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Here's a fanfic from Mimi Tachikawa!^.^

A Princess and A Rebel

by: Dana Marie Toribio

Part 1 A Secret Revealed


I was playing my harmonica when Mimi walked towards me. Her hat on her head


something behind her.

"Hi Matt." she greeted me.

I couldn't say anything! An angel has lifted up my lonely spirit, but I

preferred that she

looked much more beautiful without her hat.

"What brings you here?" I asked her putting my harmonica in my pocket.

"Well..." Mimi blushed. I was shocked to see her blush right in front of me.

"I'd rather

stay with you than stay with anyone else."

I slightly blushed. I would finally have a chance to have Mimi all to

myself, but the wrong

word came to my mind: "Why?"

"Because...Sora and Tai are getting on my nerves, T.K. and Kari are way too

young, Joe

is a chicken, and Izzy just plays on his computer." she explained.

She sat in a small rock in front of the large rock I was sitting on. She

took off her hat and

took out the item she had behind her back. It was a book, a journal, I

suppose. She was

writing things in the book. I had to read it once in a while. I pulled out

my harmonica and

started playing...


August 5, 2000 day 10 in the DigiWorld

I blushed! I can't believe I blushed right in front of Matt! That is...he

blushed too(strange).

Do I like him or not? Maybe I do. He's cute, in a way, but how should I know

if he likes

me or not? He's a rebel, and I'm a princess(or not). Were we meant for each

other? All

my life, I've been running away from the people that I loved. I've just kept

running, not

caring for anyone else except for myself. Now I love Matt. Will I run from

him too?

"Mimi it's getting dark. Why don't we head back to the cave we're sleeping

at?" Matt

asked me breaking my scary thoughts.

I looked up and agreed.

We walked back to the cave together not talking or looking at each other.


Where are Matt and Mimi? The sun's gone and they're still not back.

"Is something wrong?" I jumped.

"I wonder where Matt and Mimi are, Tai." I said.

"Don't worry they'll be back." he comforted me.

"I hope so."

* * *


Mimi and I got back to the cave without any problem. We couldn't actually

sleep very

easily, so, I played my harmonica to make time pass. I couldn't stop

thinking about the

words she wrote: ' He's a rebel and I'm a princess. Were we meant for each


was writing in her journal. the night felt so peaceful without anymore evil

Digimon to

disturb us, but something was missing. I miss the fun all of us had when we

were in a

battle. Piedmon, Machinedramon, Puppetmon,Metalseadramon,Myotismon,

Etemon, and

Devimon. They were the Digimon we fought and destroyed. Those were the old

days, the

fun days. Life seems so empty without adventure.


"Yes Mimi?"

"Why'd you stop playing?" she asked me.

"Well. I was thinking of our old Digidays when we had more fun. Life seems

so boring

that we probably can't live anymore without the fun the Digiworld used to

have." I said.

"Yeah. How depressing. Since you brought up the old Digidays, all the

memories of the

Digimon friends we had that risked their lives for us came back to my

memories. It broke

my heart to see them go one by one. First Wizardmon who risked his life for Kari and

Gatomon, Chuumon who risked his life for me, Pixiemon who risked his life to

let us

escape from all the Dark Masters when we didn't have the power to defeat

them, then

Whamon who risked his life to protect all of us from Metalseadramon, and the


who tried to protect the others from Machinedramon. OOH!" she wailed.

"Mimi! Don't cry. I didn't know it would bring back our Digimon allies." I


comforting her.

"Well. It did. We have to wait until the Primary Village is back to normal."

Mimi said

wiping her tears away.

"Well. I think you should rest now. It's pretty late and it's safer in the

cave." I said.

"But! I wanna stay with you!" Mimi yelled. I couldn't say anything. Mimi

never acted like

this ever! Maybe she's sick, but she looks okay.

"You must get your rest!" I said calmly.

"Why are you acting like my parents? I'm old enough to take care of myself!"

she yelled.

"Huh?" I was acting as if she was T.K. "Oh. All right."


I sat down on a rock that I could sit on. Matt started to play his

harmonica. Suddenly, I

saw something sparkle on one of the trees straight in front of me.

"What's that?" I asked Matt.

