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The Dance-Digimon Story

The adventure ended when Tai, Sora, Mimi, Matt, Izzy and Joe were 11. And T.K. and Cari were 7. Six

years later when they were all in high school they were still friends. Of course Mimi was in the popular group! All the characters pretty much look like an older version except Mimi who died her hair blond.

The prom was coming up soon and everyone was very excited. Sora and Tai were dating, Mimi and Izzy,(which got Matt very angry) and T.K. and Cari. On Tai's and Sora's first date Tai and Sora had gone to a fancy restaurant but Mimi and Izzy went to a club with flashing lights and action. T.K. and Cari went to a school dance.Ha, ha! Because 6 of them were in grade 12 they all had jobs. Now our story starts.

Click. Click. Click. That was the camera's of photo grapher's taking pictures of a modeler named Mimi. She was wearing a skimpy dress that matched her light blond hair. Mimi's job was a modeler.

"Kick that ball harder," screamed Sora. Right beside her was Tai. They were coaches for a soccer team.

Izzy was working at a computer company. He

received a E-mail from Mimi. She was in a model pose.

"Oooohhh la, la," he exclaimed. All the men near him ran to the E-mail message.

As you know Joe never wanted to become a doctor so he decided he would become a teacher. His father was happy he could make his own choice.

Matt was studding to become a pycarasits.

And TK and Cari are still young so they are candy store workers.

The phone rang at Matt's house.

"Hello, Matt speaking."

"Hi it's Mimi."

"Oh, what's up.'

"Well I know you have a crush on me and I asked Izzy permission if I could go out with you to make you happy," Mimi said happily.

Matt was so surprised. Mimi had asked him out.

"I'd love to!" Matt cried.

Then a call was sent to all the digidested.

When they all answered the phone Izzy spoke excitedly,"The digi portal opened and all the digimon are in the real world. Even our digi buddies are back. But so are virus type! It's time to get our digi partner's and fight like old times."

All the digidestends were ready.

To Be Continued

So far written by Ashley
