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Izzy's Crush

The phone rang at the Ishida’s place. 16 year old Matt looked at his clock. Six o’clock? What? Who’s calling? Matt wondered. He got out of bed and picked up the phone.

“Hello?” Matt was still tired.

“Hey Matt!” a girl’s voice was on the phone.

Oh it’’s Mimi! He thought.

“Hey. Why the early call?” he asked.

“Well, I have important news.”


Mimi paused. “I’d rather speak to you in person.”

“Fine. Come on over. Dad’s not home.”

“OK. This is kinda important! I’ll be over in an

hour.” Mimi concluded.

They exchanged goodbyes and hung up the phone.

In about an hour Mimi showed up.

“Hi Matt!” Mimi sat on the couch.

Matt desperately wanted her to tell him the news.

“Well come on! What’s the big news?”

Mimi was frowning. “It’s Izzy! He’s finally got a


“What? That’s good news! Brainy’s got a crush!” Matt smiled.

“No it’s not! Meli Yatashi’s a disaster!” shouted Mimi.

“What? Who’s this Meli person you’re talking about?”

Mimi looked down and replied, “No it’s not! Meli is

actually the coolest girl. She’s a new student and

compared to me she’s got better looks, better grades, a better singer! Oh! I can’t stand”-

“Wait!” interrupted Matt. “What’s the main problem?

Are you jealous of her, Mimi?”

“Well that’s not the point! With her looks she’ll

probably steal you away too.”

Matt blushed.

“Today Mr. Sellerfield, our science teacher, asked

Izzy a question and Meli smiled at him. He almost

fainted,” Mimi continued.

“Describe her to me.”

“Well she has light blonde hair and skyblue eyes. That makes her really attractive. People like blonde hair best now! She wears a sleeveless yellow shirt and

brown shorts.” Mimi rested her head on her hand.

“I’ve got an idea!” Matt said suddenly.


“Let’s invite all our old friends. You know Tai, Sora, Izzy, Joe, my half-brother, and Kari. Don’t forget


“Are you kidding?” Mimi laughed. “Meli was never in

DigiWorld and never left with us! She was never a


Matt stared at her.

“I want to see why you’re making a big deal about her! I’d like to see her!” said Matt.

“Well okay!” Mimi agreed.

The next day Mimi met up with Sora.

"Sora! It's you!"

"Mimi it's been a long time since we've seen each other!"

Mimi smiled at her best friend.

"Would to come to a party?" she asked. Sora smiled back.

"Of course!" replied Sora, "I'll be happy to! Where's the party gonna be?"

"At Matt's house. Saturday night."

Mimi blushed. Sora noticed her blushing.

"Uh...well you see...uh...I told him to do it at my house because it's so much bigger!" Mimi quickly covered up, "Eeww! Look at that freak in the purple mini skirt and orange shirt with those pink high heels!"

The bell rang.

"Well I'd better go! See ya, Mimi!"

"Bye Sora!"

Mimi hurried to Mr. Sellerfield's class. Izzy was there but he looked weird.


"I didn't do my homework, Mr. Sellerfield. I was unavailible at the time."

What?!?! It wasn't like Izzy not to do his homework. "Meli would you hand out the science sheets?"


Meli took the sheets from Mr. Sellerfield's desk. Mimi studied her.

Today Meli was wearing a pink tank top and brown shorts. On her feet were black platform shoes. She had a little hair on the sides in the front. Meli looked almost like Kari but with longer hair. Meli looked really good. Mimi felt a rush of anger passing through. Later Mimi bravely walked up to Meli and said, " you like parties?"

"Yea. Why?"

Mimi was still angry. "Do you want to come to a party? At Matt's house? Saturday night?"

Meli lit up. "Matt!! Yamato Ishida?!?!"

Mimi wanted to glare at her.

"Uh huh."

Meli shut her eyes then opened them. Mimi thought she was showing off. "Oh wow! Matt Ishida! Well sure tell him I'll be there, girlie!"

Mimi glared at Meli.

"That's MIMI!!!"

Why did I do that? Mimi asked herself. Now she'll take Matt away for sure.

Mimi found Tai and Joe talking in the cafeteria. "Hello Tai. Hello Joe."

"Mimi? Is that you?" Tai looked hard at her. Joe was doing the same thing.

"Hey! Stop it! It's me. Don't recognize this pretty face? And this beautiful hat?"

"That's Mimi for sure," said Joe.

"I remember now."

"Do you guys want to come to a party?"

"Man, what an invitation! Where is it? At your house? Big buffets?" Tai exclaimed.

"Tai!" Joe said.

"Actually it's at Matt's house. This Saturday night," Mimi looked away.

"I'll be there!" Tai shouted.

"Me too," added Joe.

"Sora? Where are you?" Tai called to his girlfriend. "Hey Tai! Wait for me!" Joe rushed after Tai.

Mimi was walking home. Today was the chauffer's day off.

Oh! My feet hurt! Mimi knew her complaining wouldn't get her anywhere.

Suddenly she saw two figures far away. What is that, TK and Kari?

Then she got closer. It is!

"TK, Kari, it's great to see you guys!"

"Do we know you?" TK asked.

"How do you know our names?" Kari wanted to know.

Mimi was stuck. How could she prove that she was Mimi? Then she had an idea! She put on her pink cowgirl hat. "There. Do you recognize me now?"


"Yup! It's me TK!"


TK smiled.

"Hi!" Kari said excitedly.

"So TK, has Matt...uh...invited you to his party?" Mimi asked.