"I don't know. I didn't see anything." he replied.

"I'm gonna go check it out!" I said.

I walked towards the tree that sparkled. Matt knew I shouldn't be by myself,

so he went

along too.

"Mimi. What are you doing?!" he asked me in a half calm and half angered


"I saw something," I said. Then I saw the something that I saw sparkle in

the forest. It

was a Digimon of some sort.

Wind shot under us as if an earthquake would start at any moment. The force

was so

strong, that it blew us out of the forest making me fall on Matt.

"What is that thing?!" I yelled.

Matt put his hand on my mouth. "Don't cause any attention!"

He took his hand off my mouth so I could catch my breath.

"HAHAHAHAHA! You foolish DigiDestined think that you could fool me, the


Evilcamaraderiemon? I think not!" the Digimon exclaimed. She had an evil

face, evil

clothes, an evil smile, an evil everything! There was no doubt that anyone

would mistaken

her as a nice person. She was pure evil. No one would be fooled by her


"EWW!!! Where'd she get those clothes?! They definitely look terrible! Blue


orange?! That's the worst color combination anyone would pick!" I shrieked.

"So. I don't have a good sense of taste? Taste this!" a spiral of purple and

red formed into

a gigantic ball. "Nightmare Lightning!"

The ball shot like a pillar being built in one minute straight at Matt and

I! I was so

frightened that I couldn't move! My legs felt terribly awful. The only thing

that I could do

was hold on to Matt and hope that this nightmare would end...


This was no joke! The fire ball came closer and closer every second. Mimi

was wrapping

her arms tightly around my left arm and wailed. "I won't wake up until this

nightmare is


I accidentally told her that she might never wake up. She looked up at me

with her

tear-stained eyes and yelled. "This is no joke Matt!"

I had to act quickly. I carried Mimi and dodged out of the fireball's way.

When I looked

back, the fireball landed on the ground and caused a terrible tremor making

debris fly all

over the place. I shielded Mimi to make sure that she didn't get hurt.

"I'm alright, Matt. Thanks." she said to me.

I looked at where the fireball landed and saw a crater that was probably a

yard deep.

"So. Do you like my style? I just earned it." Evilcamaraderiemon bragged at


"NO WE DON'T!" I yelled. "You didn't have to come waltzing in and destroying


whole place!"

"Oh? So I guess you don't want me to do it again. Huh? Or maybe I should

take that girl

at your side?" the Digimon asked.

"No! You're not taking Mimi away from me!" I boomed.

"Protecting her? Why would a boy want to protect a pathetic little girl?"

"It's called love and I'm protecting Mimi 'til the very end. I'm never gonna

let her fall into

your hands!" I yelled at Evilcamaraderiemon.

"Well you're wrong! HAHAHAHAHA! I'll take her away no matter what you do.


her or not, I'll take one of you, or both of you if I have to. Nightmare

Spirit!" the Digi

lifted her arms in the air, made a dark black ring around her in the pitch,

black night. The

ring around her was easy to see. The ring turned red and shot toward Mimi.

The ring went

faster than the fireball, probably ten times faster! I couldn't let Mimi get

taken by this

Digimon. There was only one thing to in front of her and get taken

by the

Digimon. I did it and I couldn't think of anything else but Mimi getting

taken away by this

evil Digimon and never seeing her ever again. Mimi ws terribly frightened.

Either way, I

would never see her again...


"Matt! Don't!" Matt ran in front of me and was

tangled with these black and

red electric


"Fool! You risk your life to protect that pathetic girl?! This is

ludicrous!" she shrieked.

"Fine! I will take you since you wanted to."

"No! Matt! You don't have to do this. Matt! I love you! Don't leave me!" I


Matt gasped. "Mimi..."

"I don't want to lose you! Don't leave me here!" I yelled my eyes flooding

with tears. "I

only love you. I don't want to be alone."

"Mimi. I promise. I promise that I will be back no

matter what it takes for

me to return to

you. You're the only one I love." he said.

"Fools! If you think you're seeing each other again, you won't!" she took

Matt with her

and left.

"Matt!" I yelled.

My heart felt like it was the end of the world. Matt was gone. I'll never

see him again.


