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Ultimate Digimon Hairstyles


As you can see Lillymon has 2 strings of her vine hair in the front. Cool, huh?

Mimi's Tip: I always brush my hair, do you?

As you can see Garudamon has 2 braids in the front. Cool, huh?

Sora's Tip: I like it! The ultimates have the same hairstyle like we do!

Angewomon has long light blonde hair. Pretty normal, huh?
Kari's tip: I think you fans out there probably know what hairstyle you'll use! Here's some hair tips from the three of us!
  • Use spray or gel!
  • Blowdry your hair!
    And if you've watched closely you'd see that Lillymon has red nail polish and Angewomon has light pink!