"And you too, Kari?"

"What party?" questioned TK.

"Huh?" Kari held onto TK's hand.

Oh that's so romantic! thought Mimi. If only Matt would do

that to her too...bummer...he's too shy!

"Well...Matt is inviting you guys to a party. This Saturday

night!" Mimi concluded.

"I'll go if you go, TK." Kari gazed at him.

"Of course, Kari."

At least I know Sora's happy with Tai... Kari's happy with TK...

but am I happy

with Matt?

"Hello Izzy." Mimi called Izzy when she got home. "Melllli!" Izzy replied dreamily.

"Uh! Eew! I'm Mimi not that icky Meli!" Mimi yelled. "Oh it's you, Mimi. What do you need to say? Do you want

to complain to me that your nail has been temporarly removed?"

Mimi shuddered at the thought.

"No way! Do you want to come to a party? Saturday night? Matt's house?"

Izzy paused. "No, I don't like parties. You know that." Mimi was stumped. How would she get herself out of this

mess? Then she had an idea.

"Oh Izzy...-" Mimi sang sweetly, "Your darling Meli is coming too...-"

"Meli...I'll come, Mimi-" Izzy sounded like he was gonna


Mimi hung up and smiled.

Matt would be pleased.


Meli was singing to herself in her bedroom while making

her hair.

Matt Ishida!! Wow! Cutie! She thought.

Mrs. Yatashi(Meli's mom) called upstairs, "Meli, phone! Some guy named Matt Ishida."

Matt! Oh wow! Now I'll be able to talk to him on the phone!"

Meli hurried downstairs.

"Hi Matt!" Meli tried her best to sound and act just like Mimi.

If that cutie is intrested in Mimi, Meli figured. He probably likes

her attitude.

Matt didn't sound interested.

"Hi so you're Meli."

Meli smiled to herself.

"Of course I am. Who else could it be?"

"Maybe Mimi," Matt joked.

Hearing that name made Meli's teeth grind.

"No way." Meli kept up with her Mimi act. She made sure to

sound high-pitched just like Mimi.

"You coming to my party?"

"Ohh!" Meli gushed. "I wouldn't miss it."

"Uh yea. sure. Bye Meli."

"Bye Matt!"

Meli smiled and returned to making her hair.


Saturday night...

Mimi was frowning. She paced back and forth in her bedroom. She was ready to go to the party in her new spaghetti-straped light pink short dress. She kept checking the mirror to make sure she looked great. If this was a beauty contest between her and Meli...she'd have to win.


"Hey man!" Matt slapped Tai a high five. Then he saw a redheaded girl next to Tai. That face...

"Hey Sora."

"Hey." Sora smiled and held onto Tai's arm.

Kari was there too.

"Hi Kari."


"Come on in. TK, Joe, and Izzy are in the family room. Help yourselves to some chips."

13 year old Kari gasped.

"TK's here!?!?" she asked Matt.

"Yea. He's in the...-"

Just before Matt could finish Kari ran away.

"TK you came!" Kari said. She took a seat next to him. As soon as everyone settled down Matt spoke up,"I know this was supposed to be a digidestined party but we have a guest."

Izzy grinned. He knew what Matt was going to say.

"Her name is Meli Yatashi. She learns with Izzy and Mimi. Mimi says she's an attractive girl!"

Izzy jumped up.

"Not only that! She's the cutest girl in the entire world. Her blonde hair...skyblue eyes...I...-" Izzy fell on the couch.

"What's with him?" Tai asked Matt.

"Mimi says Brainy likes this "Meli" person,"

Matt explained.

"That explains it."


Tai looked over his shoulder.

"Yea Sora?"

Sora looked downwards.

" you think this Meli will steal you away from me?"

Tai looked at her in her eyes.

"Of course not! No matter how cute Meli is, you'll still be my girlfriend."

Sora hugged him.

"Thanks Tai."

"Hello?" a voice sang sweetly.

For a minute Matt thought it was Mimi but it wasn't! Meli walked in wearing a pink tank top and black pants.

Kari glared at her.

Copycat! she thought. That's my hairstyle!

Izzy fell to the ground.

"Izzy!" Tai rushed over.

Meli stared at Sora.

Sora was holding Tai's hand.

Ha! At least that girl isn't interested in Matt. Uch! I wonder what she sees in that moptop? Meli figured. There was a knock at the door.

"Hello?" Matt called.

"Hi Matt. Hi everybody."

Mimi stepped in looking more beautiful than ever. Mimi gave Matt a hug quickly.

Ha! Take that Meli. Mimi shot back.

"Sora, hi!" She slapped her best friend a high five! Oh! thought Meli. What now? That blond creep gave Mimi a hug. If he kisses her I'll die.

Everyone rushed to the kitchen table to wolf down the pizza.

Matt and Mimi stayed behind. Meli was watching but they had no clue.

"Matt do you like me as a girlfriend or a friend?" Matt paused. "Mimi I don't just like you...-" Meli plugged her ears. She knew what Matt would say. "..I love you."

Mimi and Matt shared their first kiss ever. This time they both felt comfortable.

Meli shouted in her head. How dare that yucky "Mimi" steal my future guy...

Izzy woke up.

"Huh? Meli?"

Meli blushed.


Meli didn't know just what came over her but Izzy seemed so much cuter than Matt.

"Here let me help you."

Meli went over to Izzy.

Matt and Mimi smiled. They knew this would be the starting of a great couple.

~The End~