I saw everything. That evil Digimon, Matt leaving. It was terrible

heartbreak for Mimi.

I tried comforting Mimi, but she never spoke. T.K. was crying his eyes out for

Matt. How

could one person cause a lot of heartbreak to many people?

Three days after Matt was DigiNapped. Mimi didn't eat or move. She just sat


waiting and waiting. I told her it was a waste of time, but she didn't seem

to answer. I'm

worried. What if a Digimon DigiNaps Mimi? Everyday she just sat and sat. She

only slept

when she couldn't stay awake anymore.


August 5, 2000 day 13 in the Digiworld

Matt. I've been waiting and waiting for him for three days. I haven't eaten

or done

anything but sit and wait. Matt. You didn't have to risk your life to save

me. We're

supposed to be together. I just figured it out. Matt loved me. And I love

him. I will wait

two more days. Then I will start my journey to find my love. Matt...I

promise that I will

meet you again. I can't wait forever, so I will wait two more days. After

those two days,

on the fifth day that Digimon took you away from me, I will, I promise that

I will get you


August 5, 2000 day 15 in the Digiworld

It's been five days since that Digimon took the one I love. I will have my

revenge on her!

She'll see how strong the power of love is. I start my journey today.


"This place is so boring. That girl probably forgot about that boy in the

prison cell. She

said she loved him, I think not! She probably likes another boy somewhere."

I scoffed

bored of this waiting for action. "How could the Dark Masters stand this



It's been five days. Where's Mimi? Is she looking for me? Did Tai take her

from me? Is

she hurt? Did she get captured too? My mind is filled with so many

questions, that I can't

stop thinking about them and worrying about Mimi. When she said 'I love you'

, those

words kept going in and out of my mind. I can't stop thinking about Mimi. If

she's hurt,

injured, or captured, I'd help her as best as I can. But since I'm the one

captured, will she

return to save me?


Hmm... Something's wrong with this picture. What is it? beep beep beep

My Digivice that's it!

"Tai, Sora, Joe!" I yelled.

"What is it, Izzy?" Sora asked me.

"Mimi left to find Matt!"


"Why would Mimi do that?" Joe asked me.

"She's searching for Matt. Wherever he is, she'll look for him." Tai said.

"Tai! This is no time for dreaming! We have to find Mimi!" Sora yelled at


"I'm not joking." Tai said coolly and calmly.

"What? What are you talking about?" Sora asked him.

"I saw everything the night when everything went crazy," he stopped. T.K.

and Kari were

with us listening to what Tai was going to say. "Matt told Mimi that he

loved her and she

returned his call saying that she loved her too. Mimi was crying when that

Digimon took

him away. I heard her say that she'd promise to find him no matter what the

consequences. She said she'd search for him night and day. Rain or snow.

Light and dark.

She'll find him."

"Then we must find her." T.K. said.

"Yeah." Kari said.

"No!" Tai said. "This is Mimi's journey. No one else's. She wants to do it

her self. If we

go after her, she'll stop and she won't go on into finding him."


I've been walking for two days. I haven't felt like writing in my journal,

but this is the

seventeenth day in the Digiworld. I can't find Matt. I need a clue.

"Will someone give me a clue?" I yelled.

In the distance, I saw a lot of glittering things.

"What's that?!" I asked myself even if no one was there.

I closed my eyes and fell to the ground.

"Don't worry Mimi. You already know me. You don't have to be afraid." a

voice called

out to me.

I thought I had been sleeping for only a few minutes. I opened my eyes and

saw a strange

flower Digimon. It looked like a rose.

"Who are you?" I asked the Digimon.

"You already know me. I can help you with whatever you need help on." she


"Yeah. I need help. I need to know where Matt is." I said. My eyes were

flooding with

tears at the thought of saying his name to a Digimon that she really didn't

know a thing


"To find a loved one that you lost or are searching for, look within your

heart. Where do

you think he'd be at right now?"

"In a dungeon. At Evilcamaraderiemon's place." I said.

"Well. There you are."

I fell to the ground.


