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Episode Guide

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And So It Begins

Seven kids Tai, Sora, Matt, Izzy, Mimi, Joe, and T.K. were at summer camp. It all began when the weather was weird. Then snow just came out of nowhere! The seven kids went out to play in the snow and they saw a shining light. They're digivices were beamed up. The kids looked at them and wondered what they were. Then a wave washed over them bringing them into DigiWorld. There they met interesting looking creatures called "Digimon". Each digimon (Koromon, Motimon, Yokomon, Tokomon, Tsnomon, Bukamon, and Tanemon) joined up with their human partners. The group got attacked by Kuwagamon, a red beetle digimon. The In-Training digimon digivolved to their rookie forms and get Kuwagamon down. But while celebrating, Kuwagamon shows up and everybody takes a plunge!

Pictures from "And So It Begins"