned away. “No! No! Don’t be crazy, Sora!”
“Matt! Man, I haven’t seen you till now!”
Tai was grinning at Matt.
“Hi Tai. I didn’t know you were working here.”
A guy with brown hair came up to Tai.
“Hello, Tai.”
“Hey, Izzy. I thought you’d bury yourself in that laptop computer all summer.”
“Tai,” Sora interrupted, “Who’s this guy?”
“Oh this is Izzy! He’s in my computer class.”
“Have I met you before?” Sora asked Izzy.
“I don’t think so. My theory is Tai told you about me.”
Man this kid is weird, Matt thought.
12 year old TK Takaishi was running up to his brother.
“Hey a girlfriend?” Matt was glancing at a girl next to TK.  TK blushed.
“Matt! She’s not my girlfriend. Just a friend.”
“Hello. My name’s Kari. Kari Kamiya.”
Tai stared at Kari.
“Kari! I had no idea Mom let you come to camp!”
“Tai! My cold is not that serious!”
“Tai, this girl is your sister?” exclaimed Sora.
TK and Kari really thought of each other as friends, but they liked each other more than that.
“Izzy, can I borrow your cell phone?”
“Hi Joe. Yes you can borrow it.”
“Izzy who’s that?” whispered Tai.
“Allow me to introduce a friend of mine. This is Joe Kido.”
“Hi,” said Joe.
“I give up!” The group heard someone yelling.
“It’s Mimi!” Sora ran to her friend.
That girl is kind of pretty...thought Matt.
Mimi and Sora quickly joined up with the group.
“Meet Mimi.”
“Hi...Ouch! Those rotten kids! My legs kill.”
Tai glanced around.
“Hey look it’s starting to snow!” he yelled.
“I like snow!” TK was jumping around.
“Brr! I hate it. Snow shouldn’t come in the summer. I hope I packed my fluffy pink snow boots!”
“Wow!” the group was staring at a light.
“It’s beautiful. Magical even.”
“Yeah...but what is it?” Izzy studied it.
“Maybe an arorda?” Sora guessed.
“You mean arordaborealis, the northern lights? That’s impossible. We’re much too far south.”
“Tell that to the sky,” Sora joked.
Suddenly they were hit by lights.
“Everyone. Are you all right?” Sora looked around to make sure.
“Meteors?” Izzy suggested. Then he saw it wasn’t meteors. “Okay so it’s not meteors.”
Everyone grabbed their digivices.
“What are they?”
“My guess,” Izzy said, “is remote control digital apparatus.”
“Where are the instructions?” Joe asked.
“Hit the instructions! Surf’s up!” yelled Tai.
Everyone fell into a portal.
“I knew I should’ve joined the cheerleading team!” shrieked Mimi.
At the end, they landed with a bang.
A group of other people were there too.
“We’ve been waiting for you, so have your digimon.”
“Mega freaky!” whispered Tai.
“My name is Daisuke, this is Miyako, and Iori. We’ve been waiting for you. Kari and TK
especially.” He grinned at Kari. Anyone could tell he had a crush on Kari.
“Koromon, Tai’s here!” Daisuke called.
“Tai!” A pink head jumped on Tai.
“Hey, don’t be afraid of me!”
“Yokomon! Come here. It’s Sora!” Miyako called.
“Sora!” A pink ball with a blue flower on her head ran to Sora.
“Hello. What are you?” Unlike Tai, Sora wasn’t afraid.
“A digimon, Sora.”
“Tsnomon, come fast! Matt’s here.” Iori called.
The three of them, Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori, did the same thing with every digimon. They joined
Motimon with Izzy, Tanemon with Mimi, Bukamon with Joe, Tokomon with TK, and Nyaromon with Kari.

“Who are you?” Tai asked them.
“We came to Digiworld before you, and met up with your digimon, who told us they were waiting
for you,” Daisuke explained, “we were brought to Digiworld to help you and the digimon meet. But
it’s time for us to go back to our real world.”
“Wait! Can we come too?” begged Tai.
“Sorry, you have to save the Digiworld first. TK, Kari, we’ll see you in a few years.”
A portal opened. “Bye!” Daisuke, Miyako, and Iori were swallowed up.
That night the kids camped out in a cave. Everyone was asleep except for Mimi.
Matt saw her and went over to her.
“What’s the matter?” he asked softly.
Mimi’s heart fluttered.
“I wanna go home,” she replied.
“I know what you mean. Me too.”
Matt put her arm around her.
Mimi blushed.
What am I doing? Matt thought suddenly.
“Matt, promise me one thing,” she said.
“What?” Anything Mimi, Anything!
“When we get home, you’ll take me to my favorite restaurant.”
“Of course,” he agreed.
Mimi gave him a quick kiss.
And that’s how the adventure began.

The End

Oh My Girl