I was searching around the cell I've been in. I found a big hole in the wall

on the eastern

side. The Digimon wasn't all that smart. It was easy for me to escape that

prison cell since

the hole was wide enough for me to jump out safely. The Evilcamaraderiemon


comes to the prison anyway. A Digimon called Servermon gave me a big bag of

food. He

didn't come back either. No one came to the prison at all because the

prisoners there

would more likely die.

When I was home-free, I saw Mimi lying on the ground. I ran to her

frightened that she

got hurt. When she woke up after three minutes, she said she didn't remember


that happened a few minutes ago. We didn't talk to each other for a while.

"How?--Do you really like me?" she asked me.

I couldn't say no. "Well. Everything I said that night was true. Did you

really mean it

when you said you liked me?"

"Of course!" she said joyfully. "I was scared to death to think that you

hated me. When I

heard you say the words, I couldn't help but tell you how felt about you."

"So you do like me." I said. "Not that that's a crime. I think you're a

really nice girl. You

know how to speak from your mind. Even I can't do that. I bottle everything

up. Never

letting anyone know who I liked. What happened to mom and dad..." I paused.

"Well. I've bottled things up too. I never told anyone who I liked. Never

told anyone

about my baby brother. I mean. All my life. I've been running away from the

people I

loved. I never wanted to tell anyone. No one liked me. No one cared. I never

cared. Since

I've been so self-centered my entire life, everyone thought I was stuck-up."

"But you're not!" I said.

"Well. I guess you know the truth about me. I don't deserve to be loved."

"You do. If I loved another person, she wouldn't have as much a caring heart

as you do.

You care. I've just been ignoring you."

We talked for hours until Mimi couldn't take anymore. Mimi was too tired to

stay awake

anymore so she went to sleep. I pulled out my

harmonica and stared playing.

A Princess and a Rebel

by: Dana Marie Toribio

Part 2 Who is this Girl?

Mimi woke up to the sound of Matt's harmonica.

She yawned. "Did you play that the entire night?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't," Matt answered.

Mimi sat on a rock next to her. Matt said if he loved another person, he'd

never find

another one as nice as me. Is that true? Or did he make it sound true?

By this time, Matt was standing next to her wondering what she was thinking

about. "Hey.

Earth to Mimi. Where are you?"

"Huh? Oh. I'm alright." she said.

Matt swept her from her feet. "Come on. We have to find the others. Or we'll

be caught

without any backup." he let her down to her feet.

"Alright." Mimi said yawning again.

* * *

"OOH! Those two weren't supposed to like each other! How could my plans go


when I've worked so hard at doing it?!"

Evilcamaraderiemon whined.

"It's alright Master." a female voice said.

"I know, Thundramon, but I was the best plan I've ever thought of! You may

have a nice

look, but you are really evil inside."

Evilcamaraderiemon's eyes sparkled.

"I could get them for you!" Thundramon said.

"No! If I want things to go my way, I have to do it myself. I'm a witch



"Then I could transform myself into a fair maiden and steal that little girl

's boyfriend.


Evilcamaraderiemon went into a room with tons of

creepy things in it.

"Pixiemon's powder, Monochromon's tusk. This potion will make him love me

forever at

the start of dusk!" she drank it and in a few minutes, she wasn't the evil

Digimon she was

anymore. She was a fair maiden with rosy cheeks, sparkling blue eyes,

ravishing blonde

hair. Nothing else on her was evil anymore.

Her voice sounded like music. "No one will pass me. Abigail Richards will

not be the one

to be crossed."

"Good one!" Thundramon exclaimed.

"Okay. Thundramon. You take charge of the fortress. Don't let anyone disobey

or throw

them in the prison cells until I get back!"


"I have the crest and the Digivice. The Crest of

Romance will fit me well.

And they work

as well as the real ones!"

Abigail ran out of the fortress lifting up her aqua dress for she would trip

if she didn't.

* * *

Mimi was panting when they were going uphill.

"Mimi. Why don't you rest and I'll wait with you."

"But! Oh okay." she agreed. She heard some beeping sounds. "Matt? What's


"It's Tai and the others!" he announced.

"What?!" Mimi gasped standing up, but ended up sitting down again.

"Come on Mimi! Let's go see them," Matt said.

"I can't. My feet hurt and I'm tired," she complained.

"I'll stay with you," Matt said wearily too. He went to the side of the hill

where his

Digivice was pointing to where all the others were.

Finally, he saw Tai and T.K. and all the others. "Tai! T.K.! Over here!"

"Matt!" T.K. said waving at his brother.

All six of them were running up the hill with their Digimon. Palmon and

Gabumon ran

behind all of them.

"Mimi! I was so worried about you!" Palmon exclaimed.

"Matt! Are you alright?" Gabumon asked him.

"I'm alright, Gabumon," Matt replied.

"Come on! Let's get back to camp!" Tai shouted.

"Not yet Tai," Mimi said.

"What do you mean?" Tai asked her.

"Hey. For your information, Mimi hasn't been feeling well," Matt said.

"Matt. We have to talk," Tai said grabbing him by the arm.

"Huh hey!" Matt said.

Mimi was glad they had left. She saw that sparkling light again and started


towards it.

"Don't be afraid, Mimi. It's only me. Come on. Take my hand and you can come


with me," the Digimon said holding her arm out for Mimi to hold.

"Where are you going to take me?" Mimi asked her.

"Huh?" Sora said. "Izzy. What's Mimi doing?"

"It looks like she's talking to herself," Izzy

said. "or not."

"Okay. I'll come along with you," Mimi said closing her eyes.


"What Tai?" Matt said. "You didn't have to drag me all the way here!"

"You want Mimi to like you right?"

Matt nodded.

"Then pretend you like another girl. It always works," Tai said.

"I hope so."

"Mimi wake up! Please wake up!" Palmon was yelling.

"Mimi!" Tai and Matt ran towards where they heard Palmon yelling.

Matt sat next to her and started weeping, tears staining his face. "Mimi

what's wrong

wake up!"

"Mimi just fell to the floor when she was talking to herself. She reached

her arm out and

fainted to the floor!" Sora said worriedly.

"Oh I hope she's alright!" Palmon wailed.

Mimi was in the dream she was the first time she met this Digimon.

"Mimi. A new person is coming along the way. You mustn't trust her."

"Look! Mimi's hallucinating!" Joe said.

"Why shouldn't I trust her?" Mimi said half in dream and half in reality.

"You can't! She is a Digimon you've already met. I am your only guide that

can help you

in the Digiworld. Every evil Digimon wants to destroy you. I can't help you

if you are lost

in evil or if you are scared to death about something you can't accomplish.

All I know

now is that a lot of Digimon want to destroy you and get your crest!" the

voice said in a

serious voice.

Ice ran through Mimi's whole body at the sight of the Digimon's face.

"Should I trust you?" Mimi asked her.

"What's Mimi talking about? Of course she can trust us!" Biyomon exclaimed.

"SHH!!!" they all hissed at her.

"The new person coming is human. She is not to be trusted. You're wise

enough to know

that already. Her crest is the Crest of Romance. Don't be fooled by this

crest or her


Mimi shuddered at the tone of the Digimon's voice.

"I'm scared. Could you help me?" she said.

"I'm sorry. I can't. You are filling your mind with

fear. I'm sorry.


"No! Don't! Don't leave me! Come back!" Mimi yelled.

She woke up and saw that everyone was staring at her.

"What was that all about?" Sora asked her.

Mimi sprang to her feet. "I've got to get back to camp!" she said running

towards where

the mountains were.

"Mimi!" Matt called after her. He started running after her.

"Matt! Wait! Come back!" Gabumon yelled after him. He ran after the both of


Pretty soon, everyone was chasing Mimi. Mimi got back to camp and hid in the

cave they

were at.

"Mimi come out! Where are you?" Matt called to her.


"Mimi! What are you doing here?" Matt asked her. Mimi was on the ground in a


look in front of a spider.

"I'm staying in here because I just do!" she wailed. " Now I don't want to

because there

are bugs here!"

"Come on. Let's go outside. This place is too dark anyway," Matt said.

Mimi obeyed.

When they left the cave, a girl was standing at the entrance. To Matt, he

had to know her

name at this moment, but to Mimi, a mixture of anger, fear, and sadness came

to her mind.

"Are you the DigiDestined of Friendship?" she asked in a voice that sounded

like music.

"No he's not!" Mimi yelled. " He's the DigiDestined of Reliability!"

"I take that as a lie because the DigiDestined of Friendship fits his

description!" the girl

said in a voice that gave Mimi a rush of cold

ice. "I'm Abigail Richards. I' m one of the

DigiDestineds. My crest is the Crest of Romance. I don't actually have a

Digimon, but I

don't think it matters much. Would you mind if you take me around?"

"Okay." was all that Matt said.

He took her by the arm and started showing her around.

Mimi's life was shrouded with darkness. She couldn't hold her tears back any


When she saw that Matt asked that Abigail girl to take him by the arm, she

ran to the

forest where no one would find her. She stayed there for a long time crying

and the same

words kept coming in and out of her mind the day before. If I loved another

girl, she

wouldn't have a caring heart like the one you have.

Mimi couldn't think of anything less, but he and that girl together like

girlfriend and

boyfriend. She couldn't feel anything but hatred and the aching in her heart

that Matt left


A rustle came from the leaves.

That girl that Matt was with was towering above Mimi.

"Hi! You must be Mimi. I met Matt and T.K. and Tai and Joe and Kari and Izzy

and Sora,

but I met you earlier, but you didn't introduce

yourself. I'm A--"

"I know your name!" Mimi yelled. Tear stains were streaked all over her

face. "You didn't

have to take Matt away from me!"

"Oh, but I did..."

Mimi gasped. "How could you?!"

"I'm supposed to be with Matt forever. He never knew that a much more

prettier girl like

me would come along ruining your life. He doesn't even know that you're

alive anymore.

He loves me and it will stay like that forever."

Abigail left leaving Mimi

in a much more

terrible misery.

Mimi was tired and fell asleep while she was crying.

"Where's Mimi?" Palmon asked.

"I don't know." Matt said.

"Are you alright? I thought you liked Mimi." Tai said.

"I used to, but I love Abigail better." he replied.

Abigail sat at the seat next to Matt.

"Abigail. Since you were outside for awhile, did you manage to see Mimi somewhere?" Sora asked her.

"Yes! I--ugh. No! I didn't!" she stammered.

Everyone glared at her except for Matt who was marveling her every move.

"No. I didn't! I never saw this girl you call Mimi, but I saw a girl with pink clothes when I met Matt."

beep! beep! beep!

"Our Digivice!" Tai exclaimed.

They followed the signal where it led them.

They went in the forest.

Mimi was awake at that time.

They made a rustling sound in the bushes.

"I know you're here Abigail! You can't take Matt away! You'll never take him from me!"

she yelled.

A squirrel ran across the clearing Mimi was at.

"Oh. It was just a squirrel," she sighed.


Mimi turned around quickly. "It's YOU! Where have you been?!"

"I've been trying to reach you, but you were so angered by the Digimon human

taking the

DigiDestined of Friendship from you. She's a phony. Don't get fooled by her


"I won't." Mimi promised.

The Digimon disappeared.

All the other DigiDestineds heard everything. They heard the voice clearly,

but they

couldn't see her.

"Abigail is a Digimon?!" Izzy gasped.

Mimi heard him and her Digivice started to beep.

"Are you..." Mimi said slowly.

She walked quietly towards where the DigiDestineds were. When she moved the branches

where she heard something, there was nothing there.

"That's weird. This place is creepy!"

Kari and T.K. were panting after running from Mimi.

"I thought Mimi would find us!" T.K. said.

"Yeah. Now I feel like eating more food!" Kari said.

"Okay." Tai said.

After they ate, they went to bed. Matt was sleeping with Abigail. Izzy, Joe, Kari, T.K., Tai, and Sora were uncomfortable with the sight of Matt and Abigail together, that is...they never thought that they did make a good couple.

Mimi wasn't that sleepy for she was still mad and sad at the thought of Abigail and Matt together.

"It just doesn't make sense! I've met an evil Digimon before? Who could it

be? Who is

that new Digimon that claims that I know her? None of this makes sense. I'm


confused. I don't know who that evil Digimon that I've already met is. I don 't know who

that Digimon that is guiding me is. Who is this evil Digimon?"

Then ice went through her body as if a bullet pierced her heart.

A Princess and a Rebel

by: Dana Marie Toribio Part 3 Is this a Lie?


Matt. Abigail. How could this happen?! That evil Digimon I met was


Since I got Matt back, I knew she would get her revenge. How could anything get worse?

I wish I never met up with Evilcamaraderiemon. None of this would've



I looked up.

"Palmon? How'd you know that I was here?"

"I figured since you weren't around, you'd be somewhere in the forest. What' s wrong?

You haven't eaten dinner for two days already."

"I didn't feel like eating anything. I needed some time to think."

"Oh. Alright. I'll leave you alone. And if you've met that new girl, she's really just flirting with Matt."

"Yeah..." I whispered to myself.

I have to tell him sometime, but he's never gonna believe me. Even worse, Abigail's just gonna get in the way. How could I solve this problem? Abigail's with him about twenty-four hours a day. I'll never figure this out...

"Hey T.K."

"Yes Matt?"

"How are you doing?"

"Okay, but how come you're always with that new girl and not spending any time with me?"

"I ugh."

"See. You're just wasting your time with her and not caring about anyone!



"Mimi?!" he said in bewilderment.

T.K. ran off with Patamon flying after him.

I walked towards Matt. "Matt. There's something that I have to tell you."

"Is it I think you're a big fat jerk because you've been hanging around with

that girl for a

long time?" he guessed.

"No. I have to tell you that she is not a DigiDestined!"

"What?! Are you kidding me?!"

"No! She is a Digimon! Evilcamaraderiemon if you still remember that name!"

"I maybe bent out of shape now, but I can't take any of your jokes Mimi."

"But it's not a joke! It's true!" I yelled.

Suddenly, the world I once had came to an end. Matt thinks I'm joking,

Palmon thinks I'm not her friend anymore. I'm never gonna get out of this mess.

"Mimi! There's a freaky black thing going around you!"

All I heard was T.K. and I remembered nothing else...


The same thing that went around Sora went around Mimi! Matt turned around,

but Mimi

didn't hear me. She stayed quiet and just fell into the hole.

"Mimi!" Matt was yelling.

I heard no one answer.

Matt started going into the cave. I followed him with Patamon flying in front of me, but I didn't go in the cave yet. I guess all the other's heard me because they all came over.

"T.K.! What happened?" Joe asked me.

"I don't know. Mimi just got pulled in by that freaky black thing like Sora and Matt went after her."

"Matt went after her? Who's her? Is it Mimi?"

"Yes it's Mimi, Abigail." Tai said.

"I thought Matt only cared for me! Not that girl!" she complained.

"We'll. Matt doesn't only care for you!" Sora yelled.

"YES HE DOES!" Abigail yelled. "He only cares for me because I put him in a spell!"

Everyone stared at her. We had no doubt that she was a Digimon now!

"I'm going after Matt!" I announced.

Everyone followed.

"So that girl really is a Digimon!" Biyomon said.

"I knew we shouldn't have trusted her!" Izzy said.


"Mimi! Speak to me!" I said.

"You won't care!" she said in a weird tone that was not hers. "She's a Digimon called Evilcamaraderiemon!"

"I know now. I should have trusted you first."

Abigail was listening to the entire conversation. She dropped a few drops of poison in a chalice that contained water.

"Mimi..." I said hugging her (of course, Mimi was outraged). "Can't there be any way you can forgive me?"


I saw the cup of water and gave it to Mimi. "Fine. If you change your mind, find me somewhere in the forest playing my harmonica."

Mimi drank the water unaware that there was any poison (but I didn't know anything about poison) in it because it was crystal-clear. She felt her life flash by her. She didn't

know what was in the water because after one second, she felt back to


"Wait five minutes more. You'll be finished!" Abigail cackled.

Mimi walked out of the cave. I wasn't in the forest like he said. Everyone

was around me

listening to his story.

When we saw Mimi, we asked her tons of questions. She couldn't answer any of


questions. Everything spun around her crazily. She blacked out.


"Mimi's burning! We have to get her cooled down now!" I yelled.

Mimi seemed to have something like a fever, only worse. She was turning a

pale color. All

together, she was turning into an extremely pale color.

"What is this?!" I blurted out.

"Here Joe. Let's take her blood sample." Izzy said.

"I can't watch!" Kari complained.

"Mimi? Are you alright? Are you hurt?" T.K. asked her, of course. She couldn 't hear him

that's for sure.

"Mimi's been poisoned!" Izzy said in a tone that got everyone's attention.

"WHAT?!" they all said.

"But how?" Matt asked. "How could have gotten poisoned? Oh no."

"What is it?" Tai asked him.

"That chalice I gave her was water. Someone must've put some poison in it. It's all my

fault!" Matt said in a sad voice.

"Snap out of it, Matt. You never at like this," Tai yelled.

"I was supposed to protect her!" he wailed.

"We're all supposed to protect each other!" Sora yelled. "Everything doesn't revolve around you for protecting people."

"Umm guys?" T.K. asked.

"WHAT?!" they yelled at him.

He shuddered. "What about Mimi? She's still on the floor and I think she's

getting worse.


Mimi's color was coming back. Did she recover already? She opened her eyes


"What happened? I don't feel so good. I wanna go home," she complained.

The sun was sinking. Mimi's silhouette had a sad shape. Another figure

walked behind


"Matt. Long time no see,"

"Abigail! Get away from Mimi! You're the one who put the poison in the

water! Leave

Mimi alone! I know you're here to hurt her!" he yelled.

"Right, right, right. I am here to hurt Mimi," she said changing her shape.

"My name is

Evilcamaraderiemon you DigiLosers!"

"Cut the chat! Take that poison away from Mimi!" Matt yelled.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that. Kill me first. Then it will disappear."


"Gabumon warp--"


"What is it, Mimi?" Matt asked her.

"Please. Let me help you."

"No. You're too weak!" he yelled to her.

We started backing away because Evilcamaraderiemon was getting closer to Mimi.


I can feel my strength draining away. I have to destroy Evilcamaraderiemon myself.

"Fine," Matt agreed.

"Gabumon warp Digivolved to Metalgarurumon!"

"Palmon Digivolved to Togemon! Togemon Digivolved to Lillymon!"

Evilcamaraderiemon grabbed my arm and called forth a Digimon I never saw, but it looked like a Gazimon.

"Thundramon. Have fun with this Miss Prissy!" she commanded.

"Matt!" I shrieked.

"Flower Cannon!" Lillymon shouted.

"Ice Wolf Claw!" Metalgarurumon said shooting ice towards Thundramon and Evilcamaraderiemon.

He hit Evilcamaraderiemon and Thundramon. Thundramon let go of me and I fell to the side of the cliff hanging onto a branch. I held on panicking because I knew

it wouldn't

hold me. It started to break. The branch I held on broke off and I was

falling to my doom.

I was yelling at the top of my lungs. No one seemed to hear me. I shut my

eyes and hoped

I didn't die. Finally, I heard these words:

"Poison Ivy!"

"Palmon?!?!?!" I asked.

I didn't feel any pain until Palmon's vines reached me. My head was burning.

I had to

keep myself from blacking out from the altitude I fell from. My color was

leaving me once

more. I had to get this poison out of my body. But how?

"Mimi! Are you alright?" Palmon asked me.

"I don't feel so good. Palmon help me please..." then I blacked out once



Mimi fainted again! What should I do?! I can't take this anymore! Everyone

seems to be

yelling! Ooh!


"Mimi? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing. Where's everyone?" she asked me in a clear voice.

"They're fighting Evilcamaraderiemon right now and they need our help!"

"Okay. Let's go!" she said jumping up to her feet.

"Palmon Digivolved to...Togemon! Togemon Digivolved to...Lillymon!"


Matt...Please say you're alright. I couldn't bare it if you were hurt, if

any of my friends

were hurt. Oh! Why did this have to happen?! Why?

"Mimi! Climb on my back!" Lillymon said.

We got there quickly and Evilcamaraderiemon was out of sight.

"Tai! There are evil Digimon everywhere. Huh?! They're multiplying!" Izzy


scanning through his computer. "Multiplying quickly!"

"What?!" everyone gasped.

"But how?!" Sora asked.

No one answered, but we looked around everywhere figuring out where the

Digimon is.
